Guide to all things Pony? - and, meet Grundy

I love your barn quilt.


Speaking of! Did you buy or make that @endlessclimb? I’d really like one but keep getting hung up on if I should try to do it myself or just purchase. Does the pattern have a special meaning to you? (I get hung up on which pattern, too!)


It was a gift from a friend. At my last house I had it on my shed, but it was starting to show wear. I forgot the maker, it’s written on the back. My friend bought it on etsy I think!

Thanks! I think I’ve seen that etsy seller. Good to know about the wear!

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I have one on order from someone in Mechanicsville, NY. It’s four different colored autumn leaves. The woman who’s making it uses recycled barn wood.


My husband keeps goading me to make one for the front of the barn. That sounds like a good deep winter project. :slight_smile:

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Bye bye wolf teeth. Vet estimates her more towards 2 than 3, based on how many caps she has. Who knows.


Take pictures when you get it! Sounds lovely.

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That’s definitely been my thought–winter project or purchase? The frustration of making the angles perfect has given me pause on doing it myself, though!


It would be so fun to get kooky colors tho. Ones you’d never really use IN the house, but would look super on a quilt.