had a bad day-feeling frustrated

I have to vent slightly- Im just feeling soo frustrated!

I had my lesson today and It was like I had no energy or ability to use any muscles. It took me 5 minutes to get on! that was with me leaning one foot in the stirrup and trying to figure out how to get up(thankfully horsie was Very patient and stood there) like I couldnt pull myself up nor push. when I finally got on it was not pretty(he walked but in fairness I probably kicked him…) then I felt like the whole lesson I couldnt put 100% physically

Its soo frustrating when i could do something one day then the next I cant,

I wanted to share with people who truely get how I feel and my frustration.

here’s hoping my next ride isn’t that bad…I want to get on myself and not want to burst out crying

Hey at least you are trying, that’s more than many people would do. You’ll be fine.

I know what you mean. There are times when the body just…can’t.

Myself, I try to say “Oh, I’ll get over it, I’ll think positive, etc.,” but that doesn’t quite cut the mustard. I try to let myself wallow for a while then do something positive that i am both good at and can do at this point in time. Distract yourself!

I was right where you are about a week and a half ago. My brain kept telling my body what to do but my body kept going “What? WHAT? I can’t hear you! WHAT?” D’oh! Keep at it and it will get better. Remember the last time you felt like this and also remember that it got better.

Love your signature by they way. I always forget morning meds!

Teddy, I feel your pain!

I know how you feel. There are days when I can barely drag myself out of bed. It is so frustrating when you have something that is supposed to be fun and exciting and it turns out to be more of a chore. It really stinks. I’m sorry today was such a bad day for you. I hope on your next lesson day you are feeling better and can enjoy the lesson :slight_smile:

Thanks guys!

I was soo shocked when it happensed I was like “crap how am I going to get on? Oh man”

I try to push myself but can still never manage thE frustartion even if I end up actually accomplishing whatever the task(in whatever way it happens even if its not great)

All I can say is not many horses would stand still for 5mins with the rider standing on one stirrup contemplating how to get on said 16.3hh horse lol

Thanks classaction I saw the quote on the welcome thread and its just too good not to make a sig line!! I forget my morning meds too just not a morning person:lol:

Hang in there, I have an incomplete spinal cord injury, mayo clinic calls me a walking paraplegic, I have no bladder function and can’t feel much of anything below the waist but I nerve pain, off the charts pain, morphine pump does not stop the pain at times, and my nerves fire off making my muscles twitch. I get so Damn frustrated I can’t stand it, but I always remind myself that at least I am able now to get out of the wheelchair which is more than I can say for some, so stay positive, never ever give up, and if it takes you longer to do something, thats OK. Don’t be so hard on yourself…:slight_smile:

Jingles for you ~ You got on !!! You rode !!! You did what you started out to do!!! Next lesson will be better ~ please be kind to yourself and recognize that you did ride today !!! Good For You !!!

I know how you feel. The mind is saying one one thing and the body says you want me to do what???

Zen Breathe and carry on.

I had an asthmatic reaction to the H1N1 vaccine (my assumption) - lost my voice, chest tight. Because I hadn’t ridden all week due to the bitter cold I was bound and determined to ride on Saturday in my usual lesson (given the weather these days, you never know when the next window of opportunity will arrive!). And I just felt like my legs were dragging.

But here was the thing. The harder I tried, the worse it became. And I finally gave myself permission to just to what I could do, as long as I tried for lightness and flow. We did almost all the work at the walk, and the lesson was short.

Was it the most fabulous lesson I’d ever had? not hardly. But sometimes, it allows you to focus on just one thing, even if that just one thing is as basic as breathing.

And I bet your horse was fine with it. They know. Really, they do.

Hope the next ride finds you better!

look at the bright side, some people will spend hours teaching their horse to stand for 5 minutes. What you did was re-enforce his training:-) And that is a positive thing. Sometimes you just need to look at what was accomplished and not what wasn’t accomplished.



Its soo frustrating when i could do something one day then the next I cant,

here’s hoping my next ride isn’t that bad…I want to get on myself and not want to burst out crying[/QUOTE]
It sure has been my experience that when I have a really bad ride or lesson, the next one tends to be a lot better.

I know how frustrating it can be to never know until you get started if it is going to be “one of those days”.

Thanks everyone :slight_smile: Im sure he knew but he still took advantage of it by spooking in the corner at snow(I dont buy it he saw it 3x before our lesson) and was pretending he couldnt feel my legs in that corner lol:lol:(really he was trained to 4th level I expect him to no need to be booted lol)

Lesson learned I must start carrying a crop/whip again. just as a barrier for my legs his foreward button works well:lol: almost too well…

Lesson learned I must start carrying a crop/whip again. just as a barrier for my legs his foreward button works well:lol: almost too well…[/QUOTE]

I always carry a whip to use as a third leg to just gently get the horse to move out, or even to help steer in turns on the hindquarters, etc. It saves my legs.

I think you are doing great to go out and get on the horse at all. It has been so cold here that I haven’t even been able to get to the barn at all. My back and joints are really starting to feel the lack of riding …

Ahhhh Teddy !!!

You have not seen my husband pushing on my butt to get me on yet !!! It is sometimes quite a show…

I feel your frustration…NP you vent when you fell to it…

Im feeling much better now thanks soo much guys!

My mounting skills are well not pretty on good days lol lets say im super not smooth and leg ups well are even worse:lol:(ok usless im riding something`12-13hh)

Its been a journey trying to figure what tack combos’/equipment to use to make life easy

now IA just gotta figure out tack trunks that arent $$$$

The weather really sucks here most days frequent storms make riding less frequent

I am really identifying with this, as until recently my only other ‘impairment’ is the partial hearing loss I’ve had almost all of my life. Lately I’ve had less exercise tolerance, was becoming short of breath on lesser and lesser exertion. (I’ve been aware I had a ‘malfunctioning’ heart valve for awhile that, at last dx was not yet at critical stage, but appears to have become so now.) I shall know for sure after mid January workup. I am temporarily horseless, which is actually a blessing as I literally lack the necessary energy to groom or ride right now. I agree with those who say just do what you can, and do not beat up on yourself for what you cannot do. Sometimes just being around a horse or horses is therapeutic in itself.

Ahhhh Teddy !!!

You have not seen my husband pushing on my butt to get me on yet !!! It is sometimes quite a show…

I feel your frustration…NP you vent when you fell to it…[/QUOTE]

Oh good, somebody else has to have the butt push, too. I get the butt push and then have my feet put into the stirrups. I can’t lean over to place my own feet in, or I lose my balance and fall off!!!

Oh good, somebody else has to have the butt push, too. I get the butt push and then have my feet put into the stirrups. I can’t lean over to place my own feet in, or I lose my balance and fall off!!![/QUOTE]

Well, to tell you the truth I had 2 helpers at a point…My husband on my butt case and someone else catching my leg and put it in the stirrup…

That was when I got the brilliant idea to show my greenies while on chemio…I was so weak…

I am older and have a particularly bad case of fibro. I decided to take lessons, right? I get to my lesson and there was no way that I was getting on without the “buttpush”. :lol:Pride was triumphant and got nowhere. That’s when I began my " logrolling" mount :eek:(former nurse!).Thankfully the horse was patient and a body. Rolling onto his back wasn’t frightening. That lead to using the technique to get onto the bed of my truck when hitching the gooseneck. Somewhere along the line , since being diagnosed, I have learned to laugh at myself. The image of a fluffy woman rolling onto a horse is hysterically funny to me. Good thing, huh? Keep your head up! You are out doing it! Be proud. Peg:)


I went for a short ride today:) only because it was -22 without the windchill:eek:

I was a bit tired but mounting was easier than last time which was awesome.

My arms are kinda tired though from playing the not gonna bridle me game and removing 2 blankets lol

Horsie was fresh so I lunged him first and he was a awesome lunger just clip on the bit and go!(normally I use the over the poll way but hes headshy and is really well mannered)

I love this forum! nice to have people who really get what im going through,