Harmony Horsemanship - Lindsay Partridge abuses horses

Anyone else on Coth see the thread on Facebook with the videos of her punching her horse?

I’m starting this thread so anyone searching her services find this and don’t use her.

She’s another person making her business on “harmony”, kindness and understanding but actually is abusing horses and using cruel methods of training and care.


I didn’t see it but I do know she suffered a fairly severe TBI about a year ago - maybe it’s changed her personality?

I have wondered that also but comments on the thread said this has been going on forever.

I do have the video and screen shots of all the other (horrible) accusations but not sure if appropriate to post here. The video is bad and the accusations even worse.


Holy moly. I followed the page on a whim a while ago but unfollowed semi-recently when things got too woo-woo and anti-mainstream competition for my tastes.

Another guru marketing their program as natural and horse friendly and “better than” turning out to be abusive…


Oh wow, I recently found her because she takes her horses to the RRP Makeover and I was looking at her Freestyle routines. I wonder if she will still be allowed to compete this year?

Edited:I don’t see her on the list for entries this year.

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Good question.

I’ve taken lessons with trainers who are certified through her and they were wonderful. It’s an awful situation.

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I was called to pick up a friend’s horse from a LP clinic one time because the trailer he’d gone in was far too small and he refused to reload. (we won’t get into the told ya so lol) I showed up with my oversized trailer and friend asked if LP could do a loading session. Ok, whatever. I was not amused and spent several $$ sessions teaching that poor confused horse that rearing upon being asked to load was not acceptable and that he didn’t have to do more than he was comfortable with - baby steps. He turned into a self loader in time, but I tell you, watching that “teach a bad loader how to load” lesson put me off LP and anyone else who claims “Natural Horsemanship” for loading an upset horse. She’s also the one who gave me the hate for the term “drive line” during that session. Oh, you mean the bash on him until he’s scared enough to go the way you want him to go line because he sees no other option? Got it. Close the effing doors, we are out and will fix this at home! $0.02


No, I haven’t seen the thread. I am scared to go look.

I participated in a 5-day “Center of Your Horse’s Universe” clinic with her about 5 years ago, and had an incredible experience. The mare I took was new-to-me, I had just moved her home from a busy boarding stable, and was looking to find my footing with her as the transition to being fully on my own with my mare at home had knocked my confidence. Particularly because mare was a very difficult loader. I imagine most experienced horse people here would find the exercises and content fairly basic, but the extremely horse-centered, supportive environment I found at that clinic is the antithesis of the description in the first post. I’m confused about @sascha’s loading anecdote above, because forcing/rushing/whacking a horse to load is not how I experienced LP working with my own difficult loader- it was very much a “take as long as it takes” session, with the main theme being that the horse’s nose stays pointed in the direction of the trailer (no endless circling, turning, twisting, walking away and walking back to the trailer)- she keeps the horse facing the trailer, and it goes forward as it’s comfortable. That simple approach resolved my loading challenges. The whole clinic was just what I needed in the moment my confidence had taken a hit.

I never bought any of the videos or branded training tools. nor do I subscribe to the “single trainer as all-knowing guru” mentality that can sometimes permeate the cult of personality that clinicians build around themselves. That said, I got what I needed from the hands-on clinic and found it very clear and practical to apply to lots of different kinds of horses; e.g., several of her “Calm Connection” exercises are still my go-tos when bringing a nervous horse to a new environment. I’ve continued to lesson with a trainer/instructor who’s gone through the HH certification process, who is one of the single kindest, most patient, most effective teachers of horses and people I’ve ever met. So while I am an only anecdote of 1 for sure, I was very surprised to see this thread pop up based on my personal experience.

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Oh, it was all of that except that she clearly has no understanding of giant warmbloods who have been asked to do the near impossible earlier in the day and that “comfortable” is not to be measured by licking and chewing or whatevertf it was she thought she was measuring it by.

It took a LOT to get that horse out of the rearing habit she instilled in it. It was altogether a gross experience to watch and I was VERY clear that the trip to and from the next day would be done on my terms and she would be nowhere near the trailer for loading to go home.

1000% would not recommend.

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Fair enough! Sorry the horse had a bad experience.

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Wow. I used to enjoy watching her freestyle routines at RRP. I was impressed. Now I’m depressed. :frowning:

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Do you have a link?

Everything has been deleted but I have screen recordings and screen shots. Not sure if it’s appropriate to post it’s pretty violent. Honestly surprised it’s not on TikTok or the like yet, although I’m not on there so maybe I just haven’t seen it!

I’m pretty sure it’s fine to post since it was shared publicly elsewhere. But I’m not a moderator (obviously lol)


Well that unhinged flailing on the tied horse in the first video comment is hard to watch. And some of the accusations about training techniques certainly sound rough, though I don’t know anymore how to think about anonymous posts with so many serious allegations.

Some of the other complaints in the text feel a bit like sour grapes to me (I am 100% positive I have expired bottles of something in my vet kit or feed room-or in my own human medicine cabinet, to be honest). Having barn rats working with training horses, doing little kid lessons and summer camp…doesn’t sound alarming to me. I am also not appalled by people who use a gun for euthanasia, though could not personally do so myself.

But skinning and butchering a horse in your yard with clients around? That sounds really out there!

Mostly I just feel like the whole horse world is adrift right now and there is nowhere trustworthy to turn if you’re an averagely experienced rider who wants to do right by your horse and occasionally needs guidance/training/instruction to do so.


Ok, so perhaps I’m glad I didn’t get beyond the first few comments. :frowning:


Awful, I can’t imagine why they would make that up though.

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Can’t get the linked FB page to open ):

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Yeah, some of these are a little too detailed but also not so far fetched as to be unbelievable.

The video is bad. There is no reason to punch a horse in the face like that, unless you’re being dragged down and savaged by something. The horse appeared to just be… standing there.