No, I haven’t seen the thread. I am scared to go look.
I participated in a 5-day “Center of Your Horse’s Universe” clinic with her about 5 years ago, and had an incredible experience. The mare I took was new-to-me, I had just moved her home from a busy boarding stable, and was looking to find my footing with her as the transition to being fully on my own with my mare at home had knocked my confidence. Particularly because mare was a very difficult loader. I imagine most experienced horse people here would find the exercises and content fairly basic, but the extremely horse-centered, supportive environment I found at that clinic is the antithesis of the description in the first post. I’m confused about @sascha’s loading anecdote above, because forcing/rushing/whacking a horse to load is not how I experienced LP working with my own difficult loader- it was very much a “take as long as it takes” session, with the main theme being that the horse’s nose stays pointed in the direction of the trailer (no endless circling, turning, twisting, walking away and walking back to the trailer)- she keeps the horse facing the trailer, and it goes forward as it’s comfortable. That simple approach resolved my loading challenges. The whole clinic was just what I needed in the moment my confidence had taken a hit.
I never bought any of the videos or branded training tools. nor do I subscribe to the “single trainer as all-knowing guru” mentality that can sometimes permeate the cult of personality that clinicians build around themselves. That said, I got what I needed from the hands-on clinic and found it very clear and practical to apply to lots of different kinds of horses; e.g., several of her “Calm Connection” exercises are still my go-tos when bringing a nervous horse to a new environment. I’ve continued to lesson with a trainer/instructor who’s gone through the HH certification process, who is one of the single kindest, most patient, most effective teachers of horses and people I’ve ever met. So while I am an only anecdote of 1 for sure, I was very surprised to see this thread pop up based on my personal experience.