The details aren’t important, but basically due to a combination of life events and health issues with my horse, I have been struggling for the last couple of years to feel the passion I once felt for riding. I feel like I have never met any of my goals, and they’re pretty modest given I’m just a working stiff AA. At this point, for me to ever grow as a rider, I would have to get a new horse and start over due to my horse’s health issues. And that seems exhausting to me. I don’t want to do it. I don’t want to invest the money and experience the heartbreak all over again. Probably 50% of the time I leave the barn depressed or even crying. It used to be my happy place but it isn’t anymore.
I waver back and forth between walking away and buckling down and trying to push through it, raise the money for a new horse, dive back in. Because I have worked hard to get where I am, even if it’s no place special, and I feel like even if I quit for a year I would lose some fitness and skills and be even more in the hole. I have been deeply involved with horses for over 20 years. It’s the only thing I’m any good at. It’s such a huge part of my identity, I’m just not sure who I am without it. When my horse friends tell me about their triumphs or their struggles, I mostly feel angry. Like I WISH my problem was that I had to figure out a new bit that works for Mr. Fussyface. Instead I get to deal with career-ending health issues and it’s not even my FIRST horse to go through that.
Have you ever struggled with this? What did you do? I wish I were one of those people who had multiple horses so it wasn’t such a big deal if one was lame or had some training issues, but that’s not in the cards for me. I just wish I could feel happy around horses again but it seems like it’s been ages.