Help me color coordinate for showing

I have a schooling show coming up, so I’m not too worried about that. I would like to figure out what the heck color coat/breeches to wear though for non schooling dressage and working equitation shows.

I have this pad that I would like to coordinate around and I have black Kingsley dress boots with the glittery top. For breeches, the darker the better…I am like Pig Pen. I currently have some nice black ones. I would definitely be open to creative jacket options though! Looking online everything seems so standard black/navy/hunter.

Help please!


IIWM, I’d go for gray breeches, as close to the pad color as you can get.
:thinking: Maybe a tan coat to go with your handsome boy’s coloring? If you could have that w/black piping, collar, all the better to coordinate with the Fjord :sunglasses:

Caveat: I don’t know if such a coat exists…
Look what I found:

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A coat with a colour something like this would be nice


In the photo you provided, i see a pink undertone to your boy’s coloring. So, anything with a yellow, gold, green tone would be out. Toward red would be in. that’s if you want to coordinate. Contrast would be a different story and i, personally, would lean toward blues.

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I would love to find a jacket that is a match on the saddle pad, but I haven’t found anything that close in a store/online. Im sure I could do something custom, but not sure I want to spend custom dollars hahaha.

I have seen breeches online that are pretty close though.

It’s hard for me to tell the exact color of your pretty pad. It looks like a silvery sage.

Since I am also Pig Pen, I tend to go for gray breeches than black. My horse is a bay roan and any white hairs he sheds, plus arena dust, are really visible on black. A neutral light gray would coordinate with your horse and make a nice contrast with your fancy boots.

Jackets? A sage green (if you can find the right tone/not too yellow) would be pretty. So would a dusty teal. However, some sort of brown or rich tan might be a safer bet. Then, if you want to get really fancy you can get your local tailor to add some piping that coordinates with your pad!


It’s listed as “khaki green” but I agree that’s it’s more of a Sage. I had been looking for a color just like this and found a lot of darker/lighter versions before I found it. The orange is also an option, that looks super nice on him too!

I’m thinking gray is a good way to go breeches wise! I’ll have to look for some lighter jacket options! I hadn’t really thought of that before, your guys are all the best :grin:

This is him in the orange if anyone has suggestions for that!


I have no suggestions, just came here to say that your boy is stunning in both. :heart_eyes:


As you say for the jacket an exact match to the pad is going to be very hard to find, and an inexact match is just going to look really sloppy.

I would take the pad to a good fabric store and find a match so you can add it to the collar of a black jacket. For breeches I’d look for ones that match the pad binding, or wear white or black. I think gray is going to create too many colors in the overall effect for it to be harmonious.


That’s my hesitation even with trying to match the breeches, it’s so hard to tell the actual color from photos, even if it looks close. I REALLY like the idea of matching fabric for the collar on a jacket! That would be just enough.

Looking at the greys online, I agree that that it might be a lot going on. I like the idea of white! I think that would look sharp. I could prob manage as long as I have pants to put on over them before and after the ring.


Thank you! I agree but I am biased haha.


I feel like a jacket is a major investment whereas a pad is not. Even though a high end pad can cost almost as much as a jacket! But most people have multiple pads, they can downgrade show pads to daily pads, and while fit matters it’s not as fussy as a jacket.

A show jacket for most of us is only going to be worn a couple times a year, you likely will only have one, and fit will be a huge factor in choosing a brand and style.

So I would suggest going neutral with the jacket, black or navy is always safe and can take you to many different kinds of classes. Then with the new easier rules you can pick a pastel or dark color for the breeches.

Then if by next year you have a new favorite pad you can still coordinate your jacket with it.


I’m useless when in comes to matching, but holy moly he is handsome!


I’m terrible at matching but what a hunk! He’s lovely!


Asmar had a sage coat a few years ago - it was dreamy and I would’ve bought it but at the time, it was not USDF legal.

I think that this would look great with you pad. And I agree grey or maybe beige breeches are actually easier to keep clean (or hide lack thereof) than black. I am another pig pen, and medium colors work for me rather than either very dark or very light.


CT jackets are great and I love the colour on that one! Comfortable and stretchy, perfect if your horse halts just a little too far from the WE obstacle and you have to reeeeeach… plus they are showerproof.

I’m loving that dusty teal color above.

But I gotta say, he looks gorgeous in the “ginger” colored pad, too.

Color coordinated piping and/or a collar would be a good way to stick with the ease of a more basic jacket color but customize for your pad. Because you want to hunt down a tailor and just the right color of accessories, right? :grin:

I’ve been showing in grey breeches this year, and I will say they are excellent at camouflaging dirt!

But with that pad maybe something more like beige breeches with that sage coat?

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My vote is for the dark beige/tan breeches and spring for a jacket that matches the pad. I also really like the idea of adding touches of color to the jacket.

I know you like the green pad but it might be easier to find a jacket you like and match the pad to it?