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Help me decide between two horses update post 37

I know I seemed pretty harsh on here, but I hate for someone to lose confidence. Much respect for your open mind and the grit to make the right decision for youself.

I hope you have a passing PPE and get to enjoy a new partnership! Best of luck! Photo tax when you do :slight_smile:


It sounds like you dodged a pain in the butt with the import. Good luck with the PPE, hope it all sails through and you get the horse you need.

When I was a younger AA I had the best thoroughbred ever. I did a lot of the AA hunters and eq in Connecticut where it is pretty competitive. The three foot was not a big deal for him even though he was just a touch over 15.3. He had a good stride and the three-foot lines could actually get a little tight for him. He was a crap mover and we never did the hack unless we were in the running for champion or reserve, but he jumped his little heart out and got some nice ribbons in excellent company, sometimes even beating the warmbloods which were becoming fashionable.

That said, for two years we lived in Chester County, PA, and one year I did the Locals at Devon, which at that time were 3’6". (I think they dropped them down to 3’3" so local horses wouldn’t ruin their green status.) There was a HUGE difference. First, I could actually ride forward to the fences and the lines with the pace he preferred without pulling back. Second, the jump! Holy cow, did I get air time! Weirdly enough, I found my distances better at 3’6" than I ever did at 3’. I think it was because I was scared stiff, so I put my hands in his neck and rode forward and looked up. It was so fun. I sort of regret not doing the A/Os on him because he was so brave, the height and distances suited him better, and there were proportionately more jumping classes, so the hack was weighted less. A lot of the smaller shows in CT only had a three class division in the A/As at the time. I also didn’t know I could become a timid wimp.

Having grown up on an evil pony, then riding OTTBs in my early adulthood, I have to say, I don’t like warmbloods. I’m sure there’s an individual that would be a match, but I don’t find them, in general, to be as honest to the jumps. My TBs would both throw their heart over any jump they were faced with … leg on or off, slow or fast pace, shitty or great distance … that was within their scope. I once jumped a 4’3" vertical on my hunter, and jumped 3’6" at home on my jumper. He was tried for a junior jumper, but wasn’t quite scopy enough, but he tried his heart out over those 4’3" oxers. The warmbloods I have ridden have been spooky (some in a dirty way), jump crappy if you get to an odd distance, will stop, don’t have as much confidence. I don’t know. I haven’t ridden a six-figure horse though.

I know I don’t like a kick ride, especially at three foot an up. I don’t want a hot horse, but I want a horse that sees the distance and will take me down to it. If I have to kick, I feel like I’m not going to make it down the lines and crashing in the middle of an oxer is a huge fear. At 3’6", you may want a politely forward ride.

Lorenzo at Devon

I’ve gotten quite timid following a couple falls (two dirty spooks). I’m 50 now. Menopause has hit. I found an appaloosa (possibly TBx) with a strong lower-level dressage background who has a forward mindset. He just started jumping last summer and has an affinity for it. He doesn’t have radar for the jumps like my TBs, but he carries a nice pace and is learning his job. He’s doing 2’6" with my trainer now and seems to have potential for the 3 foot. He is 16.1, takes up a good amount of leg, and 11 years old. If he learns his job and can pack me around the 2’6", I’ll probably keep him. If he can do the three foot competitively and I can get a decent amount of money for him, I may let him move up and on. (Then, I’d use the money to find an OTTB prospect probably.) And Bennie was dirt, dirt cheap. Definitely worth the investment.

My trainer doing the 2’6" this past weekend. Bennie’s first h/j show.

On the Facebook group Hunter Jumper Equitation Unicorns

there is a 15.1 h grey Connemara that sounds like it may be something that would suit you. (Well, he might be too jumpery now that I watched the videos.) There’s also an Irish sport horse that sounds great. He’s ribboned at the Adult New England Medal Finals, and that is a spooky ring.

I’m stealing “politely forward”… great way to put it. That is definitely my type of ride. I love Bennie’s expression.


Awww. Thank you so much!

Seconded. No one likes to be run away with, but I’ll take a “land and steady” type of ride over a kick ride any day.


I rode a horse that was trained first as a polo pony that fit that perfectly. I would squeeze til we had the pace I wanted and he’d just continue until told to slow down. He was maybe 15.1 but scopey and could see and get to his own distances. I wish I was in a position to buy him back then. That was one of those heart horses, but I was headed off to school and my parents had just divorced. :frowning: I still wonder what he ended up doing, cause he could have done anything.