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Help me ID this farm visitor Updated 6/8/22

Ooh! Interesting. I will admit that my first instinct when I looked at it was “that’s not a deer I’ve seen on the Eastern Shore,” which made me think not WTD and not sika deer, but I could definitely be wrong there. My first gut instinct guess was “roe deer.” I would be really interested to hear what DNR said. The ones in my county were pretty darn good at id. I thought about recommending you ask in Nextdoor (I hate Nextdoor, but it does have its uses), but I would worry about that one idjit who wants to net themself a weird deer this hunting season.


We have a good population of solid black squirrels over in Denton, @Texarkana! And I’ve seen piebald ones in town in Easton.

Is it terrible that I really want to introduce the piebald population to the black ones in the hope of getting some black and white pinto squirrels?:laughing:

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You joke, but on my farm in Tennessee I had a white tailed deer with a broken leg who had her own feed pan, water bucket, and bed of straw. We named her Jane Doe. She showed up in the winter, stayed all spring and into summer until one day she was gone. I would like to think she was finally sound enough to rejoin the herd, but was afraid reality was either the coyotes or a neighbor with a rifle got her.

Now I have a white buck in hunting season. So yeah, trying not to get attached.


FWIW my husband took one look and said “sika deer.” I said you’re on the Eastern Shore and he said, “Yup, definitely sika deer!” It would be interesting to hear if you ever get a definite ID.

Here’s an interesting pair of deer I saw near my house 5 years ago, one piebald and one albino (who was unfortunately a little camera-shy):


Cool pictures @Libby2563!

So I think at this point we have determined it’s either a white tailed, a sika, a fallow, a roe, or something else entirely! :rofl:

Anyone local or with time to Google know the best way to ask DNR? In the past I have called but my 9-5 weekdays have been hella busy and I will forget.

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This person, who does Game Management, might be a good bet to email:


More options here:


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Thanks @Simkie!

My co-worker who hunts in Maryland also says sika deer, for whatever that’s worth.

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Interesting! A lot of my hunter friends have also said sika.

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While I was updating another of my threads, I figured I’d update on the white deer situation:

They’re multiplying.

I’m not sure if it’s the same one from the fall or a different pair. They are equally as fearless of humans.


Did you ever get an expert’s opinion on what they are?

No, I left a message for DNR and never heard back. Then the original deer disappeared for months over the winter so it was forgotten.

The two current ones look more like white tailed deer than the original one, although I’m still debating if one of them is the buck from the fall just more grown up and developed. While they aren’t scared of me, they haven’t gotten up close to the house like the one in the fall, so I haven’t gotten an up close look.

Strange, our local zoo is asking if anyone can tell what this is, caught by their security cameras:

This would probably be easy to identify in a video. I’m guessing it’s a deer that is doing a quick 180 to run the other way in response to the fence or the camera. But that still shot looks weird.

Looks like a billy goat to me.

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must be an albino chupacabra


Definitely a chupacabra. :joy:



Excuse the mess.


your new tenants look nice…