Help with medical causes for bucking/bolting/anxiety

Hello. First time poster hoping for some help on potential medical issues underlying behavioral problems– bucking, bolting, and general nervousness. Apologies for length. I am not sure what is relevant and want to give as complete of a picture as I can.

I bought a horse in August 2022. Friesian cross, ~11 year gelding. I am in the rural northeast; he came from the south. Things were okay for three months– he was clearly nervous about a lot of things, in the sense that he had to stop and look at things. Nothing dangerous: just sometimes he had to stop and take a close look at something, and might give it a snort or two. I was willing to take it slow so was not bothered too much by this. He was responsive under saddle and good on the ground.

Around Thanksgiving 2022, I was riding in our indoor arena during a rainstorm and he spooked badly– bolted– at the wind. This was about after 20 minutes of riding. When I woke up, I had a concussion and a broken shoulder. After that, he had ~1-1.5 months off while I healed (people were still handling him for turnout, friends were grooming him, etc., but no work).

During the time when I was not riding, people were telling me that his anxiety on the ground was worsening– there was an incident where he refused to go into his stall after coming in from the pasture, and the staff had to make a human chain to herd him in. They couldn’t go into his stall to remove his halter for a few hours after because he was so nervous. He was nervous about being blanketed, about night check, about random sounds. There was one incident where someone went in his stall for night check, and he took an aggressive step toward the guy. The guy raised his arms and the horse backed off into the corner of the stall.

Once I was feeling better, my instructor and I did groundwork only for about 1-1.5 months while I continued to heal and so that both of us could regain confidence. My first ride after the fall was in March. The weather was beautiful, the barn was quiet, and he had been lunged before. The first ten minutes were okay, but then he bolted again.

I didn’t fall, but immediately got off. (I know this is not ideal, but after my accident I did not have the courage to stay on.) I sent him to a trainer in early May: a very experienced cowboy-type trainer who has worked with many horses I know and has dealt with a lot of behavioral problems. They started with groundwork, and I was told that the horse is very well-educated in groundwork– knows all sorts of things. The trainer’s first few rides were okay, but then again the horse bolted for no discernable reason. When bolting failed to get rid of the rider, he escalated to bucking. That did remove the rider, who was not injured but was pretty badly bruised. Later that day or on the next day, he slammed the trainer around in the stall (again, this is a super-experienced guy who has seen everything).

That was when the trainer told me that he felt the horse was too dangerous to work with. He said that this is only the second time in his career he has thought that about a horse. He routinely deals with horses that buck, bolt, flip, etc.; but what he said is that he felt that this horse was completely checked out during the bolting and bucking– there was no communicating with him whatsoever.

That trainer referred us to another trainer with an extremely structured program. The horse lasted five days there: on his first ride at the new place, he bucked violently at the mounting block, and the rider again was fairly beaten up from the fall. I got the same call: horse is too dangerous to work with.

His anxiety on the ground was there since I brought him home, but is getting worse and does not seem to be related to fear that he will be ridden. The barn staff who do turn-in, for instance, were just trying to put him in his stall– there was nothing then to suggest that he was about to be ridden. When he is calm, he’s great. He’s sweet and affectionate and loves attention. But when something worries him (and it can be the tiniest of things), he’s jumping out of his skin, and sometimes, like with the trainer in the stall, it becomes dangerous. In turnout with other geldings, he isolates himself in the pasture.

We haven’t done a ton of medical exploration: his magnesium was a bit low initially, but we supplemented to get it normal. He’s on SmartTranquility from SmartPak, but it has had no calming effect whatsoever on ground or undersaddle. My vet checked his hearing at the barn and he has had his teeth floated twice in the period that I’ve had him. When I purchased him, I had x-rays done of his feet and legs, and the only thing that was found was minor sidebone that the vet said was not atypical for his age and conformation.

I don’t have a lengthy background on this horse. I bought him from a beginner owner who wanted him to be a trail horse, but he spooked on the trails and she didn’t feel comfortable riding him. She had him with a trainer friend of hers who only ever saw the anxious snorting-type behavior that I mentioned earlier. According to the woman who owned him prior to the seller, he had been used in a lesson program and was safe and solid. The sales video shows kids riding him. I am aware of the fact that sellers can lie, but none of these people have given me a specific reason to believe that they are being dishonest.

After spending a long time talking with my vet, instructor, and the two trainers who tried to work with him, I am close to euthanizing him. If it was just issues under saddle, maybe I could send him to a retirement barn, but my instructor (who is the barn owner) thought that with his issues on the ground, it wouldn’t be fair to the staff there.

But before I do that, I want to check off the major boxes with respect to medical issues. I’m near a vet school and can have things done. I don’t want to go down a never-ending rabbit hole of chasing pain symptoms, because given his escalating anxiety on the ground, it’s only a matter of time before someone (other than me!) is hurt. But I think it’s reasonable to at least check his vision and get good imaging of his head, neck, withers. What else?

Thanks very much. I am not a lifelong horse-person and am learning things as I go. I want to do the right thing by the horse while also protecting the people who have to deal with him.


I was thinking about vision problems too, or maybe gut pain? His problems do not seem riding related. Did you notice any weird behaviour when he is outside in the paddock? Any bolting with no reason?

Not to be “that person,” but this sounds like it could have started with ulcer pain that snowballed given the timeline.


The only thing I’ve seen in the pasture is that he isolates himself from the other horses. But it’s a large pasture and if he was bolting, people wouldn’t necessarily notice it. He’s definitely the low guy in the herd.

Can check for ulcers. Scoping is the definitive way to check? @Texarkana no problem in being “that person” (I actually don’t even know what that means in this context!). Any suggestions are welcome. Like I said, I want to do the right thing for the horse.

Unfortunately nothing is really “definitive” with ulcers. Scoping is very helpful in diagnosis, but it only shows one area of the GI tract, so a clean stomach doesn’t necessarily mean there are no ulcers anywhere.

In your experience, are there other ulcer diagnostics I could ask for in conjunction with scoping? I want to be prepared going into the conversation with my vet.

The major issue with his escalating issues on the ground is that I don’t feel it’s safe for me or the others who handle him to spend a lot of time with diagnostics. I know that with many problems, the process looks like: trying something, tweak something, wait a few months and seeing how he’s doing, tweak something else, wait some more time, … We’ve done that kind of thing with my other horse’s lameness problems, but she was never dangerous, which made it a completely different story.

Just get 2 weeks worth of u gard. Give a whole tube daily for two weeks and see what you’ve got.

Then, if no improvement, I’d be scheduling going to the clinic. Let them handle him. They’ll sedate him if need be.

I don’t blame you for not wanting to go too deep down the rabbit hole, but a clinic will give you the most bang for your buck.

Does this horse tie? I’d tie him to a wall in his stall when he’s acting aggressive or over the top fearful, in a rope halter on a blocker ring.


Makes sense. Thanks. I’ll mention it to his vet when we talk and see what she thinks. Scheduling him at the vet school and getting the trailer lined up will probably take longer than two weeks anyway.

Regarding tying him in his stall: no one really does anything with him in the stalll-- just putting him in or bringing him out. Everything (grooming, etc.) is done in crossties. A couple times the night check person might walk in if they can’t see the hay/water/etc. from the outside, but that’s about it.

I think sending your horse to the vet school is a great idea. Tell them everything you’ve told us and then trust them to do their job. Big kudos to you for trying to do what’s best for this horse.


My suspicion is the behavior has always been there, and is why horse got shunted along between owners. He may have been more lethargic in a hotter climate.

I think it is very likely pain, and pain that comes in intermittent twinges. Ulcers, but also something in back or neck. Pain bad enough that he freaks out trying to get away from it, and that he starts to always worry it’s about to bite him.


Do you think that a full-body bone scan would be useful to do? It’s not cheap, but also not prohibitively out of the budget. As @OzarksRider mentioned, I will take him to the vet school and tell them everything (might even hand them a printout of my OP), but my experiences with them in the past have not been 100% positive and I want to go in with some ideas of my own.

I’ve experienced the checking out and having a well educated horse just freak out like that. And it was neurological. But I would start with ulcer scope first given the timeline and because some horses really freak out with ulcers and if he has them it could muddy the results from other diagnostics until that pain is under control. If ulcer scope is clean, I’d go straight to neuro including spinal X-rays.


Well, you can start with things like flexions and blocks and body work to see if you can narrow down where he hurts. Stuff shows up on scans that isn’t necessarily the actual problem.


Thanks, all. I feel like I have an idea of next steps. I’m trying to make only one trip to the vet school (just to minimize the amount of scary things he has to do, thus reducing chances someone will get hurt). They can usually set things up so the horse sees multiple specialists over the course of a week. The plan in my head right now looks something like this:

Try Ulcergard for two weeks. If his anxiety on the ground dramatically improves, awesome. See if it stays that way. If not, go to vet school, have them scope for ulcers, check vision, check for pain, check for neurological issues. If there’s nothing, or if there’s something but it’s vague, I think I’ll have to euthanize at that point.

Does that sound reasonable? As I mentioned, I am not a very experienced horse owner and want to be careful with a decision this big.


I’d at least try to tie him in his stall. Will make him understand 1) to chill out in there 2) he doesn’t own that space 3) it isn’t a free for all area 4) it’s a place to slowww downnn.

I’d tie him from the second I walked in until the second I left, so 3-4 hours or so. When my young one gets her morning willys every so often, BO is instructed to tie her to the wall - there’s a blocker ring hanging in there for just that. She immediately settles, because she understands what “tied to the wall” means: relax. Stops her from doing property damage in her excitement for turnout. Win-win.

I’d do the two weeks. If it improves, continue for another two weeks to complete the course.

Other than that, I think your plan is entirely reasonable. I’m sorry you’re going through this.

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Thank you. I appreciate the advice.

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Kind of a long shot, but have them do a blood test for allergies. My horse gets very agitated when his allergies kick in. Nothing as extreme as what you describe in any way, but worth checking into.

Also, what color is he?

When you don’t know what you are looking for, they are generally a waste of money. Even when you do have an idea, they are iffy on being truly helpful. As one surgeon told me, the thing that’s the problem can light up, the thing that’s not the problem can light up, or the whole damn thing can light up.

In that particular case, I was dealing with a horse who had an extreme bucking reaction and was very cold-backed, so I had a fairly good idea on what was the general area of pain (back), but not the specific area. However, in our case the treatment was fairly limited no matter what, so instead of spending money on a possible snipe hunt, I just put it in to treatment. Unfortunately, for me, the treatment worked really well for an incredibly short period of time and then he became even worse than before. However, he’s living his best life as a retiree, so at least it worked out for one of us.

I would just cut to the chase and send straight to the vet school for some exhaustive research. If nothing else, maybe getting him off the farm will have him show his worst behavior and allow them to troubleshoot quicker. Maybe, maybe not, you never know with horses.

If this does end up being a prolonged evaluation, talk to your vet about some sedatives that you can safely give this horse to keep the barn staff safe.


This is an OK idea for a normal horse, but were dealing here with one that is having basically psychotic episodes so to speak, where he goes into a blind panic from pain or another cause. This is the kind of horse that can break their neck being tied during an episode because they are not processing anything rationally.