Henry the Handyman from rags to riches

Wherein Henry scares my poor DH to death by refusing to get up. Or wake up. Or twitch, or even breathe apparently. :rofl:

I received this photo (without caption) from a panicked Mr. 2bayboys the other morning when Henry was deeply snoozing and completely unbothered by lawn mower, leaf blower, and the arrival of the FedEx truck.


Sleeps like a growing boy!


When I kept my horses at home I would get calls regularly from my neighbors who thought one of them was dead.

I also had passing cars stop and knock on my door with the same concerns! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Brothers from another motherā€¦ Bo also naps dead to the world while all sorts of things go on around him. :joy: Everybody else at least gives me a quick ā€œwhut?ā€ look if I holler at them or otherwise make too much noise.


He needs his beauty sleepā€¦geez. Itā€™s hard to look that good!


Ohā€¦and how are these beasts not rolly polly puppies with all that beautiful pasture?! Your fields are lovely! :heart_eyes:


My pony of unknown breed, Salt, loved his naps too. He would totally crash on the manure pile and ignore everything going on around him. Cue the phone calls from the neighbors:

Them: So sorry, your horse is dead.
Me: No, heā€™s not. Heā€™s enjoying his nap.
Them: Iā€™ve never seen a horse completely pass out like that. Heā€™s dead, I tell you.
Me: Please just trust me on this. If I go wake him up just so you wonā€™t worry, he wonā€™t be pleased.



My last one took a nap every morning about 10 am on the sunny slope facing the road. Whatever farm. Just like Henry, flat as a pancake, zero signs of life.

Yep, passing neighbors would phone the farm owner in the deep gravelly voice of an old-school TX rancher, ā€œIā€™m sorry ta tellya, but one-ah ur horses is layin dead in ur front pasture.ā€

And the farm owner, a genuine Southern lady, would chirp smilingly ā€œOh thatā€™s one of our boarder horses! He likes to take naps!ā€

At more than one board barn the other horses started following his lead re naps. The pasture was dotted with horses all nested in, heads up and knees folded. My late horseā€™s one & only herd leadership effort.



My momā€™s horse scared the dickens out of me with a nap that way when he sacked out in his in/out stall but with his head lying on the ground outside throught the door.


Where are yā€™all living where it is so lush and green? Very jealous of those fields!


The black horse in the photo is wearing a muzzle cause heā€™s a fatty. Everybody else just gets pleasantly plump this time of year. No grain needed at my place!


Hahaha we call this ā€œCarcass Timeā€! And itā€™s very scary for the neighbors, boarders, and general public. One barn I boarded at had a horse that took an afternoon nap in his deeply bedded stall - and he SNORED. It sounded like he was groaning from gastrointestinal distress or otherwise dying. Nope, just napping!


Feronia was just the opposite. Her herd mates would be crashed out flat, and then there would be this little palomino head and neck sticking up.

I was talking to my barn owner today, and she said Feronia has been a little wild recently. As sweet and good as she is, we agreed that if she was turned out with a herd 24/7, she would go completely feral in no time at all. And sheā€™s 25!


I love it! And I love Henry! My farm is also very visible to neighbors and passers-by and I call the few weeks between mud season and when the flies emerge ā€œConcerned Neighbor Season.ā€ :joy:


We used to have one like that at my barn. At shows, we had to put a note on his stall door after some late night wakeup calls from concerned braiders or grooms. He was huge (I donā€™t know how he could get up & down in some show stalls) with a sinus issue, too :joy:


I worked at a barn that housed Carriage horses.
One Ginormous DraftX not only snored, but heā€™d paddle in his sleep, all four.
Iā€™m sure in his dreams he was galloping Like the Wind!


Somebody has to keep watch! Otherwise everyone will be eaten by bears !!!

Feronia is a faithful sentinel. The rest of them are alive today, thanks to her.
:heart: :racehorse:

In the movie about his life and daring exploits, no doubt. Was his name Walter Mitty? :wink: :grin:


ā€œHeā€™s dead, I tell you.ā€
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl::rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I occasionally had to tell people new to my horse ā€œDo not, do not wake up that horse just to be sure heā€™s not dead. We will both be sorry later this afternoon.ā€


I had a cob in the UK, he was a tank on short legs. Had many a person come crying to the tack room that there was a dead horse in the tie stalls. Nope, just George sleeping.

When I took him home he was in a field below the house, it was a test of wills every day NOT to go check that he was indeed asleep, and not dead.


Actually, his name was Conan.
But he was a big wuss.
When you cobwebbed his stall, heā€™d cower :smirk:
We called him Conan the Librarian :grin: