Henry the Handyman from rags to riches

So, OP, think about this … you go get Henry’s half-bro so that you will have something in your trailer again. :slight_smile:

Some of your good nutrition, good riding and regular muzzle smooches will quickly having him look like just what some family has in mind for a kid horse. Much more than where he is now. So that he definitely gets a good landing somewhere, just as Henry did.

Just a thought. :grin:


“No hony left behind!” says @OverandOnward :yum:


Don’t you need a resale project to fund Henry’s rise to the top? :shushing_face: :rofl:


My god you people are professional level enablers, aren’t you! LOVE IT! If only I weren’t across the country… Henry’s brother would fit in perfectly at our barn… Please, someone go get Hal the Helper! (I just dubbed him that in my mind-- seems appropriate for a family connection).


Want me to go get him and ship him to you? :wink:


I vote for “Bob the Builder”, since it sounds like he will need to build some condition!


Nope. No way. Not happening! (so I keep saying to myself). As soon as I retire, I am planning on getting a smaller, younger solid citizen type to poke around on in lessons and local shows though. Saw an adorable Connemara boy in a local ad today-- so tempted! But I can barely manage working full time and riding my “been there, done that” mare in two lessons a week. I will live vicariously through you guys!


Hank the Half-bro is waiting!


Same QH sire, but don’t supposed you asked what mom was (another walker?). Crooked like legs put on by committee or just not as nice as Henry’s? By bone structure do you mean the brother is lighter boned?

I have a friend looking for a distance horse, but she is a heavyweight rider so def needs decent bone and legs not put together by committee…

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Definitely lighter boned, smaller feet. He didn’t strike me as a distance horse prospect.

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You can drive then has a pair/tandem !!!

When does Hal arrive?


I will not think about how close I am to Pennsyltucky, or the 1,001 other enabling rationalizations I came up with in 2 seconds flat. I will instead meditate on the 8 consecutive years of college tuition that are looming like a poorly ridden oxer.




Hal is a honey, so doesn’t eat that much.

Plus Hal has no ambitions to achieve anything. So he’ll hang around minding his own business on the weeks when you can only get to the barn 1 or 0 days.

Live now, pay for it later …

(I didn’t do it that way myself. But in my next life … (if there is a such a thing).)


I am IN Pennsyltucky :rofl:


Hal is looking forward to meeting both of you. :grin:


I was thinking the same!

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My own college days are long over and done (and paid off). But I’ve now got checks to write for the Baby Carrots, and sooner than I can wrap my head around.

As much as I’d like an empty nest project, I don’t think Mr. C would go for a four-legged impulse buy just yet. I’ll keep living vicariously through others for now.



Hal is headed to a new home today. We won’t get to fangirl him but he’s going to a good family!

While I can’t take credit for this development I like to think that I helped by manifesting it into the universe.

Full disclosure. I called Hal’s owner yesterday evening to get more information since I was considering another road trip with the trailer. :sunglasses: Explained to her that I was the person who bought his half brother a couple months ago. (Hal’s owner and Henry’s former owner are sisters.) She told me that someone had contacted her just a couple hours prior and was picking him up today!

(Any COTHers want to fess up? :rofl:)



Oooh! Missed him by this much.

Since you’re obviously itching for another project hony, I’m sure we can all work together to find you something. :grinning: