Henry the Handyman from rags to riches

I think @chestnutmarebeware and @phantomhorse look great on their mounts, certainly not too big! My current horse is 16.2 and pretty solid but as I get older, a chunky 15.2 to 16h would be perfect.


“Too big” also depends upon the riding discipline you grew up watching or doing. In many Western events, a bigger person on a smaller horse is common and expected. But if you watched hunters and jumpers, you were more used to seeing tall horses and short riders. I recall a boarder looking for a new hunter and refusing to look at anything under 16.2 in spite of being an average-proportioned 5’4". She felt she just looked too big on a 16h horse!


Where my honys at?! As I said at the beginning of the COTH aunties’ crazy adventure with “our” Henry, I’ll take the fun-sized packaging every single time. A 16h+ version of Henry just wouldn’t be the same. (Plus, as I get older, the ground gets farther away. I appreciate an easy dismount, whether voluntary or involuntary.)

I just love seeing happy horses and happy riders rocking around looking delighted with their partnership. Thanks for continuing to share Henry’s exploits!


yup… I always thought I felt too big on small horses. Then I ended up with a pint sized brick house :joy: Small horses are certainly big enough for most people.

Elmo is 14.1. I am 5’7".

Henry is perfect just the way he is! Although I am a little hoping he stays pony sized, because he looks like he will make a killer hunter pony someday. 2bayboys’ retirement fund could be bolstered by those high dollar lease fees! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I have been following this thread without commenting. Henry is simply awesome. At 5’1" I make a hony look big. Lucy is 14.2 and 1/2 inch. Maybe 14.3 with shoes. :grin:


Always happy to jump on the adults on ponies/honies train :grin: I’m 5’7 and my girl is 14.2. I always feel like I look a bit big (especially from the front) but she’s so darn fun I don’t really care.

The only person to comment negatively on the size difference was my grandpa. When I showed him a pic, he asked how tall she was. I told him she was the same size as a large pony, he said, and I quote, “you’ll crush her!” :sweat_smile: in his defense, he was used to seeing pics of me on my 16.2 warmblood, but it still made me laugh!


This is the one that turned me into a complete hony fan. After riding big horses for years and years I found this (literal) overgrown pony as a 2-year-old and fell head over heels in love. He fits me perfectly. Sadly he suffered a bilateral hind suspensory injury in 2021 and most likely will never show again, but his personality is as big as his trot and he has a home for life. :heart::heart::heart:


At 5’2" I love a good hony! I have a 14hh Quarter Hony mare that is just perfect for me. At this point I dislike getting on anything much bigger because the larger stride makes it feel like they’re running away with me :joy:.

On another note: Henry is freaking AWESOME and I want a barn filled with his clones.


Me on hony/sports car.

I’m 5ft6. Not sure how tall this fellow is, but he takes up my leg. I believe he sticks under 14.2.



LOFF! The Dragon-spiked mane! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I’m 5’9, Lumpy is 14.3 and while he feels a lot different than the 16 hand willowy TB I usually ride, I don’t think we looked too goofy!


LUMPY? :laughing:
Please tell me that’s his Showname :grin::pray:

& No, you both look adorable… & Competitive :+1:


His registered name is very…Quarter Horse-y so Lumpy is an improvement! He apparently had warts on his nose as a youngster and the name stuck even after they were gone :joy:


I think we actually got 2nd in the 2’ hunters that day! He belongs to my friend and at that time his real job was team roping and ranch rodeos, so I feel like he did a good job demonstrating the benefits of a good hony :slight_smile:


The best, most versatile horse we had (out of about 15) was a quarab who stood 14.3. He had the best temperament, also. So willing and happy. His name was Coach and he taught a lot of pony clubbers how to ride.


So… Heza Zipped Olena? :smirk:

Good on Lumpy (:face_with_hand_over_mouth:) for being an actual Hunter!

Around here HUS is painful to watch.
All that changes is the tack.
Horses don’t even approach trot, they jog.
Nothing like canter, they lope.
I still can’t unsee the plain bay shown with a fake tail that looked nothing like horse’s coat color.
Maybe borrowed from a palomino friend?


It’s Doc Tari Rebel Sun, not quite that bad but it doesn’t really fit his vibe and it’s a mouthful compared to all the elegant one word hunter names, lol.


Lumpy!! Much better :heart:


Another adult jumping on the “I love honies” train! I’m a hair over 5’ and the guy I leased for the last 2 years is around 15.1 (we sticked him at 15.2, but he’s 26 and his back has probably dropped to right around 15–maybe even 14.3). I’ve never fit a horse better in my life, and we had such a blast!


I’m 5’3" and have a 15.1 or 15.2H OTTB hony and a 14 or 14.1H TW pony. The TB is an all around fun horse, the TW is my awesome trail pony.