Henry the Handyman from rags to riches

If only!


I totally want a Henry!!


If only we could freeze this child and pony in time. It’s so bittersweet watching progress like this, knowing that all youngsters grow up and move on. So many of us, I think, will hold these images in our hearts forever. It brings us back to a point when we were small and filled with promise, and a good horseperson took interest in us, coached and shaped us for all time. Sniff.


Yet, having ridden my pony in the countryside throughout every season when I was young, I can’t feel anything bittersweet about it. It was all good. Being young and free, riding on a pony or a horse hacking out in all weather, it was wonderful.

I’m glad that “making memories” was not a thing back then. I really dislike that popular catch phrase. We should live in the moment now, as we did then.

My memories, as yours seem to @ZuzusPetals, come from reminiscing about the freedom and excitement of exploring the world, as a young person can only do when riding a pony or a horse.

We were so lucky, weren’t we? Even though our innocent times are gone we still look back with gratitude for our mentors. I was un-mentored for quite awhile while I was hooning around the countryside. my mentors came when I was kindly taught what horse shows were about.

Well done @2bayboys for carrying on the tradition that @ZuzusPetals and many of us were lucky enough to experience.


It is bittersweet to me because I know it’s fleeting. This child is not mine, I have no claim on her other than as her riding teacher and nearest neighbor. I’ve known her since she was two years old. My own children are grown and live out of state. She has become a very capable rider, she is open to learning ALL THE THINGS in the barn, and she has matured into a fun riding companion. Perhaps one day I will turn my business over to her. Perhaps in five years she’ll go off to college and never return.

I am enjoying the right now.

On our ride this weekend she said “Oh Miss 2bayboys you can’t ever sell Henry, I just love him so much!” She’s seen many young horses come in to the barn and get trained up and sold. She’s ridden many of those young horses but never said that to me about any of them. I’m inclined to agree with her. This big-headed spotty hony is something special.


Who’s cutting onions? :sob:


 cause I don’t see anyone, but someone is definitely cutting onions.


We should all do that.


There are two riding students where I work who seem quite dedicated to be good horsewomen and riders.
I really hope they stick with it.

I’ve started gifting them my horsey book collection.
For Xmas I was thinking of gifting them a couple of my breyers.
They give me hope for this sport I love.


We have one gal at my barn who has such a lovely feel on a horse, but I’m bittersweet about that: being a riding professional is hard, and she doesn’t have some of the other skills necessary to be successful at it. I mean, I WISH her all the success in the world, but she’s shy, and doesn’t network well, so I worry for her. She’s not even my kid.


Henry starting to learn about itty bitty courses. Who knew that when you jump one jump there’s likely to be another one and you’re supposed to get there in a straight line. What I like best about this otherwise ho-hum boring stage is Henry’s quiet rhythmic canter. I know a lot of people do much more with their 4-year-olds but I’m super conservative with the babies.

Good boy Henry.


Oh, shoot, it won’t load so I can’t watch it.

Anyone know what I’m doing wrong? I have no problem watching @Heinz_57 's videos, but Henry’s take several minutes to load, and then, tonight, this one FINALLY loaded but then wouldn’t play. Sigh.

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Does this work?


He is so. Dang. CUTE!!!


Yes! I also had issues with videos not playing— he just gets better and better. What a gem he is, as is his wee rider. Keep sharing, we love to watch this pony grow and learn!


2bayboys, I want to live where you are. It still looks so pleasant out. Here in Maine we are having a couple of 50 degree days, but last week I had to break out my flannel lined jeans and winter coat. :frowning:


It was 70 degrees yesterday in my part of Virginia! But we haven’t had rain in forever and the ground is HARD. Looking for some cooler temps and moisture next week. I’m not looking forward to the cold though. The weather forecasters are all saying it’s going to be a big snow year :grimacing:


Most of mine are Youtube-hosted these days, I just post the link and it pops the video in there when I post. I had a lot of the same problems with the videos not loading or taking forever when I was uploading directly to COTH.


I hope this young lady rides forever. She really Has Something. Maybe one day she’ll post here as well.


I’m so jealous.
Oh to be a kid in your tutelage