Henry the Handyman from rags to riches

didn’t you say Henry had a sibling (or maybe half sibling) available, too? maybe you need a collection (or maybe send the link to me and I can start one :wink:).

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He did have a half sibling! I enquired about him after I’d had Henry home for a month or two but he had sold already. I didn’t like him as much. Prettier head but not nearly as solid and correct in his conformation.

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In that “before” photo his eyes do look like he’s resigned himself to being perpetually tired and unloved. If only he could have seen how treasured he’d soon become!


Am I the only one who starts smiling when I see there’s a new Henry video posted?


Nope, not in the least.

Now I just love watching team Henry, and being severely envious of being such a lovely rider at that tender age…


Definitely not! Henry cheers me up as much as the “something cheery” thread!


You could post 10 videos a day and we’d watch them again and again. It’s like an eclipse or a double rainbow, and all of us strangers coming together and saying: Someone spotted a promising horse. Someone brought him home and is doing the hard work. And I was once that young rider, or wanted to be, and in my heart I still am, or I still dream.

Think about how rare this is. A gift…

It’s not political, it’s not Kardashian, it’s not Royal Family, it’s not stopgap U.S. spending bill, it’s not the National Guard on the NYC subway, it’s not a tornado, it’s not food insecurity, it’s not bathroom gender wars, it’s not school shootings, it’s not fear of losing health insurance, it’s not the shrunken middle class, it’s not fentanyl, it’s not banned books, it’s not too-tight airline seating, it’s not a recurring monthly charge, it’s not war.

It’s just joy. On a lot of levels. Joy.




I keep coming here after the Asombro thread to restore my faith in humanity :green_heart:


No such thing as Henry and great little pony jockey videos. Still in awe of her following hands over everything.


When I watch these videos, part of me re-lives my past, riding my first horse during this stage of life, doing similar things under the tutelage of my instructor. It does my heart a world of good to see another little girl living her dream on another good boy.

It’s impossible for there to be too many videos of Henry.


@2bayboys, you have to let us know when you plan to show him so his fan club can come. I’d definitely do a long drive on a nice day. Pony kid could sign photos.


COTH Caravan!!!

Does anyone recall @KingsRansom’s wedding?
I didn’t attend, but there was a COTH contingent there. :grin:


YES! I volunteer to hand graze Henry at the show!


The good twh have a good canter, very fluid. He is adorable. I am so thankful for your sharing his videos!!


We could identify one another on the interstate by hanging signs in the rear window, as fans did for The Grateful Dead, Dave Matthews, etc.

Sign ideas:

Hoofing it to Henry
Peace, love and #Handyman
Nothin’ left to do but walk, trot, canter
I need a martingale every day


I just wish the videos would play for me. They won’t, on any of my devices. They take forever to load, and then they won’t play anyway.

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go use computer at your library?

Where are you located 2 Bay boys? If it’s within shouting distance to Eastern NYS, I’m in for caravanning to a show. Love me some Henry.


I’m in Virginia! Henry will be hunter pacing in April and I’ll make sure to get LOTS of pictures!