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Here from the EHV article Archy

I did not mean to delete I was wanting to ask who trainer was at Los Angeles equestrian horse show was it archy? Then I did some looking online. There was two or three trainers archy and chad and a woman. Why are those trainer still allowed to be showing when a horse died from something one did?


I understand not wanting to name the, or any, individual in the article, especially as an adult amateur rider. The horse world is incestuously small, and you wouldn’t want to get penalized for speaking up. I thought this piece was truly heartbreaking, but incredibly brave and beautifully written.

I think the writer hit the nail on the head when she wrote:

A swirl of words ping-pong in my brain as I come to terms with what happened: corruption, greed, money, selfishness, ego, flagrancy. These symptoms of current Americana have been ever-present in the horse world. As I face them so acutely, I am inspired and hopeful for change.

I believe that the way of the old boys’ club, shielding those with money, status and privilege, must end. Hopefully, acting above the law will no longer be tolerated in the same way. It may be moving glacially slowly, but the arc of the moral universe does bend toward justice. In the California equestrian world, the arc needs some leg to spur it forward. The equestrian community must be held accountable. Safety rules and protocols must be enforced. Any staff member or trainer making decisions not to do so should be removed from decision-making positions and the sport.

As riders and owners, we expect our trainers, show organizers, stewards, etc, etc to look out for our horses. To do the right thing (even if it means missing a show). But money and power are a hard thing to stand up to and until we have individuals in those positions who have a spine stronger than their wallet, we won’t.


@Debwards, I am sorry that you removed your post. It sounds like it would have made a good conversation.


The title of this thread makes my head hurt.


It’s so cryptic. The quoted part mentions California… in conjunction with the name in the thread title and, well… I’d really love some clarification before the speculation begins.

That quote seems to come from this 2022 article, which randomly is also the subject of another thread?


This came across my notifications
I have a feeling it’s the article.
I see it as a 2024 article.


This article is current. It just came out the other day.


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It’s a reprint, look at the 3rd paragraph in:

Hours earlier I fed him apples, nuzzled his sweet face, kissed his cheeks. Two days earlier, on Feb. 20, 2022, we rode in our first show together. He carried me through the courses with generosity and knowledge. Low fences for him, monumental fences for me.

I assumed that if it was a reprint it would say reprint.

I know the outbreak and death were in 2022. Is the article not a new article about what happened in 2022?


It’s a new article about this rider’s experience in the 2022 outbreak in CA. The original poster referenced calling out the trainers by name, and then removed the original post they had made, which is why this seems so cryptic


Leaving a name in the thread title!

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For anyone worried about outing the trainers, it only takes a little sleuthing on Showgroundslive to find horses that have results at both DIHP week IV and LAEC February. Some names redacted as they may have been minors.



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Archy cox I looked up on here and saw he got in trouble for illegal drugging a horse too why is he still doing shows?


Someone is really named Cha Cha?


The article was miserable to read, a little Black Stallion-ish but I get her feelings of betrayal and loss. Something that didn’t need to happen. My guess someone is here to stir the pot for their own entertainment and got a little cold-footed. But it’s still there.


I was trying to edit my post I have fixed. I don’t know what this means to stir a pot but I read on Facebook the names and I see he is a very common trainer in California or Florida so why is he still doing horse showing?


Russian bot?

I agree… the opinion piece was a touch black stallion-y. BUT

I was at a horse show last weekend campaigning my horse of a lifetime. And if some entitled douche bag caused him to contract the neurologic form of EHV. Pretty sure I’d be inconsolable and f’en pissed.


The back story I suppose. No offense meant.
I personally have a super black stallion -y relationship with my present horse. Like … he is my other half. Understands me … a unique bond. Does that make sense ? Many horse people find that notion naive Personally I’ve owned and ridden horses for almost 5 decades so I won’t apologize for being black stallion~y :wink:. For this one at least.

Edited to add you deleted. I’ll leave my post stand.