Hip replacement - it's over! Now in recovery mode.

thank you for the fantastic update Stryder! I am so glad to hear you are doing so well. I also find it interesting about your horse falling in to the right - makes a lot of sense when you think about it, I guess.

You may be surprised by this, but my surgeon does not do PT! They believe that walking is the only PT I should need, and that I will be expected to walk a little bit every hour, with no restrictions on how far, as long as I remember I have to get back! They will give me a few exercises to do but other than that, just walk. I also will have no restrictions on activities except no carrying anything heavier than a gallon of milk for 6 weeks. They feel I should do what I feel comfortable doing, whatever that is. I guess I will just have to wait and see how I feel.

I think after reading as much as I have and hearing from you, I will request some PT sessions if I don’t feel I can get on and ride without it. My mare is pregnant so I won’t be able to get on her for a few months anyhow, but I would like to use that time to regain the fitness I have lost in the last couple of months.

Thanks again for the happy update. It is very reassuring!


You may be surprised by this, but my surgeon does not do PT! They believe that walking is the only PT I should need, and that I will be expected to walk a little bit every hour, with no restrictions on how far, as long as I remember I have to get back! They will give me a few exercises to do but other than that, just walk. [/QUOTE]

I am very surprised by this, booboo. I think how much PT is an individual choice, but I don’t see how I could have ever figured this out on my own. Some of my muscles had stopped firing and needed a bit of help to get restarted. I didn’t start sessions until two weeks after surgery, but started walking just a couple hours after waking up day of surgery.

Good luck!