Hock laceration involving the joint... Could really use some jingles! *GRAPHIC* (Back home 1/27, update post 40!)

Welp, the new OTTB barely makes it a week and a half before trying to kill herself. It’s a good thing she’s dang cute. I got this adorable mare last week who some of you who follow Jess Redman’s Benchmark Sport Horses might recognize:

She’s been an absolute delight to work with and has the sweetest personality in the barn. In fact, I was so excited sitting at my desk this morning thinking about riding her tonight! Until the barn manager calls and says she came in with a big wound on the front of the hock, was non-weight bearing, and the vet is on the way. :pensive:

The X-rays showed that there is joint involvement, but luckily no fracture or visible tendon and ligament damage. But regardless, she’s on the way to the clinic now for them to flush it and close it up. The vets are pretty optimistic about a great outcome given how quickly we discovered it and my willingness to send her to the clinic ASAP, but of course, I’m sick. Naturally, the 14-day waiting period for her insurance accidental coverage ends today or tomorrow and is worded so ambiguously that I’m not sure as to which.

The wound in question, if anyone cares to share good thoughts/experiences/jingles or just a shoulder to cry on:

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Oh no! I’m almost a week into my own version (thankfully it seems the tendon sheath is okay and the 24 hr culture was negative) so all the jingles for a similar outcome!


owww! Can’t bring myself to “like” your post, but sending lots of jingles your way! She’s such a cutie!


She’s really cute! Any idea how she might have done it?

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Oh no!! Many jingles for an uneventful and FULL recovery! She is just adorable.


We think she kicked the fence and either got her leg above or between the boards. Or perhaps rolled and got her leg stuck under? She was fine outside one minute, then 10 minutes later when barn manager came to get her for the farrier, she was like that. :woman_facepalming:

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Just got off the phone with the vet who will be doing the surgery and it’s the best possible outcome: ugly, but no ligament involvement and he doesn’t even really think there’s that much joint involvement. They’re about to lay her down to close it up, she’ll be at the hospital in a splint for a few days, and then should be able to come home and have it managed like any other wound.


That’s fabulous news! I’m so glad for the two of you.

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that sounds like fantastic news, considering!

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Of course, my car’s check engine light just came on, and my apartment building’s garage elevator is broken (city living!), so I think I will just sequester myself in my apartment the rest of the night and avoid any and all human interaction. :joy:


Oh no!! Sounds like good news, considering. Am keeping it all crossed for you! Hoping all goes well and it heals up nicely.

And when it rains, it pours. As a fellow City dweller, I can commiserate… although I park on the street, so my car woes are self- and neighbor-inflicted.

Jingles for the new mare. She’s lovely!

Great news (as much as is possible in this situation). Sending healing jingles to your girl and calming jingles to you. Hang in there. Everything is going to be okay. :kissing_heart:

Well, it comes in threes, so between your mare, the car and the elevator, you should be good for at least 10 years. :grin:


Oh, cripes, @Tha_Ridge. You have a good team at that barn, it seems, and a super vet. She’s where she needs to be and I’m keeping a good thought for you and this pretty miss.

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Jingles from one who has been through septic arthritis in a hock.


Glad you got good (ish!) news. She is really really cute. I saw her for sale when she was with Jessica. I really liked her. Glad you got a good prognosis.


Jingles! Many many jingles.

I LOVED her when she was listed, if I wasn’t at my limit she would have been on a trailer to chicago.


She is really special. I don’t think I’ve ever met a sweeter mare, and how can you not smile looking at her face? I actually ended up trading another horse for her (the big Ascending Moon horse Jess has now came from me!) because Jess told me she wants to hunter, and mine definitely wanted to gallop and run. :joy: I’ve committed to keeping her for RRP this year, so better for this to happen a month in versus September before we get on the trailer to KY!


OK, vet literally called as I was typing my last post: She is up and doing well in a splint! Zero joint involvement, just a big meaty tear that came together very cleanly. Complimented how sweet and sensible she is. :heart_eyes_cat: The sutures will stay in for about three weeks, and then back to work!


0 joint involvement is AWESOME!!