From Facebook and there is video
!!Please see my recent, new post for updates as of Thursday Nov 24!!!
Ontario Equestrian Connection has renewed post and allowed it to remain in the group.
Solstice Pecile of her family’s facility Wishing Stone Farm in MILLBROOK, ONTARIO shared the following videos of her “training” a client horse by dragging it behind a moving truck. This is NOT her first offense being caught by a client dragging an animal from a motorized vehicle.
The videos show her laughing at the amount of blood, calling the horse a re**ard for bleeding so much, etc. She sent these videos to friends and also posted it on her public page thinking people would find it funny.
Please watch with caution. It is one of the worst things I have ever seen.
Solstice is currently ambassador / sponsored with the following…:
Wild Rose EQ (now dropped)
Northumberland Tourism
OCTRA - Ontario Competitive Trail Riding Association (now suspended pending investigation)
I have been told OPP will be making a statement today. Cannot confirm 100%.