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Horse Care FAQs -- copy, link, add info here!

We wanted to provide this FAQ thread as a work space for you to create a reference thread for your forum.

Find yourself answering the same question or providing the same info over and over? Post it here!

Think there’s a terrific thread that serves as a great reference on a given subject? If it has a funky title, folks may not find it. Post a link here!

While the site’s main FAQ forum and help forum can be of help on general questions, this thread can serve as a handy reference for this particular forum for new and seasoned users alike.

We’d also like to remind new users that the “search” and “advanced search” features are a great way to look for existing information on a topic you’re interested in before posting a new thread – click through via the light blue bar above.

Please remember, we can’t keep every thread on the forum due to size constraints, so if the thread you’re linking to is shorter and older, it may face the chopping block by default. If you think it’s worthy of linking to here, give me a heads up, and we can probably save it in the safe harbor of the reference forum!

We may come in and pare out commentary from this thread periodically to keep it concise.

Thanks and hope this thread is helpful!
Mod 1

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Funky skin/hair/bump issues? Think it’s just “fungus o’the day” or just stumped? Then consider Neck Threadworms AKA Onchocherca: http://www.chronicleforums.com/Forum/showthread.php?t=155469

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While I think this thread is a wonderful idea, I think it would be an even MORE wonderful idea to have a Chronicle of the Horse Wiki where people could add information to common topics. I can’t tell you, for example, how often JB and I have to repeat SIMILAR information regarding the Panacur PowerPac and fenbendazole–yet it’s never the SAME information in one thread. And then we end up with a thread that starts “I read all the old threads but my question wasn’t answered” when in reality, it was–it was just answered across the course of two or three threads, not in any one specific place. I’m sure RAyers feel the same way about having to constantly re-cite information from scientific studies regarding glucosamine/chondroitin absportion, the ulcer-savvy folks feel the same way about linking to studies regarding the efficacy/non-efficacy of compounded omeprazole, etc.

A Wiki would solve that problem without a redundancy of threads and without relying on the COTH database to store all these threads (which, depending on the day, seem magically inaccessible via the search function yet reappear a few hours or days later). In other words, a Wiki would be appropriate for situations where people are looking for information. Just like this discussion board shines in situations where there needs to be a discussion.

I think a Wiki could be a GREAT advertising opportunity for COTH. Perhaps the mods could talk to the higher-ups about starting one?


I actually just brought up this very idea to the folks at the main office in response to I think it was Percheron X’s suggestion in the “suggestion box” thread in Off Course!

Anyone else feel free to contact me directly with these great ideas so we’re sure to see them and threads like this stay focused for their original purpose.

Mod 1

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A wiki would be wonderful.

Also second the glucosamine/ICHON/Adequan/Legend idea.

Links to info about new diagnostics and therapies: MRI, scintigraphy, IRAP… People are still going to want to post about their horse’s specific injury but it would be nice to have a single place to refer them to get info as opposed to writing it all each time you respond.

Did you want links? Or do I wait for the wiki?

The wiki is a neat idea we’ll consider for the future, but we have a bunch of other things in the works that are higher up on the list, so please go ahead and use this thread for links, etc.

Mod 1

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raising money for a good cause

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Neurological exam

Here is a good link describing a neurological exam, some of which you can do yourself if you suspect neurological issues in your horse.


Calories/protein/fat/fiber/NSC of common feed stuffs.

There used to be an old thread with this info, but it seems to have gotten dumped into cyberspace. Is there any way we can resurrect the link from the annals of COTH?

I think this was the link:

Is there a feeding 101? Or is that too contentious?

here is a link to farmers guardian areally good article on stratches - mud fever and rainrot

discussion on wormers


About the Storage of Propionic Acid Treated Hay

Propionic acid is a hay preservative that a farmer may apply to hay during the baling process. The farmer typically chooses to apply the preservative when the hay cannot be sufficiently dried in the field before being baled. The resulting bales will generally have a moisture content above 18%.

Preservatives containing propionic acid are generally buffered to make the preservative less corrosive.

You might be able to tell if hay is treated with Propionic acid as it may have a sour smell that smells something like vinegar.

One of the things I believe many people (even some farmers) are not aware of regarding propionic acid treated hay is that the bales of hay must be allowed to “cure” to reduce the moisture content in the bales “before” the preservative losses its mold inhibitive effect.

Typically, any hay baled without preservative above 18% moisture will be at risk of some molding. Hay baled above 20% moisture will almost defiantly mold in the bale.

By applying propionic acid the farmer can “temporarily” halt the microbial activity within the bale.

This then gives the farmer the opportunity to essentially “finish” the drying process that would have normally taken place in field, by instead storing the newly baled hay appropriately so that the moisture content of the bale can “sweat out” until the bales reach a moisture level of 18% or less.

The window of opportunity to cure these high moisture bales down to an appropriate moisture level for storage is limited because the preservative tends to dissipate and loose it’s effectiveness after about 4-6 months from the time of baling. http://www.omafra.gov.on.ca/english/...preventing.htm

In other words… Unless each bale of hay is cured to a moisture level of 18% or less within around 4-6 months after baling, the hay may mold (my personal philosophy is to try to get the level moisture level down to 18% or less within one or two months).

I recommend that anyone receiving propionic acid treated bales know what moisture levels those bale are prior to storing.

You can ask your farmer, but what I use is a small hand held electronic moisture tester. The moisture tester has a long probe that you stick in the bale, and it gives the moisture level on a digital display.

The reason I know this is because we lost several hundred bales when we stacked propionic acid treated hay that came directly from the field “tight” in our hay loft. All the hay on the “inside” of the stack molded by mid winter.

The lesson learned is that high moisture bales need to be stacked in a way so they can “breathe”, and the storage area must be well ventilated to allow for the drying of the bales.

May your hay never grow mold…

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When I want an answer on horse health or care, I go to TheHorse.com and do a search.

Example ~ an in-depth article on feeding fats, with references included :wink: :


Worms, worming, wormers- Wonderful World of Worms!!

discussion on wormers


Summary on worm info




Need a rain rot sticky/compendium.

Not sure what you should be feeding your horse? Here is an overview.


Abscess Care:
Antibiotics and other treatments for abscesses:
Supporting-limb laminitis and treatments for abscesses: http://chronofhorse.com/forum/showthread.php?t=290377

Winter Colic


How to fold a dead horse (useful if you have one die in a stall)
