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How far North are the barn swallows?

Loving all the updates!!! Sid, I too have rescued a few fledglings over the years but mainly because they were in essence “too fat to fly”. So, would pick them up and put them on a cross beam and usually by the next day they were able to fly.

An ornithologist friend told me a few years ago how barn swallows go nuts over white feathers for nest building/repairs. I have free range laying chickens and collect white feathers in the fall when they moult (the small white underbelly ones) Talk about a hilarious scene when I laid a few white feathers in the barn aisle. There were a few scraps over said feathers and very amusing to watch their excitement…like crack for barn swallows!!

No swallows here yet so will have to wait yet again to do my “Happy Dance”. :slight_smile:

We had tree swallows fly past about 2 1/2 weeks ago but our barnies are not back yet. I think the trees are the first to arrive. I am glad they haven’t come back just yet as there isn’t anything to eat- it’s too %(%&@)*# cold!

Our community of swallows is increasing almost daily! Love the constant chatter in the barn. :slight_smile:

I have a veritable swarm. They drive my GSP nuts. He spends a lot of the morning being buzzed, jumping, and twirling in the air while his teeth snap together ! There are birds around this year that I have never seen before (I don’t know American birds ) including a pair of ring neck pheasants. The other day I watched one of my local red tail hawks harassing a crow. He continuously dive bombed the crow for about 15 mins until I lost sight of them. It was like watching fighter planes.

Yes…I love watching them swoop and try to outdo eachother to catch a feather that is on the wind. It’s like a contest. Especially when there is one in the barn aisle (my barn is 120’ long) and the breeze takes it all the way down.

I think they find feathers down by the pond where the Canadas may lose some down as they are also feathering their own nests.

Whatever, I’m a swallow dork. Totally. lol!

I’m in Western NY and I saw my very first one today. I started chirping!!!

They are here!!! They FINALLY are here. So excited…this morning when I went to the barn I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard them chirping. Luckily I was by myself as I jumped for joy and revelled in the excitement. My plan was to sit and enjoy a glass of red wine in my barn chair as I admired them. But alas, it was 8:30 in the morning so I celebrated with a strong black cup of Java and grinned from ear to ear.

Same here, Salar.
I went to the barn, Sat Am, and there they were, one nesting pair, swooping and chattering and setting up residence.
I was so happy to see them, welcomed them back.
A nice sunny day, the DH’s birthday, and the swallows, at least 2 of them, are back.
Oh Happy Day.

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Our pair is building their new nest in one of the barn aisles. Lots of high horse and human traffic, but they seem to take it all in stride. I removed last years nest so the mites wouldn’t come out in the heat and infect the chicks, and it was beautifully lined with small white feathers. So soft! We love our barn swallows!

The second bird of our pair arrived on May 2. They’re busy working on their nest. We used to have 2 pairs, so I’m wondering if another will move in this year.

Last year I rescued a fledgling that had fallen into JD’s stall (nest is in the rafters above). I’ve no idea how long the little mite had been there. I grabbed a ladder and put it back and it fledged successfully a day or two later.

I have a pair that wants to nest in my garage of all places! Two open tobacco barns, but no, the top of my garage door opener is their choice. I can’t leave the door open!

Great News…I’m inundated now. They are all back now and fixing up the 30+ nests.

Clearly there will a less number broods having them come is so late.

Just glad they are here and doing their thing.

When swallows take over the barn, life is good.

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Sid, you must be the winner of the most nests award!! I have not counted the ones in the hay loft, but we usually have 15 or so active nests each year. The full compliment of swallows are not back yet but we are having nice warm stretch of weather so the remainder should be here soon.

We’re in Eastern Ontario…
Ours showed up about a week ago…and there are more than last year!
I love them!

Update! :smiley:

I am hopeful, as I’ve seen a pair in my barn “discussing” if it’s a good place for a nest.
Looks like He (rust-colored breast) is trying to convince She (buff-colored breast) by flying to the nest in the rafters while she perches nearby.
It’s an old one that looks like it may be getting re-started, but not completed yet so they may opt for somewhere else.
Hope not.

South Central Lower Michigan and they arrived earlier this week. Just in time for some warm weather! My barn is 24x40 I have 6 nest sites usually only one is active. Had to get out the extension ladder last year to try to save a couple of fledglings. Five babies in one nest.

I’d love to invite any swallow lovers to come join our FB group “Barn Swallow Loft” I’m very interested in building a collection of pictures of barn swallow nests (and OF COURSE the beautiful birds who built them!) - and sharing tips and stories.

Heard them on Wed., May 7th, but could not see them. Saw them flying yesterday. I would have thought it was still too cold, but since they eat insects, we have plenty of those already. Nasty little flies are just chewing on the horses, so I hope the Swallows are getting their fill of them! I am mid-Michigan, not very far from Lansing.

They arrived on Thursday! Here is a video I took at a client’s business - was too cool not to take it. Enjoy!


I just saw this thread, how fun!!

Ours arrived a couple of weeks ago. I love watching them.