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How many pounds of cat(s) do you have? And how are they distributed?

VaqueroToro described being weighed down by 20 pounds of collective feline.

Her 20 pounds of cat was divided into two animals.

Personally, I like 20 pounds compressed into just one cat.

But I think 20 pounds is a good minimum for all people.

What do you have?

Also, any injuries related to Too Much Cat Weight in a household?

I used to have something like 50 pounds of cat distributed across 4 cats. One of the cats weighed 25 pounds. I liked him a lot. But he disappeared just before Thanksgiving. Now it’s closer to 25-30 pounds of cat distributed across 3 smaller cats.

There is no such thing as Too Much Cat Weight!

around 30 I think, 3 cats…

About 120 averaging weights out at 10 each. Six ours, six not yet adopted and/or probably never will be fosters. Sigh!

Roughly 60 pounds in (5 cats, ranging from Chiam at 20 to Coda at 5) and at least 25 pounds of permanent residents out. Outside weight varies as hobos check in and out of the bed and breakfast.

I have been up to all 60 pounds of inside cats in bed with me, many of those pounds on top of me, many times. No injuries, but a bit inconvenient to roll over.

  1. 2 cats. 12 & 7. Never thought I’d be the lightweight for anything…

No joke my SO and I are trying to figure it out right now…

11 lbs.
14 lbs.
8 lbs.
14 lbs.
20 lbs.

I guess 67 collective lbs. of cat.

I’ve got just under 20 pounds of cat in the form of two smallish kitties. I always thought that I wanted one large cat, but this way I get the same amount of weight on my chase crushing me in the morning when they want breakfast and twice the adorable antics around the house!

I would say about 40 pounds divided by three cats: a 17 pound overweight female, a 14 pound big male, and our wee little 9 pound male.

30lbs between 2 cats. My little 12lb female, and our 18lb male. He was just over 20lbs when we adopted him, and is actually slender at 18lbs, he’s just a big boy!

Mminimum 9 0 pounds amongst 7 cats and probably another 20 for the parttime cat. Have two that are close to 20 pounds and the ones I can handle average 12ish, with the biggest around 15 and the smallest around 8. The barn cat and the parttime cat, well just guessing, since I can’t pick up either. During the last cold snap, it got interesting when 6 cats decided that my bed was the place to be

We have 10 pounds in one cat most of the time. If he’s laying on your legs and you want to turn over he adds about 200 pounds of cat to the basic 10 pounds. If you’re not in bed but you need to move 10 pounds of cat for some reason, he becomes boneless and you’re trying to pick up 200 or so pounds of limp fur that somehow manages to flow like water.

I have 12 pounds of cat, concentrated in one package.

And as other posters have noticed, cats do put quite dent in the Space-Time Continuum, so that twelve pounds carries a significant effect in our world at times!

I don’t have exactly weights but they’re all about the same size so probably average 14 lbs each… so 84 lbs total of “will you do me a favor, I have a cat on my lap?” which is indisputable in our family. Cat on Lap is an automatic out. Most of our cats are unreasonably afraid of my husband but he very deliberately tamed down one of the kitties so he could use the Cat on Lap Card sometimes. In fact, I just got him another cup of coffee because of it. :slight_smile:

33 pounds, three cats, most of it in Bacon at 19-20 lbs with the girls making up the rest at 7 each. No major injuries to report but when I screwed up my rotator cuff last month, I went several weeks unable to pick up Bacon. :smiley:

I have about 45 pounds of cats distributed among four of them. The three girls weigh in at 9 or 10 pounds each and the male is a healthy 15 pounds. He’s a funny one. He doesn’t look hefty at all, but, when you go to pick him up, he feels like he weighs around 100 pounds.

No joke my SO and I are trying to figure it out right now…

11 lbs.
14 lbs.
8 lbs.
14 lbs.
20 lbs.

I guess 67 collective lbs. of cat.[/QUOTE]

Do you guys get those huge bags of MeowMix? That’s a lot of cat to feed every day.

I don’t have exactly weights but they’re all about the same size so probably average 14 lbs each… so 84 lbs total of “will you do me a favor, I have a cat on my lap?” which is indisputable in our family. Cat on Lap is an automatic out. Most of our cats are unreasonably afraid of my husband but he very deliberately tamed down one of the kitties so he could use the Cat on Lap Card sometimes. In fact, I just got him another cup of coffee because of it. :)[/QUOTE]

Same for my family. I can’t tell you the things I had to fetch for my mom because she was on the couch said “I have a heavy cat on me…”

IMO, she was a sissy. She never had the 20+ pounders that I like.

We have seven cats. We started with Felix, acquired BC and then Dinky, who belonged to the neighbor and wouldn’t go home, at least not until she’d gotten herself pregnant and needed a safe spot to kitten, which leads us to Genghis , Streudel,Tommette and Val.
Dinky has remained dinky at 7 lbs, then three at about 8 lbs, one at 10, one at 13 and Felix the Fat Boy at about 15 - we don’t try to weigh him - he squirms too much. So it works out to about 70 lbs of feline.

They create little territories on the bed and around the house. For a while Dinky would sleep on the polarfleece saddle pad and they would take turns sleeping on the chairs, with four of them sleeping in quarters of the bed, then they switch off, and we have gotten hurt if someone is sitting on the chair with the ottoman and the fat cat leaps on to your lower thigh just above the knee, I have a weak knee and at least once I’ve sat such that it gets bent downwards a little too much to be comfortable when the cat does that.

We talk about net cat gain and loss at the back door in the AM and PM, they want in or out so bad that they’ll come in in jumping over each other and then they make a real racket thundering down the hall. Cat fights every once in a while too.

The one thing i absolutely hate is that I have to go to work at oh dark hundred. Some night owls are just going to bed when I get up it’s so early, but not those darned cats. They jump up and bat at the Venetian blinds and tear them up about an hour before I have to get up so I get up and let the little furballs out. I realize this is the worst kind of positive reinforcement for beating the cr*p out of the blinds, and the blinds are ruined now anyway which was my rationale, so next vacation I guess I get to think up some retraining!

I used to have something like 50 pounds of cat distributed across 4 cats. One of the cats weighed 25 pounds. I liked him a lot. But he disappeared just before Thanksgiving. Now it’s closer to 25-30 pounds of cat distributed across 3 smaller cats. [/QUOTE]

Now how is power distributed among the cats? Did the 25 pounder get correspondingly more votes because of his size? Or does each cat get one vote?

Usually, the big galoots are apolitical. Too big and lazy and mellow to care. So the largest cat gets 1/2 vote?