How many pounds of cat(s) do you have? And how are they distributed?


We talk about net cat gain and loss at the back door in the AM and PM, they want in or out so bad that they’ll come in in jumping over each other and then they make a real racket thundering down the hall. [/QUOTE]

You have a Cat Tide at your house.

10 cats, Guessing about 100 pounds of cats. Lordy.

10 cats, Guessing about 100 pounds of cats. Lordy.[/QUOTE]

Do they act as a group of paper weights while you are in bed? Can they “tarp you” like some people would do to a horse?

Wow, my cat poundage pales by comparison to most of you.

5 (just under six months old)
39 lbs.

Hmm, this makes my total a measly 39 lbs. So why does it seem I am forever buying cat food? :winkgrin:


Hmm, this makes my total a measly 39 lbs. So why does it seem I am forever buying cat food? :winkgrin:[/QUOTE]

I believe the ecologists have a term for this: Biomass. That’s how much all of the members of that group would weigh if you piled 'em all together. Using this measure, those guys confront us with the stark fact that the bugs collectively outweigh all humans on Earth many, many times over.

So the biomass of the cats in your house tells you something, even though we think of cats as individually small and discreet.

7 lbs in one precious little package.

Do you guys get those huge bags of MeowMix? That’s a lot of cat to feed every day.[/QUOTE]

Sadly, No. I have the joy of having two groups of cats- 2 downstairs and 2 upstairs, who have not gotten along in the past, but we are trying to mend those bridges. Unfortunately, 1 male cat in each group has had a urinary issues- calcium oxalate stones downstairs and idiopathic cystitis upstairs. So all cats in my house eat Royal Canin Urinary SO. At $37 for 17 lbs. I think.

And you would say, wait, you said 5 cats! Well, that is because my SO’s aunt moved in with her daughter and her family, and daughter’s husband is VERY allergic so they cannot keep cat. In fact, it was daughter’s son’s cat, but cat moved in with grandma somewhere along the way. So we said, sure, we’ll take her and rehome her (we’ve done that a few times). Cat arrives. 8 lbs of pure black 10 YEAR OLD female cat with a temper. NOT SPAYED. So I say, okay, we’ll get her spayed and vaccinated at the clinic for 150 or so and adopt her out. Except then, while she’s a horny bit$h in heat and can touch her, I notice that she has a swollen nipple. Which is almost certainly mammary cancer. So we take cat to vet that does spay clinic to check it and confirm. Vet we see is relief vet. I don’t know WHY you would schedule a cat for a pre-spay clinic vet check with a vet that is not doing the surgery but I digress (and I used to be a tech and NO I would NEVER have scheduled that). So we can’t get an estimate on how much it’s going to cost while we are there but have to bring cat back to vet to see practice owning spay-clinic conducting vet. Who says that he thinks he can remove mass and spay for probably under 500. Which in this area is a good price for such a thing (no pre-an bloodwork and no biopsy), but we weren’t exactly budgeting for this and don’t have much money to begin with. So we are now trying to get aunt/grandma and her daughter to pitch in with the cost but we are pretty sure they are broke too. ARGH!!!

I have 49 pounds of cat distributed across four indoor cats. 9, 9, 11, and 20. Big cat is the oldest (8) and the one who periodically slaps the 80lbs of dog (over 2, roughly equally) to remind them who owns everything, everywhere.

We talk about net cat gain and loss at the back door in the AM and PM, they want in or out so bad that they’ll come in in jumping over each other and then they make a real racket thundering down the hall.

Isn’t it a law of nature that cats are always on the wrong side of any door, like Rum Tum Tugger? Felix has a cat door built into the window next to my computer that he uses except when we’re in the living room with the dogs - then has HAS (indulged by my hubby) to come in through the front sliding glass door so he can parade past the dogs. If it’s just me with the dogs in the living room he knows I’ll just tell him to use his door, which he does, but then he has to come into the living room & announce to the dogs that he’s now in the house with a few loud meows.

not sure

I am dealing with two freshly minted cats, after the passing of the ‘Dowager’ Muff. At 19 and one half, it was sadly time.
I was frantic to find another, because I cannot live without a cat. The vet had a lovely Tuxedo, but he was severely anemic and not ready to leave. yet.
The staff remembered a woman with a Himalayan, who was desperate to place her. Female. ugh.
Ah well, she needed a home. I met the woman the next morning at the vet. She wrote me a three page letter about this cat. She had been a stray, but was friendly. I brought her home,and after hiding for three days, she crept out and we became friends. I have christened her Dumplin’. She is probably about 8-9 pounds, and it is all fur. She is sharing my lap with my laptop at the mo.
And a big plus, is that she cares not a straw about the dogs.
But I kept thinking about that Tuxedo. I had held him, and was besotted. His story is that he was abandoned in a house for close to a month. He was starved, and close to death. Dr Schrock brought him back, and when it ws time, I got him. He is still pitifully thin but a great hulking cat. When I get some weight on him, he will be a massive boy. He is pitifully shy. It has been a week, and he still skulks around the house. He is frightened of the dogs. Snickers doesn’t help his cause.:mad:
I haven’t named the drooling Tuxedo. I like Prowler, but because of his formal dress, I am thinking of Carson, the butler, or even Raylon but I don’t know how he will look in a hat!

176 pounds Divided into 17 cats…in the house. I AM the crazy cat lady!!

176 pounds Divided into 17 cats…in the house. I AM the crazy cat lady!![/QUOTE]

176 pounds of cats! I’m not sure they’d fit in a chest freezer.

(Someone on OT Day was asking how much 500 pounds of beef was. It’s 500 pounds. But do you measure cats the same way?)

Let’s see…

18lb British Shorthair
15lb DSH

33lbs of cat!

My Brit is HUGE. He has massive shoulders and paws. He’s my giant Cream Puff :slight_smile:

MVP, you are just hilarious!

Let’s see, I have approximately 41 pounds of cat divided into 4 cats. Carmella, ancient (16) and slightly senile Persian (got her from the pound 15 or so years ago) weighs in at 6 pounds, she is tiny. Oliver Reed 8 year old gorgeous Shaded Silver Persian boy is approx. 10 lbs. Lucy Goose, formerly feral girl is also known as Fatty Boomboolatty - she’s gotta be at least 15 pounds and her “hangy downy parts” (vet’s term for loose skin hanging down from belly) go backandforth very quickly when she trots. She’s 6. Last but not least, Bubba aka Bubbalicious/BedBub/LoveBub/LapBub (blue smoke persian - are you sensing a trend here?) is gaining fast on Ollie and has got to be about 10 lbs now. Bubba just turned 1 whole year old on 12/12/12.

I’m guessing around 75 pounds of cat, divided into 6 packages (smallest around 10, largest 15). All but 2 regularly sleep on the bed with us…and yes, they absolutely “tarp” us. There have been any number of times that I was unable to get up, turn over, or breathe due to feline deadweight…

Around 50 divided among 3 fat males and 1 petite female. Two live in my husbands office above our detached garage and two live in the house. I have one very grumpy 8 yr old male who beats up on everything except me and his best bud. My poor dog often will have scrapes on her face from him. :frowning: She just can’t take a hint!

Just 10 pounds of cat in one short, stumpy package.

But when she walks across me it feels like a 500 pound sumo wrestler with a pogo stick!:cool:


But when she walks across me it feels like a 500 pound sumo wrestler with a pogo stick!:cool:[/QUOTE]

Oh God, you got that right! :lol: Too bad they can never walk over you in any of the good spots so it would be like a mini massage. NO, they have to walk over the tender lady bits, the full bladder you’re still playing the comfort vs urgency game with at 4am, or your throat.

To be fair, I’m not sure how much collective cat I’m herding. I know for sure the old lady is 10lbs (distributed as 4lb up front, 6lb in back but don’t tell her I said her butt looks big because it actually is big). Little Man tipped in at 10lbs when he went in for his brain surgery in December, however I know he’s put on more since. By anyone’s best guestimate, he should be 1yo in May; he’ll probably be at least 15lbs of solid crazy by then.

Oh God, you got that right! :lol: Too bad they can never walk over you in any of the good spots so it would be like a mini massage. NO, they have to walk over the tender lady bits, the full bladder you’re still playing the comfort vs urgency game with at 4am, or your throat.

To be fair, I’m not sure how much collective cat I’m herding. I know for sure the old lady is 10lbs (distributed as 4lb up front, 6lb in back but don’t tell her I said her butt looks big because it actually is big). Little Man tipped in at 10lbs when he went in for his brain surgery in December, however I know he’s put on more since. By anyone’s best guestimate, he should be 1yo in May; he’ll probably be at least 15lbs of solid crazy by then.[/QUOTE]

Ah yes - the full bladder. That is her favorite. God forbid I roll over at 5am because that means it’s trampoline time! :wink:

23lbs of cat total distributed between three cats.
Siamese & his full orange brother are 10lbs each and then little orange (still looking for a home hint hint) weighs in at 3 lbs. No injuries so far but I only have one that comes to bed with me and stays. Little Orange is a snuggle bunny so he sleeps with us while the other two sleep in our computer chairs.