How many pounds of cat(s) do you have? And how are they distributed?

I figure they average about 10 lbs. each although the range from 5 lbs. to maybe 15 or so. So about 180 pounds of cat!

I’m going to say around 40 lbs distributed among four kitties. My lone female is 8 lbs and the three boys are all between 10-11 lbs. each.

I figure they average about 10 lbs. each although the range from 5 lbs. to maybe 15 or so. So about 180 pounds of cat![/QUOTE]

180? I think this is our top Cat Biomass number for any COTHer. Can anyone beat it?

176 pounds Divided into 17 cats…in the house. I AM the crazy cat lady!![/QUOTE]
Oh, thank god! Someone worse than me. I think I’m at about 150 +/- with my cats.

7 + 8 + 11= 26

Barn cat poundage:
7 + 9= 16

Total farm feline weight = 42

We have about 26lb of cat here- 18lb in one oversized package and then an 8lb “compact” model.

Both are the same age(ish) but from different litters at the pound. Although the hefty one could stand to lose a pound or two, he’s definitely a larger cat based on skeletal structure than the little guy.

We have 18 cats. So if you average the weights at 10lbs each 180lbs.
They are all rescues and cherished very much. 5 are in the house and the rest have a heated building in the back yard. All are vaccinated and spayed, and head count is done every night. I have to admit that year after year I was perplexed at garden catalogues having all this stuff to rid rodents from the garden, then one day I was like duh, I know why we dont need all that stuff, as I crunched across the carcass laden walk way to the back door.

17 pounds of Big Orange Purrball (aka Dylan).

17 pounds of Big Orange Purrball (aka Dylan).[/QUOTE]

Now that’s what I’m talkin about. Do you have any pictures?

Do I!

Okay, not a ton, but here’s a few:

and, because it makes me laugh:

Thanks for posting all those.

This one is my favorite of Huge Orange:


180? I think this is our top Cat Biomass number for any COTHer. Can anyone beat it?[/QUOTE]
Can I count the outside cats???

Let’s see…
15+18+9+10= 52

Oh if we count the outside cats too then 10 + 10 + 8 + 8 + 8 = 44 more! Luckily they weigh them when they fix them and they seem about the same weight. Two were left by neighbor when she moved and 3 just moved in on their own over the years! SO I guess that is 224 lbs. of cat total! Yes Petsmart is my biggest bill each month!