How to Look Up Your TB Tattoo for Free (Thanks to the Jockey Club)

FREE. Wow.

Look them up here:

You need your JC Interactive (Equineline) account, or to create a free one.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009 Contact: Bob Curran Jr. (859) 224-2717
The Jockey Club Now Providing Free Tattoo Identification Services
The Jockey Club announced today that it has established Tattoo Identification Services, a free resource to help owners identify tattooed but unknown Thoroughbreds in their possession.

For legible tattoos, an owner can use a free tattoo lookup feature available from The Jockey Club’s website,, and the Registry homepage,

For illegible tattoos or partial tattoos, customer service representatives from the Registry will provide free research of a Thoroughbred’s identity using the information contained in The Jockey Club’s database, including color, markings, and photographs.

Information on procuring identification from illegible or partial tattoos as well as tips for reading lip tattoos and a list of frequently asked questions is available at

“We hope that Tattoo Identification Services will be a valuable tool for individuals and organizations seeking to retire, re-train and find suitable homes for Thoroughbred racehorses when their racing careers are over,” said Matt Iuliano, vice president of registration services for The Jockey Club. “We view this as an adjunct to our recently implemented checkoff program, and as a service to both the horses and the people who care for them.”

On January 1, 2009, The Jockey Club instituted a voluntary checkoff program enabling owners and breeders in North America to assist the retirement, re-training and adoption efforts of the Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation and Thoroughbred Charities of America when they submit their foal registration applications.

As an incentive to encourage participation, The Jockey Club will match the checkoff on a dollar-to-dollar basis up to $200,000 in 2009. Checkoff proceeds and matching funds are being distributed to those two organizations on a quarterly basis, with over $100,000 distributed thus far.


I’m copying-and-pasting this up in the researching your TB post in the stickied Racing 101 thread.

Not that anyone reads it.

FANTASTIC! I don’t know how many times I have heard, “the horse would have had a home to go to if we’d known who he/she was in time.”

Kudos to the JC, it’s about time.

Two thumbs up for the JC. Well done!

Wow! That’s great news. :slight_smile:

It’s about time!!

Didn’t Fugly Horse of the Day just blog about the need for this recently? Nice to hear they are listening!

What other breed clubs do we need to nudge? QH? Arab? STB?

hooray! thanks for the post!

Standardbred lookup has been online for free for quite awhile now.

So happy to hear about the TB lookup!

About friggin time. Now if they would just come into the 21st century and make all their PPs freely available like the rest of the world it would be sweet.

Great news!! As a rescuer of OTTBs, this will make a huge difference to me!

Can this news be posted in an area where more people will see it? Moderator?

I second the about freaking time notion! Oh well, better late than never I guess. It especially pissed me off when they refused to do it even for documented rescues. That $35 can go a long way towards feed and such.

That would be super sweet.

I don’t think the Jockey Club has anything to do with PP’s, does it? I don’t see how they could give away something that doesn’t belong to them.

Mmm, they have been doing it for documented rescues for a few years, but it was only a small group.
Regardless, cool news!!

Maybe this is a dumb question, but is this going to be of any help to those who can’t read the tattoo or the youngsters without tattoos? Will they do a photo search, etc?
I have two I’m trying to identify, a 2yr old and a 4yr old, both tattoo-less


I’ve already added it to the Racing 101 thread – maybe if the title of that thread were changed to include something along the lines of “how to research your TB”, or if post #127 were stickied on its own, the info would be more accessible?

[QUOTE=Empressive Award;4025092]
Maybe this is a dumb question, but is this going to be of any help to those who can’t read the tattoo or the youngsters without tattoos? Will they do a photo search, etc?
I have two I’m trying to identify, a 2yr old and a 4yr old, both tattoo-less[/QUOTE]

Tattooless might be a problem. They will do research but the tattoo field is a required one:

You could always call the contact number and ask. Worst they can do is say no.

Barnfairy, thanks for the title change suggestion. I wasn’t sure what to title it so just went with the article title :wink:

I don’t think the Jockey Club has anything to do with PP’s, does it? I don’t see how they could give away something that doesn’t belong to them.[/QUOTE]

How is the JC associated with equineline? I know I get into JC Interactive through them, but I sure don’t know what their relationship is to each other :confused: