Can they say “the Big Ass Fan’s Breeders Cup Dirt Mile” on network T.V.?
If so, do you think anyone will be able to keep a straight face while saying it?
Can they say “the Big Ass Fan’s Breeders Cup Dirt Mile” on network T.V.?
If so, do you think anyone will be able to keep a straight face while saying it?
:lol: That’s too funny. Maybe they will use an acronym? “BAF Breeders Cup Dirt Mile”?
:lol: :lol: :lol:
In July, Horse Racing Business did post an article about this sponsorship
Some folks may take offense at the Breeders’ Cup association with the nomenclature Big Ass Fans, but most people will likely find the sponsorship to be innocuous and amusing. How the commentators for the Breeders’ Cup telecast will refer to the race on the air will be interesting. More interesting yet will be future sponsorship decisions that event producers like the Breeders’ Cup may wrestle with owing to a recent U. S. Supreme Court ruling pertaining to federal trademark registration
When a potential corporate partner with a risqué or controversial name or trademark offers to put up cash to sponsor an event, officials of the event will have to decide whether to take the money or to turn it down for reasons of decorum.
Ass is not on the list words that cannot be said on TV so NBC* would be ok in saying the sponsor’s name. I agree interesting to see if they won’t say it but I’d also be disappointed if they won’t say the sponsor’s name, but that’s just me
I hadn’t thought of that. I expect the sponsor will want its name said out loud for advertising purposes.
I think the show world is used to BAF but I don’t know about the general public.
It’s good to know that NBC won’t be breaking their own rule if they say it. Still, rather awkward. :yes:
Not to be too crude but what is the modifier for the word “fan”? Does the fan have a big ass or is he or she a big fan of ass (and by that I of course mean donkey).
Jeeze I never thought of it that way. I am used to thinking about the large air displacement machines they make and have always thought of their name in that context.
I’m dense at times…:o They DO make some really big fans though.
I’m really looking forward to those prestigious commercials and network identification spots.
“Stay tuned for the Big Ass Fan’s Breeders Cup Dirt Mile up next,” with the sounds of the orchestra playing in the background. :lol:
I just can’t imagine how they will pull it off. They took the sponsors money, surely they will have to say the name.:lol: Perhaps they will have only one broadcaster say the name of the sponsor, so they can practice. Or not mention the name of the sponsor, but just roll the commercial?
I wasn’t going to watch the broadcast this year, just the replays (worried a little about the Santa Anita track problems) but now, I have to watch the broadcast of the Dirt Mile and the race before it , to see how they deal with this.
PETA will now, surely, call people who love TB racing, not just animal abusers, but animal abusing vulgarians .
I know , in reality, if there was a contest, PETA people could probably out swear any of us.
Oh that’s funny :lol:
The orchestra won’t be playing in the background. It’ll be Queen.
Fat Bottom Girls, you make the rockin’ world go round!
If only network TV executives possessed such a sense of humor… They might as well go for it, they have Big Ass Fans as a sponsor.
However, even if they had the sense of humor, you know they wouldn’t pay out the bucks they’d have to, for the use of that song.
OK, so they are fans as in moving air (no pun intended) and not fans as in sports fanatics?
Yes, they are great fans. And quite famous in Kentucky. There’s a huge mural of their logo on their building in Lexington.
I just saw one of BAFs TV commercials not 15 minutes ago. The word ass was not used. Just said Big Fans and the logo was BIG______FANS with a picture of the rear end of a donkey in the _____. Thought it very clever. Seems to me I saw a billboard, possibly at CVG touting Ky. based businesses, just the other day with the same new logo generating some chuckles in those walking by. Pretty effective.
Here’s the commercial for Big Ass Fans that will run during the BC. (The word ass is never mentioned–graphic substituted instead.) The racehorse in the commercial is graded stakes winner Called to Serve.
But… how will the network announcers cope? Will they adopt a strategy of total (or some creative) avoidance of the sponsor’s full name, or will they just blurt out “Big Ass Fans” on network TV?
Great commercial. Great fans.
I’m guessing they will just say “Big Fans” as is done in the commercial. The FCC is not really known for having a sense of humor :lol: What could be interesting is if the full name is written out anywhere that must then be avoided - like on the winner’s cooler or something.