I bought a pony! Meet Lola

Congratulations! She’s absolutely beautiful!

She is coming from a barn with a big lesson program. Little girls will be crying!

Her backstory is, the owner bought her and her sire directly from the breeder. She was started in Florida as a 3 year old, probably intended to be a Western Pleasure horse. Her owner’s declining health, however, meant she and the owner’s other horses mostly field boarded for several years. Then they got moved to NH, and the trainer where Lola is now has been helping the owner sell off her horses for the past 2 years – bringing in one at a time, and restarting them and finding a buyer. The owner is keeping a few of her retired show horses.

The “problem” with Lola from a breed show perspective is that she’s too little! She really is a pony. And she’s maybe “too quiet.” Her breeder used her dam as the go-to horse for absolute beginners. I’ve already heard from the (newish) owner of her sire, who is now gelded and a stellar trail horse.

I wasn’t really looking, just keeping an eye on sales sites. I saw the occasional horse that was way too far away to go try, but this one is 45 minutes away, and I just had to go see her.

My experience so far is that she is very patient and as far as I can tell pretty bomb-proof. She’s had lesson kids on her, she’s been trail riding, and she’s just a doll. But there is a little imp in there, too.


Congratulations :balloon:! She’s beautiful :star_struck:.

well that really is not a problem for most Morgans, we have had several who measured as ponies, but none appeared to be ponies. Usually the only thing pony about them is the cannon bones. We did show one often in open breed shows where nearly every time she entered into a pony class was challenged requiring her to be measured by the steward

Current pony 14h Morgan of daughter’s has her interim pony certificate as she is less than eight years old, she was officially measured at her first Dressage show

Your new horse is really nice and will give you many years of faithful service, it always hearth warming to an owner when their horse is admired


ooooohhhhh pretty.

I’m just saying that from the perspective of a Morgan show, she’s too little except for maybe Western equitation for a little kid. The horses in the Morgan ring always seem so big to me, although it certainly can be “presence.” But she really is a shrimp, and her parents were both 14.2 I think. Would get a pony card easily.



I hope you have many wonderful rides together!

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I’m tickled pink for you! You’ll have so much fun.

She seems pretty sensible in the video with the wind blowing. Always a good sign.

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She’s perfect! Congratulations!

Update: I don’t own her… yet. I did the wire transfer of funds for her purchase after 4 pm yesterday, and the Federal Reserve was closed already… and Monday is a holiday, so she won’t be mine until Tuesday.

I did not know this, and had transport all arranged today as I no longer have a trailer. The trainer called me to let me know. Luckily the shipper was fine about it.


Oh I love her! Congrats!

Dang! That’s sort of like being a kid on December 23rd. You know the presents are under the tree. You just can’t open them. Yet.

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Congratulations!!! She is gorgeous!!! What a lucky find for you :heart_eyes:

that is really the truth as there are really not many Morgans compared to the more common breeds, and to find one of color is hard

She is beautiful, how fun and exciting!!

Congratulations! She’s beautiful! :heart_eyes::heart:

So happy for you! Just gorgeous!!

(Several years ago, I missed out on an old school palomino Morgan gelding. I now have ‘the one that got away’ syndrome.)


Oh, that’s too bad. At times when Feronia was being especially dramatic, I had that feeling about another Morgan mare I’d ridden, who probably would have been a more appropriate first horse. But someone else had a deposit on her, and bought her.

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Meh, not too bad. He would have been fun, but I have a fun gelding now. Besides, I can live vicariously through you! :grin:

Can’t wait to see updates!