I bought a pony! Meet Lola

And she looks just right! What a good fit.


You two fit together. I can’t explain it, but I can see it. I’m so happy for you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

(And don’t get me started on the golden pony in the golden foliage!)

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My only problem today was bridling her - she’s not a fan. Bribes will help. Much less nippy today though.

I think she’s a bit more of a project than I anticipated, but that’s what a good trainer is for.


Is it her ears that she doesn’t want touched? Or doesn’t she want to take the bit in her mouth?

You look really good on her, btw. She looks to be just the right size.

I think it’s the bit. She does need the dentist, and that’s scheduled for early November. She likes having her forehead and ears rubbed so I don’t think it’s her ears.


Good. The bit is easier. When starting youngsters, I smear molasses all over the bit, and they seem to figure out quick that the bit is really yummy.


Yes, the molasses trick is one that I’ve used. You might want to have a supply of bit wipes on hand, though, as cleaning the bit afterwards can be pretty sticky!

I only had to use the molasses with my current horse for a couple of weeks before she simply started feeling for the bit and taking it into her mouth. Like your new mare, my mare needed her teeth done and I’m sure that factored into the initial reluctance.

Lola is cute, and you look very comfortable riding her!

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Congrats on your new pony, she’s lovely! And congrats on a great first ride. You two look perfect together.

So much of these makeovers is simply common sense repetition and time. Lola is a Pony Mare…you can bet shes got a little bag of tricks that has served her well discouraging riders from asking her to work or continue to work. Preferably without having to expend any energy. Simply frustrating them. She’ll get tired of you not taking the bait quick enough.

One issue with small horses and Ponies is they often get handled by small, less experienced riders and things like bridling can be clumsy and unintentionally cause the horse discomfort to the point they start evading.

Extra effort keeping her comfortable will fix that pretty quick and a little molasses will speed that. (Obviously so might the dental visit). Shes likely pretty clever, as are most Pony mares, she’ll figure it out and turn into a very special partner.


Oh this is AWESOME! My God I love her eye, and you guys look like a perfect match.

My suggestion would be instead of molasses, get those fruit roll up snacks that are quite cheap and basically gummy Candy and stick that over the bit. Yummy! And much less messy.


For the passive resisters who put their heads up and simple cant take the bit: I has a 16.2 horse that did this and fixing it did involve a step stool. But even my 15.2 and 15 h guys could be surprisingly tall when 5’3" me tried to bridle them.

In the end, the best result (especially for Morgans) was bribery with sweets. Even though my BO was appalled that I would do this with a mouthy young horse, I found that a sugar cube with the bit was not at all problematic. My horses quickly learned that bit = sweet and reached for the bit. Because it was tied to taking the bit, they didnt mug me more for treats at other times.


Dentist comes in early November - luckily she was already scheduled for 2 horses in the barn, so we’ll split the farm call charge 3 ways.

I think she knows I’m less experienced than the other people in her life, and is testing me. Feronia will test, but is generally very polite about it. Also, after almost 16 years, she and I know what to expect of each other. I’ve only had Lola for 9 days!

I was nervous before riding her yesterday, but within 30 seconds she just felt right.


Gosh you are SO right about Morgans. I’m not sure I’ve ever met one who wasn’t extremely food motivated. I always wondered if it’s just in their genes - that they must eat everything Right Now, because who knows how long it will be before they get another opportunity. Of course that comes with the downsides of easy keepers, though.


This is what I do. Though I would argue about it being less messy in the summer, at least; they seem to get gooey at unexpectedly moderate temperatures. I cut the roll-ups into inch-wide sections and keep them in a cup in my refrigerator until I’m ready to wrap the bit with one. Of course this is easy for me because I have my horse at home.

Fruit by the foot is easier to wrap, just fyi. It works great, all my horses bridle themselves.

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Just got some today!

I can’t help but hear “La La La La, Lola” :musical_note: when I look at her.


Every time I read the title of your thread I can not help but smile. I bought a pony is such a happy thing to say.
Bonus that your pony is gorgeous and seems to be wonderful on all fronts.


So happy for you! I really want another palomino, though in a slightly larger package. My last ride was 17 hands, I’d hurt myself getting off a short one. Trust me I’ve done that before.