I can no longer edit posts

Not sure if this will help the whole research thing but more information - when I hit the green thumbs up on a post I get the typical ‘thank you for rating this post’ note but right above it is something that looks like this:

POST data:

Yeah, that ‘Post data’ message showed up this morning for me too.

When I post I am getting, after I hit ‘post quick reply’, the page that says I have to wait 30 seconds to post.
Even if it’s been a while since I last posted.

my post appears though, if I just go back to the thread.

same problem here… something weird is going on

I also can’t edit and when posting it tells me to wait so long from post to post, when that was the first one I had tried to post.
When I checked anyway, it had been already posted properly!

So, maybe ignore that red letter warning to re-post, check first if it did go thru?

Not able to edit, well, that will take fixing from the cyber ghost busters, I think.

I do not get the too soon to post warning when I post but every post so far today has given me the pop-up that says ‘This page is asking you to confirm that you want to leave - data you have entered may not be saved.’ and the option to Leave Page or Stay on Page.

this editing thing is annoying… I am sorry I posted 4 posts and really didnt want to… It was really supposed to be one post with some add ons…

No functions are working now quote or reply or edit. No trouble with double posts showing up yet. Click on quote or reply and it just loads and loads and nothing happens.

Mod1 said they had seen the same behavior and they were going to chase what was going on :slight_smile:

I trust that when the problem is identified and “healed” we’ll read about it :slight_smile:

At least straight replies (without quoting other replies) is working :smiley:

Where’sMyWhite, I think people are just adding their thoughts and problems so Mod 1 knows that there are more people with an issue. Certainly is not hurting for them to know what is going on.

You can get the emoticons to work, I see. I can not get them to work for me.

I can successfully reply but the back button after a reply might also be broken. We are a bunch of ‘addicts’ aren’t we :slight_smile:

I often just put in the characters for the emoticon… i.e. say the colon and right paren rather than using the advanced and clicking on the emoticon…

I’m getting “post data” when I hit the “green thumb” too. No biggy but I thought I’d mention it.
Thanks Mods for all you do so that we can have our entertainment!

I’m getting “post data” when I hit the “green thumb” too. No biggy but I thought I’d mention it.
Thanks Mods for all you do so that we can have our entertainment!

Uh oh! See what just happened!

Every time I’ve tried to post to a thread this afternoon I get a message saying I have to wait a certain amount of time before reposting. But these are first posts, not reposts. And it’s taking a long time to edit a post.

I cannot quote a post or edit my own posts. And when I do post, I am getting the “must wait 30 seconds to post” message. Glad it isn’t just me.

I think the forums need some Tums…

I can post, but not edit and the back arrow doesn’t seem to be working properly.

I feel for the IT folks dealing with the hack a few weeks ago and now this… {{}}

OK, so I’m not the only one experiencing the same problems.

I’m using Chrome, if that helps the Mods pinpoint stuff.

Thanks for working hard on it, Mod 1! :encouragement:

I’m using Safari on an iPad, if that helps. Thanks, Mods and IT peeps, I appreciate this board and those who make it work.

I still have my original issues and now they’ve spread to Safari AND I can’t reply to posts!