I guess I belong here

This is mostly a vent/timeline thread for me, since I’ve never put all of this down together in one place and it’s still chaotic feeling. Maybe putting it all down in the order it happened will help me compartmentalize some of it.

October 2012 - I had an excruciatingly painful bump removed. It had been there for some time, but the icepick pain started during pregnancy. I tried to have it removed when my son was 4 months old, but was told not to bump it. I went to a different doctor when my son was 9 months old, and she removed it in office. Their sterile technique broke down when they couldn’t put the scalpel together, and another dr came in the room to snap the blade on without gloves. I should have stopped them and asked for a surgical referral after watching the scalpel being handled that way, but frankly, I couldn’t imagine waiting one more day with the pain, and I wanted it out right away since the pressure from the novacaine shots was intense. When I called the dr a few days later to ask to come in because it was massively infected, the office said to come in and bring a driver. I assumed they were going to do something to clean it up and maybe give me some twilight sedation, but the driver was needed because they’d just received my pathology report showing adenoid cystic carcinoma. I’d rather have driven myself home to be honest and feel a little ambushed and put on the spot in front of someone I didn’t really want knowing my diagnosis till I had processed it, but I see why they thought I should have a driver. They didn’t have much info for me since the dr is a PCP and wasn’t familiar with adenoid cystic, but they set up a referral to an oncologist. I did throw up in the doctor’s office, but a quick google showed some promising numbers about ACC so I figured it could be worse and went home to research. I found it’s much worse. It’s incurable, but slow till it metastasizes and then it tends to take off. It doesn’t spread locally but likes lungs, liver, and bones. It’s rare so there’s no financial incentive for pharmaceutical companies to research possible chemo drugs for it. I looked at my pathology report and saw my tumor was a mix of cribriform and tubular, two of the less aggressive forms, with the solid variety being the quickest and most aggressive. I figured at least that was good news. It also showed perineural invasion which is a poor prognostic factor and explained the pain. We ACC patients are never cancer free. There is no safe time zone. The ones who get to five years have no less risk of mets and recurrences than at five months. It comes back whenever, forever and we live with it over our heads till it finishes the job. I started dealing with some anxiety and called my PCP for a referral to a therapist.

The next week I saw an oncologist who said she’d seen a case of ACC in California and referred me to a surgical oncologist. She said the cancer was behaving aggressively and needed to be dealt with quickly, and stressed that it needed a good surgeon who really knew cancer but promised she was putting me in good hands. I talked to her about the bump on my parotid, where ACC usually likes to start, and asked if it should be biopsied. She said it was a terrible case of TMJ and I should see an oral surgeon, so I asked for a referral. The next day I showed up at the surgical onc’s office and waited in the exam room. When he came in, he looked through my chart, got a deer in the headlight look, and told me he was a breast cancer surgeon who didn’t have experience with my cancer and he’d refer me to a colleague.

Another week went by and I met with the new surgeon, a general surgeon. At this point I was feeling pretty panicky because the tumor had been sliced through by my PCP, not biopsied, and was still inflamed and infected and all I could think of was tumor spilling. The general surgeon said he’d seen a case when he was at UVA since it’s one of two ACC research centers in the U.S. He scheduled me for surgery for the next week.

In the meantime, I had a head CT and a pet scan as they were trying to find my primary since the location of my ACC was unheard of, although now, after joining the ACC patient group on Yahoo, I see that there is no normal for ACC, other than it’s final result. Within hours of having the pet scan, I had unrelenting pain in my lower right rib area. Since I’d been nauseated and vomiting on and off for the ten months since my son was born, I thought maybe my gallbladder, and not hormones readjusting like I’d suspected, was finally showing itself to be the problem. The Pet showed no metabolically active disease (red flag since it was known to be at the surgical site still), the head CT showed retention cysts and inflamed sinuses but no cancer. Now I know that ACC is too metabolically slow to register on pet scans, but at the time it was nice to think that the cancer wasn’t anywhere else. I also now know that many, many ACC patients have been told they have polyps or retention cysts only to have sinus surgery show ACC. It doesn’t look like most cancers on scans, and is usually undetected by mammogram and ultrasound. So now I’m thinking, “how do we even start to fight something so hard to monitor?” Not just hard to monitor, but also unknown to most doctors. I realized I have a ninja cancer. At least it’s a lazy ninja.

November 2012 - I went through the surgery with sentinel nodes also removed. I asked the surgeon what he thought of the parotid bump, and he said “dear lord, that’s a hideous case of TMJ!” He also said he’d get it very thoroughly checked just in case, and agreed I should see an oral surgeon. Even though he wasn’t an oncology surgeron, the general surgeon had clearly done a lot of research into ACC and was very up to date with his info, which was a nice feeling after too many “I don’t know’s”. The pathology came back and agreed that it was ACC. I was told the margins were clean, great news! The week after, I had my follow up with the oncologist who said I’d need radiation and she recommended proton beam. She said she was going on maternity leave and referred me to a different oncologist. The following week, I saw my PCP about the gallbladder pain since I had a positive Murphy’s sign and the pain had landed me in the ER one night. She ordered an ultrasound which looked normal. More good (?) news. The pain settled down to a persistent feeling of pressure over the next week, and remains the same today. Just constant, never ending pressure with occasional bouts of intense pain. I still didn’t have the referral to a therapist but was unable to sleep so I asked the PCP for something to help. Ambien was a miracle worker for me.

I saw the new oncologist at the end of November. I went in feeling hopeful that he’d help refer me to radiation and would be the right doctor to monitor me after treatment. He had the reputation of being the best oncologist in the area. When he came in the exam room, he looked at me and said, “What I want to know, is what are you doing here? I’m a medical oncologist… I treat with chemo. You have a cancer that doesn’t respond to chemo.” The rest of the appointment was short and unproductive. I left feeling stupid, degraded and with no referral for radiation and no idea what to do. After that appointment, I cried for the first time about the stupid cancer. I realized that nobody was going to help me through this. I don’t have a common cancer, or a trendy cancer, or a researched cancer. I have one that nobody wants anything to do with because they know I’ll just end up dead anyway.

It’s past my bedtime… will finish this up over the next week or so. Things spiraled so out of control with nobody managing my case after that point that just putting it down here makes me realize how easy it is for me to forget details. I need to keep a journal, but maybe having something here will make it easier for me to summarize everything for the new doctor in September… still playing musical doctors, insurance’s fault this time.

Oh, honey…I’m so sorry you are going through this! I hope you have a strong family and friend support team. Please keep posting here for cyber support.

I have pretty much no support team. That sounds pathetic.

What you have is obviously much more serious than me, but I understand the highs and lows of hoping the next specialist will help, or the next test, but instead you are left waiting. It is too bad there aren’t patient advocates who can help oversee and make sure you are getting the right care.

Are there any support groups you can join? A fellow cother told me about inspire.com, and it has helped (and scared) me to have others with similar diagnosises who can help me know what questions to ask and what help to focus on.

Keeping an online journal here might help you too. Maybe to feel less alone?

Sorry, obviously words aren’t much help. Wish I could offer actual help. I hope you find strength to keep trying, and I hope the right specialist is around the corner.

Oh my gosh I’m so sorry. My father has dealt with a few bouts of cancer in the past few years and it is so hard.

I know you mentioned UVA in your post. I’m located in Charlottesville and we have the Emily Couric Cancer Center here. It is PHENEOMENAL. I really hope this is not where you had your crappy experience. (I may have missed this in your post somewhere–if so, I’m sorry!)

Please PM me if you’d like any help getting a referral to an oncologist here. I don’t know if I can help at all but the doctors here are great and IME, do everything they can to treat you and/or make you as comfortable as possible. Please don’t hesitate to contact me.

I’m sorry CM.
I guess you saw the ACC physicians list -
and also http://www.accoi.org/physician-list/ just in case,
and the Yahoo support group (maybe they have some local doctor recommendations) http://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Adenoid_Cystic_Carcinoma_Organization/info
and others here http://community.macmillan.org.uk/cancer_types/adenoid_cystic_carcinoma/discussions.aspx
and here http://www.inspire.com/groups/head-and-neck-cancer-alliance/discussion/adenoid-cystic-carcenoma/

There’s also a Patient Support Line at 1-888-223-7983 for ACC patients who would like to speak with another ACC survivor.

Sorry if you already found all this stuff. I feel for you and hope you find the doctor you need soon.

Thank you guys. I just joined Inspire, I can’t remember if I’ve heard of it before or not but thanks. I actually had found the ACCRF physicians’s list and I’ve been a member of the Yahoo group for a while, but so many on it have severe health issues and it’s scary to read. They also share an incredible amount of information. I’d never seen the UK group or the phone number, so thank you! It’s not all bad, but it was and is a difficult journey trying to map out my own care. When you’re sick, you should have the chance to concentrate on getting better and not be so stressed by trying to fight for help and fighting insurance and getting the run around… that’s pretty cruel. It’s sad that others have gone down the path, but I’m lucky that they went before me and others so we have some idea where to start when getting shooed out of doctor offices. I’m also lucky that there have been some patients who left decent amounts of money to fund private research and others who fundraise. I am now under the care of two physicians on that list. One was my radiation oncologist, and the other is my medical oncologist at UVA. My case caused an apparently pretty heated debate and by the time I was finally in treatment way too many months after diagnosis, four pathology teams were involved. They all agreed on the diagnosis, just not the histology. I’m so sorry your dad has been through that, AliCat. It’s hard on the whole family. My family has reacted in a pretty head in the sand way. And no, I haven’t had any bad experiences at the cancer center at UVA but I’ve only been there twice so far. They’ve been great. My bad experiences were all local, and that’s in part my fault because it took a while for me to realize that this isn’t something that the local health system can or wants to handle. It’s in part their fault because they could have at least made sure I had appropriate referrals, or suggested what type of team I’d need.

I had a punch biopsy today on the lesion that’s been changing where the ACC had been irradiated and should hear results on Tuesday. Have some things to deal with tonight, but I still want to complete my health history here at some point. It’ll be a long boring read so I apologize to anyone who gets through it, but it’s therapeutic to get everything out there in order and then have a chance to look at it from a different perspective.

Just a nurses’ 2 sense!!

The OP has another thread on Off Course that was closed. Looks like she has come here for sympathy or whatever. Everyone beware. The medical story is exagerrated, histrionic and factually suspect IMHO. The social story is drama filled. I am unconvinced. Go read. And she WILL react badly to this post. Awful lot of “stuff” swirling around one person I’d say…:wink:

The OP has another thread on Off Course that was closed. Looks like she has come here for sympathy or whatever. Everyone beware. The medical story is exagerrated, histrionic and factually suspect IMHO. The social story is drama filled. I am unconvinced. Go read. And she WILL react badly to this post. Awful lot of “stuff” swirling around one person I’d say…;)[/QUOTE]

Wateryglen, you’re a nurse? I don’t believe you. I am not here for sympathy, I’m trying to get everything out in the order it happened for my own benefit. I was told to come here. Looks like I’m going to be forced to attach my personal medical files, and yes, that disgusts me. You’re a nurse in Warrenton, eh? We’ll see. You know it’s illegal to misrepresent yourself as an RN, right? You clearly don’t know what you’re talking about.

The original oncologist I saw who went on maternity leave is Dr. Kolodny. The second medical oncologist I saw who asked what I was doing there is Dr. Fintel. My general surgeon was Dr. N Khuri. My PCP, the one who did the punch biopsy yesterday is Dr. Cieraszynski. My ENT surgeon who did the first ENT surgery (haven’t had the chance to even journalize that yet, thanks for trying to ruin my thread), was Dr. Zachmann. The ENT I saw while in Hampton was Dr. Lindsay. My radiation oncologist in Hampton was Dr. Thornton. The surgeon I see for the gallbladder/liver symptoms (I also had choleostasis of pregnancy) is Dr Long. The Neuro oncologist I saw at UVA was Dr Schiff. My current medical oncologist at UVA is Dr. Dillon, my next scan is in October. I see the surgical ENT Dr. Payne at UVA on September 12th. I honestly can’t remember the name of the dr who diagnosed the cervical cancer and did the LEEP, but I’ll be sure to look it up for you. I need to call that clinic anyway for a follow up. I also will be sure to investigate you “being a nurse”. If you don’t even know that metabolically slow cancers do NOT show up on Pet scans, then you should lose your imaginary license anyway.

Wateryglen, you’ve been reported. I think you’re a blatant liar and hope you are prosecuted for misrepresenting yourself as an RN. Not that even an oncology RN has the education to make a diagnosis, nor have they probably even heard of ACC. I know my nurse instructors hadn’t and asked around to the units, who hadn’t either, when I had to drop the program after my surgery and before radiation. You’re lying. I’d appreciate it if you deleted your post so that I have somewhere on COTH to timeline my health story, since my thread on Off Course was closed and I was told to come here. You are harassing me, and that IS sick.

There is nowhere for me to get my story out. Never mind. I thought I belonged here. Mods, please just close it down before the feeding frenzy starts. There is just nowhere for me.

Do you have any idea how lonely cancer is wateryglen? Do you have any clue how much lonelier a rare disease is? The fact is that I have two cancers and multiple other complex health issues that all were diagnosed since my son was born 20 months ago. That’s just a fact. The fact is my horse was stolen while I was in radiation. The fact is my ex is a sociopath who shook my son… there is video of him admitting to that. I now know everything I thought about him was a lie and am finding my son’s siblings… kids I had no idea about. These are just facts. Do you have ANY clue how lonely dealing with all this is. It’s not like they’re a collection of common things with support groups in every town. I thought maybe there was one place for me, but no, I’m getting run off from here too. There is just nowhere that I belong. I tried. Mods, again, please lock it. I can’t handle any more attacks saying I’ve lied about my health. I can’t even process that someone would do that. I have enough to fight without being told my illnesses are made up. I didn’t ask for anything. I just wanted my story out and clearly there is nowhere safe left in this world for me to do that. I keep to myself for a reason. I’ve never heard of cancer patients being attacked. Why me? Why does everyone else who’s dying or chronically ill get the chance to tell their story? Why didn’t I get that?

I thought journalizing everything that’s happened would be a small positive step in my life but I see I’m not even allowed that. I just don’t understand.

Have only a minute but want to post this link to Memorial Sloan Kettering’s ACC study info.


You might want to contact them. Kettering is one of the BEST cancer hospitals around. If they can’t help you they would probably be able to give you an excellent referral.

Best wishes.

Do you have any idea how lonely cancer is wateryglen? Do you have any clue how much lonelier a rare disease is? The fact is that I have two cancers and multiple other complex health issues that all were diagnosed since my son was born 20 months ago. That’s just a fact. The fact is my horse was stolen while I was in radiation. The fact is my ex is a sociopath who shook my son… there is video of him admitting to that. I now know everything I thought about him was a lie and am finding my son’s siblings… kids I had no idea about. These are just facts. Do you have ANY clue how lonely dealing with all this is. It’s not like they’re a collection of common things with support groups in every town. I thought maybe there was one place for me, but no, I’m getting run off from here too. There is just nowhere that I belong. I tried. Mods, again, please lock it. I can’t handle any more attacks on my health. I can’t even process that someone would do that. I didn’t ask for anything. I just wanted my story out and clearly there is nowhere safe left in this world for me to do that. I keep to myself for a reason. I’ve never heard of cancer patients being attacked. Why me? Why does everyone else who’s dying or chronically ill get the chance to tell their story? Why didn’t I get that?

I thought journalizing everything that’s happened would be a small positive step in my life but I see I’m not even allowed that. I just don’t understand.[/QUOTE]

Please don’t get mad, OP, as you did on another thread this week that was closed by the mods, but: Did you not say on that thread that when you gave birth to your son that doctors found out that you have cervical cancer? So are you being treated with chemo for cervical cancer and by radiation for adenoidal cancer? Is the same hospital or UVA med doing both treatments? And did you not tell us that your father lives with you? And that he was involved with the incident where a horse was taken from you when you were in Hampton having radiation treatments? And that your brother and SIL are both lawyers? I would think that your father whom you said lives with you and your brother would both be involved in assisting you with your son, you legal issues, and your treatment issues with doctors.

I’m not trying to pick on you. If you have 2 types of cancer, you have enough problems. But it is confusing when you post one thing on your original thread about the horse issues, and another on the 2nd thread where someone asked about you. And then there’s your thread in February where you said you were going to Hampton for 9 weeks and wanted to take a horse and board it. Was that the seized Fortune? Did you want to take him with you for 9 weeks of cancer radiation because you were afraid your friends would take him? But you didn’t take your son. And radiation treatments are “usually” once a week for the duration, with patients going home between treatments. (My grandmother had them so I know something about the treatments. And she went into remission after 2 trips to a university hospital over 2 weeks for treatment.)

So your threads seem to be confusing, at least to some of us. I hope if you do have cancer that you go into remission. UVA has a wonderful med school and the doctors there take great care of the patients who come to them. Best wishes.

I’ll try to answer each question.

Please don’t get mad, OP, as you did on another thread this week that was closed by the mods
[B]And that’s why I opened this since this forum is for those of us with health issues. I think I had and have every right to be mad about people saying I’m lying about having cancer, and people bringing up money when not once have I asked anyone for anything. And now people are bringing up sympathy, as though cancer patients are undeserving of sympathy somehow and acting as though it would be a crime to sympathize with patients. Not that I was seeking anything but the chance to get this down in writing once and for all. But no, people have to make sure I’m punished more than my illnesses are already punishing me. Yes, I’m mad at people low enough to do that.

[/B], but: Did you not say on that thread that when you gave birth to your son that doctors found out that you have cervical cancer?

I had a high grade SIL, a precursor to cancer, pap during pregnancy. Changes aren’t uncommon during pregnancy so a follow up colposcopy was scheduled 8 weeks after birth. That came back low grade and I was told most likely my next pap would return to normal, like my others in my life have been. The next one was when my son was 10 months old and came back high grade again, colposcopy showed carcinoma.

So are you being treated with chemo for cervical cancer and by radiation for adenoidal cancer?
I was treated for cervical cancer via surgery. I haven’t had my follow up yet. I was treated for adenoid cystic (not to be picky, but it’s not adenoidal CA) by surgery followed by two months of proton beam radiation.

Is the same hospital or UVA med doing both treatments?
[B]My cervical CA diagnosis and surgery was dealt with locally. My ACC radiation treatment happened at HUPTI in Hampton. UVA doesn’t have proton beam radiation, it’s a somewhat newish form and there are fewer centers than traditional radiation. Not sure how many proton beam centers there are now, but there were six in the country as of 2007.

[/B]And did you not tell us that your father lives with you?
[B]He lives in an apartment in the basement of my house.

[/B]And that he was involved with the incident where a horse was taken from you when you were in Hampton having radiation treatments?
He sat in his Jeep and witnessed it. He is 80 years old and disabled, with home health aides. He is not a horse person but I asked him to keep an eye on things while the babysitter was moving her two horses. My horses live at home.

And that your brother and SIL are both lawyers? I would think that your father whom you said lives with you and your brother would both be involved in assisting you with your son, you legal issues, and your treatment issues with doctors.
Yes, they are both lawyers. My brother works in international contract law for a firm in DC and his wife is involved in federal benefits fraud investigation. My father did help by paying for childcare for the two months I was away; I had been paying for it before then while I was in an RN program that took a 45 minute drive, and paid for it during the initial surgeries etc. My father obviously isn’t able to physically help with my son, since he’s 80, uses a walker and is pretty shaky. My brother and SIL have assisted by agreeing to take my son when things progress medically. They’ve also given me limited legal advice but it’s not a great idea to retain family for representation, plus they’re about 4.5 hours away, and my SIL was 8 months into a difficult pregnancy herself, with an under 2 at home. If your family would probably be able help you more, I guess you’re lucky.

I’m not trying to pick on you. If you have 2 types of cancer, you have enough problems. But it is confusing when you post one thing on your original thread about the horse issues, and another on the 2nd thread where someone asked about you.
I don’t think I’ve contradicted myself? I wasn’t able to continue my timeline of health here, so maybe the pathology could be called into question but I was getting to that. I had the initial excision in my PCP’s office. Pathology came back as ACC with perineural invasion. Then I had a wide excision. Pathology came back as ACC with perineural invasion. When I saw the radiation oncologist in Hampton, who DOES have some experience with ACC since he’s specialized in base of skull tumors and treatment with proton beam, he said that either I didn’t have ACC (given the location of the primary site), or that he’d have to rethink his knowledge of the disease. So he wanted his own pathologists to review it, who confirmed ACC. He also was the first to let me know that I didn’t in fact have clean surgical margins, I had close (2mm) margins, which in a nerve hopping cancer is pretty bad news. After treatment, I saw Dr Dillon at UVA who is involved with ACC research who had the UVA pathologists who knew ACC review my case. They agreed ACC, and apparently also agreed with Dr Thornton that it was the solid variety, not cribriform or tubular (or a mix thereof as the initial pathology from a non specialist had stated). That’s terrible news, so my inital optimism about clean margins and less aggressive forms on pathology was misplaced. It was a difficult blow.

And then there’s your thread in February where you said you were going to Hampton for 9 weeks and wanted to take a horse and board it. Was that the seized Fortune? Did you want to take him with you for 9 weeks of cancer radiation because you were afraid your friends would take him?[B]Yes, that was about Fortune. No, I wasn’t worried about anyone stealing him. I wanted to take him because I was hoping for a little bit of pleasure and normalcy during treatments. It didn’t happen because I was pretty sick by the time treatments started, and I ended up in the hospital for five days after the first week of radiation. I wouldn’t have been up to the drive to a local barn, never mind grooming or riding. The people who took him weren’t friends. It was the disgruntled babysitter and her friend who sends to slaughter and who I have zero history with.

[/B]But you didn’t take your son.
[B]And I didn’t take my horse either. I thought about taking my son and if I’d been healthier I would have but it would have been negligent and irresponsible to have done it. I was in the ER several times during treatment, spent most days in the hotel room bed, and was fully hospitalized twice. I have no friends or family in Hampton, it’s nearly five hours from home. Social services would have had to show up to take him if he’d been with me on the days I ended up in the hospital since there was nobody close by who could have taken him (now I know that there was a COTHer I’d met years ago who was an hour away and would have kept him and me and I wish I had posted publicly about my situation before. By the time she knew what was happening, I had just finished treatment. Funny, I was afraid of posting earlier in the disease for fear of being jumped on and called a liar and sympathy seeker. The help she offered probably would have saved me and my family thousands, saved me and my son the psychological difficulty of being separated, and probably would have meant nobody would’ve had the chance to steal my horse. One day I’ll learn to be more open and learn to ask for help) and frankly, I was barely physically up to taking care of myself on the non hospitalized days.
I found out about some illegal activities the babysitter was involved in and immediately took my son away and asked the babysitter to move her two horses from my farm. So I actually did have my son with me for my final week of radiation. A family member took the week off work and made the drive to Hampton to help me with him during that last week of treatments. The babysitter retaliated, you guys already know how. I don’t want to go over that any more. This thread was supposed to be therapeutic and about health.

[/B]And And radiation treatments are “usually” once a week for the duration, with patients going home between treatments. (My grandmother had them so I know something about the treatments. And she went into remission after 2 trips to a university hospital over 2 weeks for treatment.
Well, I’m glad your grandmother had an easy time but no, they’re not usually once a week. At least not in the case of ACC. I had radiation 5 days a week, and I did make the 4.5+ hour drive home on all but one weekend so I could be with my son. I ended up driving straight to the ER and being admitted twice after the drive, but I did it because I wanted to be with him. It was probably a mistake judging by how my body responded. I couldn’t have radiation closer to home, because remember that proton beam radiation isn’t available in many places. Hampton was the closest. Not calling you a liar, but your grandmother’s case of a total of two radiation treatments is not as typical as my five days a week for 9 weeks treatment.

So your threads seem to be confusing, at least to some of us. I hope if you do have cancer that you go into remission. UVA has a wonderful med school and the doctors there take great care of the patients who come to them. Best wishes.
I’m sorry it’s confusing. That’s part of why I wanted the chance to journalize it and am so upset and disgusted about being called a liar. Mostly to help get it into compartments in my own mind, because I am still dealing with some emotional trauma from the multiple diagnoses and the overall lack of direction from some of the healthcare providers, and the feeling from the insurance company that they were deliberately blocking my way in the hopes that I’d give up or die or something. To be called a liar on top of it all is incomprehensible and horrifying and makes the fight that much harder. I hope the answers clear some of it up.I’m currently under UVA doctors’ care which is about two hours away and I am happy with them so far. [/QUOTE]

CoolMeadows I am so sorry you are going through all this. I’m also sorry about some of the questioning you are getting on here.

Thanks grayarab. It hurts at a time when I don’t have the strength to process any more hurt. I don’t understand.

((((((CoolMeadows)))))) I’ve read your other threads, and I’m so sorry you’re going thru all of this. Just do what you have to do and don’t worry about what other people think.

Sending jingles and prayers.

Coolmeadows, please continue… it is therapeutic for you… do it! I believe that some people have no luck and seem to be a target for misfortune.

And whoever is saying radiation once a week? where are you from and what cancer are you talking about? how old was your grandmother. I had radiation last Fall for recurring BC… 5 times a week for 6 weeks! And everyone I know who has had radiation had it every day! so please!!

Good luck CM!

Ditto Sloan-Kettering. Have you thought of coming up to Johns-Hopkins? It’s much closer. I’m sorry for all the crap you are going through.