I guess I belong here

Thanks to those who recommend Sloan-Kettering. I know they’re excellent. My care team is under control now, but I appreciate the help and research you guys are doing and I try to keep up with developments for when I’ll need them in the future. I already know what treatments are doing better than others for lung mets for example. Unfortunately, the one most patients in my group get best results with is only done in California right now but at least I’m informed and ready for when the time comes.

And Wateryglen? I see that you are actually licensed, in 1975. That explains a lot about your knowledge and two “sense”. The education requirements have changed a lot, thankfully. Reporting you regardless, and I don’t mean to COTH.

My mom worked in rad onc for years as a nurse before doing paliative care so op if you have questions feel free to pm me and i will ask her.

I can only be moral support or if your dealing with physical pain

Let me tell those of you who doubt a story. It’s a bit long, and at first may not seem relevant, but bear with me.

Some years ago, I found out that a mare that we had placed through the old Finger Lakes Race Track Trainer’s Listing, had fallen into jeopardy, and was at New Holland. This mare was a lovely creature, big boned and docile. The gentleman who bought her for a broodmare, at a very fancy quarterhorse breeding facility, couldn’t seem to get her bred, so he dumped what was to him an unprofitable asset. We brought her to the attention of the people of COTH, and, with their usual grace and generosity, they volunteered enough money to pay for buying her, with money left over for transport. We needed a home for her, before we could do anything, however.

Cool Meadows offered that home. The mare, Ducky, arrived there, beat up but at least in one piece. Here’s a picture of what she looked like when she arrived. The powder is Gold Bond, to help with a nasty case of rain rot. http://pic100.picturetrail.com/VOL721/13437073/24311141/407480592.jpg

A couple of months went by. The mare was looking better, but was developing a very suspicious belly. Cool Meadows got the vet out and he confirmed her prognosis. Ducky was pregnant. The big quarterhorse breeder had been wrong about her being in foal. This is a picture of her at that time. I think she looks a lot better, belly and all. http://pic100.picturetrail.com/VOL721/13437073/24311141/407480591.jpg

In due time, the foal was born, and he was a beauty. Ducky had blossomed, also. http://pic100.picturetrail.com/VOL721/13437073/24311141/407480593.jpg

All this time, it was Cool Meadows who cared for them, and who bore the expense of making sure that they were well and safe. She has continued to do so and I get regular updates. Ducky now belongs to a young man who trail rides her, and loves her to pieces. The foal, “Goose”, is still with Cool Meadows. I think he’s somewhere around three years old now. I got a picture of him a while back, but, for some odd reason, I can’t find it.

My point in all this is to try to assure those of you who have doubts about this woman that you can relax. I don’t claim to be best friends with Cool Meadows. I have never met her. But, what I do know is that this is a woman who cares for those who need caring for, often to her own detriment.

I think what we are seeing here, and I hope she doesn’t mind this very amateur and armchair analysis, is a woman stretched very thin by circumstances beyond her control. I see stress, and anxiety – worry about the future, and, maybe, anger at the unfair blows that life has thrown at her. I don’t know how I would react under these circumstances, and, if you’re honest with yourself, neither do you, until those circumstances hit. I think that she has come here looking for support, just plain moral support. She has it from me.

Oh, and for those of you who may be relatively new, and wonder who the he11 I am, and why you should listen to me? Well, no good reason, you don’t know me. But, if you look, you’ll see that I have been around these forums for a good, long time, I helped moderate them for a number of years, before I quit because I became active in placing retiring Thoroughbreds from the track in new homes and I was afraid of conflict of interest, since I was very actively doing that here. There are quite a few people here who have met with me, or worked with me on those placements, and, I suppose, they would vouch for me, and confirm that I pretty much tell the truth, as I see it.

So, hugs, Cool Meadows. You have all of my best wishes. But, then, you already knew that.

Thank you Louise… I was about to clarify that CM has been a member here for many years with no previous history of drama or alliteration. Sadly I am sure all of this is true, but is being told by someone who is overwhelmed, emotional, and possibly lonely (hence why our opinion effects her)… That is a lot to handle for anyone, let alone a single parent.

Stay strong CM, don’t lose hope!

Thanks Louise. I seem to recall Ducky’s story, but even without, I know how the cancer worry can make you go over the edge.
I believe CM and wish her the best with all my heart.
Somehow, the stars have to re-align in a better pattern for her.
Jingles and hugs to you CM.

I am SO sorry that you are going through all of this horrible trauma and illness. I really hope that you can find the care and support that you need, both online and in real life. You deserve to be lifted up through this very difficult time, not made to feel like you need to defend yourself. ((((hugs)))))

I’m sorry people have to defend me but thank you for doing it. I asked my best friend of twenty years to come on COTH and verify. She was with me for several of my appointments and with me for the first few days of radiation in Hampton since the second day of treatments was my birthday. I hate doing it since she has her own things to deal with. I don’t understand the desire from those who have good lives to take away what little those of us in bad situations have. I think at least one of those posters is going to find out soon what it feels like to have something taken away. She’s lucky it’s not her health that will be taken.

I’ll also post my medical records. The scanner is next to my son’s bedroom. He’s napping but I’ll scan when he gets up so I don’t wake him up shuffling around. I can’t believe I have to do this. I have only ever given through COTH.

Don’t post your medical records.

CM, I agree with Laurie. Don’t post your medical records. We don’t need them, and it might, legally, not be a good move, at all.

And Wateryglen? I see that you are actually licensed, in 1975. That explains a lot about your knowledge and two “sense”. The education requirements have changed a lot, thankfully. Reporting you regardless, and I don’t mean to COTH.[/QUOTE]

You know, I know you’re upset, it sounds like you’ve had a bad hand dealt to you, but seriously, you’re going to attempt to ruin someone’s profession because you’re in a snit about something an anonymous person said on a forum?

This is what happens when you air private problems in public (which is where it started…it has nothing to do with your illness, it is the totality of the whole situation.

A lot of us attempted to help you with the “stolen” horse, but there was a whole lot more to that story than first appeared. That’s why people are questioning your whole story now.

Work on getting yourself well, just let the rest of it go. It’s just not worth it.

You know, I know you’re upset, it sounds like you’ve had a bad hand dealt to you, but seriously, you’re going to attempt to ruin someone’s profession because you’re in a snit about something an anonymous person said on a forum?

This is what happens when you air private problems in public (which is where it started…it has nothing to do with your illness, it is the totality of the whole situation.

A lot of us attempted to help you with the “stolen” horse, but there was a whole lot more to that story than first appeared. That’s why people are questioning your whole story now.

Work on getting yourself well, just let the rest of it go. It’s just not worth it.[/QUOTE]

An RN has no right to abuse their title. None. It’s dangerous, it’s cruel, it’s unprofessional, and it’s unbelievably damaging. I know who she is, and she’s being reported… She shouldn’t have done something so stupid and dangerous.

This thread has everything to do with my medical history. There is no more to do with the stolen horse than what was stated. Court is in October. The person who stole him’s husband has been spending time in jail after being found guilty of other crimes committed against me in the meantime. This thread is supposed to be about health. This whole forum is supposed to be for health issues.

Things are scanning now and then need to go to photobucket.

I agree you should not post your medical records. Period. People who don’t believe you… well, never mind them.
You could be shooting yourself in the foot by posting that info. Really, don’t…
Many believe you. Don’t get yourself into more trouble by posting that are nobody’s business but yours.

You do not need more hassles…

I’m getting emails from people saying I should post them and that then people will back off. In what way will they cause legal troubles?

I’d recommend not posting your medical records either. It really doesn’t matter what trolls on COTH think. In the slightest.

Ugh, well I didn’t think about my current scan settings and uploaded each piece as a pdf which of course isn’t what photobucket is for. Looking for a free pdf host instead.

EDIT: Everything but the bit about the disease itself is now private. I hope that puts things to rest. This wasn’t the plan.

I won’t keep them up forever, but I hope this will get the sickos off of me. Second pathology, nonspecialist after local general surgeon Dr. Khuri did a wide excision.

A little bit about the disease in general:

One of the scans:

One of the November surgeries:

Another November surgery:

Breast Ultrasound ordered because tissue was dense on mammogram (ordered to keep searching for primary site). Can’t figure out where the mammogram is. Ultrasound showed a rare disease called Mondor’s. Go me.

February ENT surgery:

And just for fun, a car crash and ER visit in between everything else in November.

The neuro oncologist at UVA. Turns out he wasn’t the right dr for my case, but nice guy:

The dates for treatment at Hampton:

A typical radiation schedule. It’s not a once a week thing for anyone I’ve ever known. I didn’t make it to that week since I was in the hospital, but they give you the schedule for the next week every Friday.

A very truncated medical history from MyChart through my PCP office since my ob/gyn doesn’t use MyChart and I just don’t have those documents around. At least my PCP has the initial abnormal cervical cells listed. Will ask for a copy of my diagnosis/surgery report when I schedule my cervical follow up.

One of the hospitalizations through the radiation treatment, after driving home from Hampton:

One of the scans while in the hospital. I seem to be missing two head CTs and an MRI not related to a hospital visit.

EKG while in the hospital since my heart rate didn’t want to leave the 30’s. I think it’s from a continuous cycle of antibiotics since I’d been on 11 rounds between November and April for a chronic sinus “infection”. Levaquin is nasty stuff.

One of the ER trips while in Hampton. I’m still surprised they didn’t admit me on this one because I remember feeling like this was one of the sickest weeks of my life and my breathing was terrible.

Hampton ENT surgeon. Didn’t get to have that surgery because insurance shut it down the day of:

Dr. Dillon, current UVA oncologist:

Dr Payne, UVA ENT surgeon Sept 12th.

This is probably 1/4 of the stuff but this was what was in one file. Going to go walk the farm with my son and will move all files to private later.

Cool Meadows, why do you need to prove anything? It won’t change anyone’s mind. Just let it go, for your own health and peace of mind. This can’t be good for you.

A forum break might be a good idea. Read a good book, watch a funny movie, play with your son.

I hope medical records change people’s minds. If not, they’re too stupid for words. Then again…
Don’t worry, I spend a huge amount of time with my son. I wanted to come back to the forums. He’s playing his heart out. Happiest kid I’ve ever met.

Cool Meadows you have nothing to prove to any of us. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch.

If someone doesn’t believe you, nothing you post up will convince them. Don’t worry about them. Your priorities now are your health and your son. Concentrate on them.

If someone is talking junk to you, put them on ignore, block them or just don’t read what they write. It’s not worth getting yourself upset over. You have more important things on your plate right now.

Put yourself and your son first.