I guess I belong here

Coolmeadows has nothing to prove to a nurse that clearly lacks knowledge. And anyone that thinks you only have one radiation treatment a week is idiot. And I for sure would not want that nurse to care for me or anyone for that matter does she attack all her patients. She is just older nurse that hospitals are trying to get rid of, her skills are outdated clearly.
I am coolmeadows best friend and she is a very honest person so old nurse is attacking is hitting nerve.
Her father does live in an apartment but she cares for him. I am the witness to the horse being stolen. I felt awful and still feel guilty that it happened and I couldn’t stop it. Imagine finishing your teatment only to find out your horse has been stolen. It cost a lot for motel, food, and gas so she had to spend a huge amount and no one has ever given her money. She tries to never ask for help. She has so much strength that can’t be explained and has been by my side anytime I needed her (way to many times to count). She is true honest friend which is hard to find. I can post pictures of her radiation burn that she never complained about. Thank you to everyone that is showing support. Being ill is lonely even if you are surrounded by family. Those of you that want to attack and try and pick things apart go away or you can attack me but lay off coolmeadows. Old nurse, honey god bless you and have blessed day :). Mary Cook-Moore not coolmeadows or with her so don’t even start that and finshed watching you things attack my bestfriend. Enough back off find someone else to pick on or maybe starting volunteering at cancer society and you will see her story isn’t rare.

Coolmeadows has nothing to prove to a nurse that clearly lacks knowledge. And anyone that thinks you only have one radiation treatment a week is idiot. And I for sure would not want that nurse to care for me or anyone for that matter does she attack all her patients. She is just older nurse that hospitals are trying to get rid of, her skills are outdated clearly.
I am coolmeadows best friend and she is a very honest person so old nurse is attacking is hitting nerve.
Her father does live in an apartment but she cares for him. I am the witness to the horse being stolen. I felt awful and still feel guilty that it happened and I couldn’t stop it. Imagine finishing your teatment only to find out your horse has been stolen. It cost a lot for motel, food, and gas so she had to spend a huge amount and no one has ever given her money. She tries to never ask for help. She has so much strength that can’t be explained and has been by my side anytime I needed her (way to many times to count). She is true honest friend which is hard to find. I can post pictures of her radiation burn that she never complained about. Thank you to everyone that is showing support. Being ill is lonely even if you are surrounded by family. Those of you that want to attack and try and pick things apart go away or you can attack me but lay off coolmeadows. Old nurse, honey god bless you and have blessed day :). Mary Cook-Moore not coolmeadows or with her so don’t even start that and finshed watching you things attack my bestfriend. Enough back off find someone else to pick on or maybe starting volunteering at cancer society and you will see her story isn’t rare.[/QUOTE]

I think you’re mixing a couple of posters all up together. I don’t remember the nurse saying anything about once a week treatment.

In any case, even if some one is ignorant and obnoxious, it’s really best to ignore it. Really.

I have been ignoring the character attacks for week and have had it. And I don’t care if I mixed any of them up because they all lack basic compassion and humanity. If you don’t believe what she said move on the next thread. Every thread this week she has been attacked.

I have a disability and would love suggestions on how I could ride again but didn’t post cause I see people attacked and I can’t take being kicked when I am already down.

whoever mentioned radiation only once a week has conveniently deleted his/her post. I replied to it too and it’s gone!
Maybe your grandmother only had it once a week because she was older and could not handle the every day radiation, but no matter the cancer (BC, prostate, brain, etc.), everyone I know who had radiation had it every day for weeks on end… in Canada, in the US and in France!

Thanks Mary and I’m sorry. Like you need this on your plate either. I’m also sorry for any patient who reads this mess and decides not to post. It is a lonely time and hard enough for some personality types to even discuss. There’s a reason I didn’t say anything about it in my post in February asking about barns in Hampton. I’m sure not looking for anything that’ll cost anyone. I am terrible at asking for help and take on probably more than I should. It’s worked out so far and I don’t intend to need help anytime soon, either. Patients shouldn’t be made to feel ashamed of being sick. That is often a very American trait… that punishing the sick. I don’t know where it comes from but I hope I survive long enough to move back out of the country.

FalseImpression, I think it’s still there on the first page. Shezabrazenhussy or something. I’ve never heard of only two radiation treatments either. I guess it could happen but it’s sure not normal. Sorry you’ve gone down the cancer road, too.

That post of radiation being “usually once a week for the duration” is still there, but for posterity:

CoolMeadows, I hope you and your son had a lovely walk around your farm. And again, please don’t pay any attention to those negative people/comments. If anything you need peace and tranquility at this time.

And think only positive thoughts as you proceed through your treatments.

Haha, well maybe the hussy part was what I was thinking reading her post! Oops.

ok, I must be blind!

I am truly sorry for all your troubles and I hope they are over soon.

But from my perspective as a disinterested third party you’re coming off as unbalanced and vindictive. And more than a little frothy.

Not only do you not need to prove anything to a bunch of strangers, posting your medical information on the internet is just plain crazy. You’re inviting strangers into your private life.

Once you do so - you lose the right to complain if they don’t all gush over you and join in a group hug. You opened the door. You can’t close it again.

Again, I am truly and sincerely sorry for all your troubles. But many people experience all kinds of horrors and don’t lose their marbles all over the internet.

I’ve always read your posts and must admit that you have a lot of drama in your life, and your posts are often very confusing and sometimes even contradictory. I don’t mean that I think you are lying. What I mean is that from an OUTSIDERS perspective, they often appear suspicious. People who have been on BB’s a long time tend to be wary of such posters.

Which is a shame because the charlatans make it difficult to know who is trolling or attention seeking, and who is in truly in need of help and support. I hope you get that help and support as you deal with your illness. But I think you will garner more sympathy if you don’t threaten people.

Perhaps you should consider focusing on your health and life and not spend your time attempting to ruin the life of another person. If nothing else - it’s not a productive use of your time.

I wish you a full recovery and the best of everything. I mean it. Good luck!

FFS JSwan. Not ONE thing is contradictory. Mad about not getting a group hug? Are you kidding? I’m being told that I’m lying about having cancer. And now that I’ve proven that I’m not lying, the attacks keep on coming. Vindictive? I’m sorry but I’m not going to sit back while a nurse abuses the title. She does not have the knowledge to speculate that the medical history is factually suspect, but to preface her lie with “I’m a nurse” in order to convince people that my disease isn’t real is not ok and the BON works under administrative justice. They can do with it what they want, which may be nothing, but I hope they at least discuss with her that what she’s doing is inappropriate and totally against the goals of a public servant. Making the complaint will take 10 minutes, so no need to tell me what I should be doing with my life. I can manage it, thanks. I’m told I’m lying. I post proof and then get told defending myself with proof is crazy. I’m told things are too difficult to follow so I clear them up step by step but I guess you didn’t look through that JSwan. I get attacked by someone who’s using their healthcare background to call me a liar and I intend to let the BON know and get called vindictive. That’s not the type of person who should be a nurse and it makes me wonder just how many times she’s been through diversion. Forget it, I’m through here. JSwan, you and I have had words before. Horrors without losing their marbles? You get two cancers, possibly a third, have your son abused, have a horse stolen and then get harassed and called a liar. Make sure one of those cancers is rare so that healthcare professionals won’t know much about it and so that insurance repeatedly misclassifies it. And then get attacked again when you provide proof. What you’re doing here is disgusting. I see nobody else in the disabilities forum being jumped on. I’ll post what my punch biopsy comes back as and then I’m through here. I don’t know what else people want to get that this is real? Proof? No, that makes jerks like JSwan judge more and call me crazy. No proof? Then I must be a liar. Go tell all the other people posting threads here that they’re lying and crazy for posting their medical problems on the internet.

Oh. Aren’t you a foxhunter in Virginia, JSwan? Guessing wateryglen the foxhunter is a friend. Too late. Once you put out on the internet what your profession is and use it to attack people, you don’t get to take that back either. The reason patients die at the hand of bad healthcare professionals is because people who had the chance to report red flag behavior up to that point, didn’t do it.

I don’t recall you and I having words before. I posted in a spirit of kindness and compassion for your troubles. I truly and sincerely hope that you obtain excellent treatment and experience a full recovery. My caution about posting your medical records was intended kindly as well.

I think you need to take a step back and reconsider what you just posted. Because I did NOT deserve it. Not only did I not deserve it - you again come off as a really crazy, mean person.

Contrast your posts with those of Leena’s. A woman of grace, dignity, and courage in the face of a horrific and terminal illness. I never met the woman and I wept when I learned of her death. I read her posts and felt nothing but compassion and sadness for her and her husband.

I am trying to show the same compassion for you in your time of need. You are making it difficult; if not impossible. That is not my fault.

Again, I wish you a full recovery.

ETA: I know a lot of people on this forum. It is not a factor in my posts or participation on the BB.

For god’s sake JSwan, don’t you dare compare cancer patients. I don’t want to explain the differences but let’s say she probably didn’t have to educate insurance about how to classify her cancer and probably didn’t have needed surgeries and treatments get put off for months because insurance couldn’t figure out that I don’t have melanoma. I REALLY hate having to say these things and wish you hadn’t brought her up. Yes she was all those things and she also had very different circumstances… horses to ride, family that could physically help etc. So now I get told I’m not only a liar about my cancers, but that the way I’ll die isn’t good enough for the crazies on COTH. You bringing Leena into this thread is about as low as it gets.

Yes Jswan, you and I have a history. It’s pretty old and I don’t even remember what it was over, but I don’t believe you when you say you didn’t know. I’m sorry if you feel my response attacked you. I see no kindness in your accusations and judgments but I’ll try to give you the benefit of the doubt. You think you didn’t deserve my response? I wasn’t mean to you, didn’t call you names or say you’re lying about your life but you jump back and pretend to be a victim? Martyr complex much, JSwan? I did imply you’re being a jerk and you implied worse about me. I think you’ll live.

ETA: I don’t believe your ETA. All said with kindness and love, honey.

I wasn’t comparing cancer patients.

I was comparing character.

So you say we have a history and you don’t remember what it was about, but if I don’t remember it’s because I’m lying? Really?

You really want to make it difficult or impossible for people to express concern or sympathy for you. Well, ok then. I’ll stop. I’ll save my effort for other posters going through rough times.

I wasn’t comparing cancer patients.

I was comparing character.

So you say we have a history and you don’t remember what it was about, but if I don’t remember it’s because I’m lying? Really?

You really want to make it difficult or impossible for people to express concern or sympathy for you. Well, ok then. I’ll stop. I’ll save my effort for other posters going through rough times.[/QUOTE]

It was around 2006 so no I don’t know which specific thread started it but you and I have history and you know it. Bringing Leena into this was classless.

Please do save your efforts for others. Do you not see any of the issues? I get told I’m a lying sympathy seeker and then get told I’m not acting like someone seeking sympathy. That’s because I’m not. I have never put the story down in writing and getting just the first month of it out was helpful. Not to say that the genuinely kind and helpful responses haven’t been appreciated, because I deeply appreciate them. Your posts are pretty clearly not of that variety.

JSwan, you’re acting like a self-righteous troll. Just stop it. To say that how you are acting is not your fault is childish and vindictive.

I ask COTH yet again to please lock this. I have shown proof that there were no lies but the personal attacks keep coming. I have asked the mods to lock it several times with no response.

CM - I don’t even remember what I had for breakfast this morning. Do you really expect me to remember an internet post from 2006?

How many times do I have to wish you well? This forum is a great place for people to seek help, advice and comfort. I’ve posted here for help and advice too.

I cautioned you about posting all your medical information because once it’s out there, you can’t regain that privacy. And you can be at the mercy of people who do NOT wish you well. For God’s sake take it in the spirit intended. And focus on positive things instead of haranguing people. The most important thing right now is regaining your health; and that is going to take a lot of physical and emotional energy.

The OP had asked us to close the thread earlier, but had continued to post on the thread, so we’d left it open. We’re happy to close it now as it’s become contentious and she’s clarified she’s no longer interested in posting on it.

Mod 1