I really don’t get why anyone would want a Friesian - oh wait a minute!

I must admit to being negatively biased :grinning: My user name, KBC, were the initials of my big black poor man’s Friesian, I bought because I thought he would be stunning in the dressage ring. Well we never found out, because he put me in hospital for 3 weeks, and he was sold. More suited to the rodeo than the arena I think. The last memory I have is seeing the flying black mane, as his head came up, the I woke up in an impact crater surrounded by medics.

So, being an addict, I didn’t quit, I got back into it, but have owned a couple of greys and a red head since then, felt that a black horse would be to triggering.

Last weekend was supposed to be doing my first recognized Working Eq show, but of course my horse decides to go lame! My instructor offered me her Friesian to ride, and having thought about it for a while, I decided to give it a try. 20 minutes on Thursday night doing getting to know you, then on Saturday down the centre line!

It was a total blast! I loved him, even though my inept self was struggling with all the buttons that are installed on him, we reached agreement and he was a gentleman.

Now to start a go fund me to buy him​:rofl::rofl::rofl:


Love it!! And the Working Eq!

:persevere: Sorry to hear your 1st Friesian was not the horse you thought he’d be.
Not my particular Cup 'o Tea, but a friend has a FriesianX & a younger full Friesian I’d take off her hands in a heartbeat.
Both ride & drive, though friend only drives, her granddaughter does the riding & has since she was around 9… bareback as well as WP & Huntseat.
They clean up at our County Fair.
I’ve driven the younger horse & though she describes him as “Every day is a new day to him” :smirk:, I had fun.
My Daily Driver is a mini, so having the lines on a Big Guy is a fun change.

Her full Friesian winning Champion Pleasure Driving:
(granddaughter was Reserve)

Granddaughter winning Champion Horse to Cart with the X:
(friend was Reserve)


Friesians are fun. I used to work with a half a dozen or so of them ages ago as a groom. Tons of personality and for the most part, pretty darn safe.

So glad to hear you enjoyed your Saturday with him!


Wowee wow wow what a gorgeous horse!! :star_struck::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes: You look great on him OP! If I ever win the lottery and have piles of buck-you money, a Friesian or two or three is definitely on my wishlist.:joy:


Horse is :star_struck: ! Y’all look great together.


And your helmet is way cool.


There are two Friesians at my current barn. One is quite old but is stunningly gorgeous when he’s trotting or just standing on a hill. The younger one is a black lab in a horse costume. He’s the sweetest, friendliest in your lap horse ever. I’d love one as a pasture pet to admire but don’t think I’d want to ride one…or groom one. My pony has a long mane that’s not nearly as thick as the two boys’ manes and he gets more care than my own hair (I buzz mine!)

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Lol, judge actually wrote “nice hat band” on my score sheet.

I am gutted that she only said, and did not write down “over achiever “ when Braam decided if he was doing dressage it must be his usual 3 rd level, so he wanted a lope transition from his first halt, we had a little discussion over that one!


Gorgeous horse. And you - well, you look utterly miserable. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I will start a GoFundMe but only if I get to ride him, too. :wink:


Hey that’s my happy face! It’s as good as it gets.

Well we’ll pad the amount we raise so you can come and visit anytme


Wow, gorgeous photos OP. Sorry to hear about the OG KBC - but glad to read a Friesian gets a redemption arc with you.

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Redemption all the way, at least for this guy


The horse is gorgeous, you look awesome and it’s obvious that you were enjoying the day. Congratulations, and I’m so glad you got to enjoy such a wonderful experience. After your many trials and tribulations, you deserve it! :+1:

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I’ve always wanted to meet a tall, dark, handsome, long haired, feathered, Friesian… I just don’t want to be responsible for keeping all that mane and tail detangled.


I must admit trying to get his tail brushed through, and cleaning hooves trying to see around masses of feather took me back to my youth. So many thick mane and tailed hairy legged cobs, before they became “posh” standard riding school fare! :rofl:

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Good for you! (I have similar reservations about feathers, mane, tail grooming, etc.)

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Very pretty! Do they have a nice canter? I heard that their carriage horse background means the canter can be rough.

:rofl: seeing as we were doing walk trot, given a whole bunch of fears around me, cantering, and especially cantering black horses, we hadn’t practiced canter. I had been warned about his trot, and that is HUGE, took a while before I got the hang of posting it. Did manage to sit some of the smaller circles in the Ease of Handling class, but it will take work to get proficient!

We did get this much canter though.

And I was 100% shocked that my reaction wasn’t to panic, but to think YESS, it felt good. Once I recover from this damn Covid I am so having some lessons on this boy, including cantering! Then I’ll report back.


You look like you’re having a blast!

What I remember about cantering Friesians is how LOUD their foot falls are. (I was not riding them.) The ones I’ve known have all been sweethearts but not terribly healthy.