ICE The elephant in the room

Am I the only one that finds mats slippery as well? I have the same TSC 3/4 inch mats everyone uses, and my old pony slipped and fell behind yesterday for the farrier. Scared the crap out of me! She is 33 and took a second to get up, and I was panicking inside…she didn’t do anything wrong, just lost her balance.

They slip more on the mats than the concrete block section of my barn. It has texture from the blocks and the concrete itself. Especially if it is just a little wet.

A slick concrete can be very, very slippery but it is totally inappropriate in a barn.

Some barns may be concrete that is slicker so it can be easily disinfected…I wonder if that was at play here in this university barn. You wouldn’t want mats in a veterinary situation because under them would be an ideal place for germs to grow I would think.


I’ll admit to having seen a few concrete barn aisles without any mats, but it was quite a while ago. Please note the past tense there.

Then there was Feronia’s last barn, where it was mats covering 100% of the aisle, creating a static nightmare. Feronia is super sensitive to static, and she remembered being shocked, to the point where she was extremely nervous the first time she got blanketed each fall. I could take off her blankets in her stall, if she was tied and had some hay to distract her. Generally, though, I took them off outside on the dirt. I groomed her in her stall using damp brushes, and usually hung onto the end of her tail while I groomed her. (I think Bluey gave me those tips.)

Eventually I realized that the reason she so often stood crooked on the cross ties at previous barns is that she was less likely to get shocked if she didn’t have all her hooves on the mats.

Now she’s living outside so things are much better. But she gets very upset if I accidentally shock her on the nose!


Soo smart Feronia!


IIRC, it was only after a horse slipped in the aisle and fell, flailing with his hooves and whacking one of my classmates, that the aisles were fully matted in the LAH.


I’m curious whether anyone else has seen an impact of the deportation situation on equestrian businesses yet.

I’ve maybe seen a few more localish barns seeking workers, but it’s also the time of year - cold, snowy, icy - that people tend to quit. None of these barns are places I know anything about. My impression in any case is that Massachusetts does not have a lot of undocumented barn workers, compared to other places.

A farrier in New Jersey, who has a green card, got picked up by ICE last Monday and has not been seen since.




To be fair, it appears that farrier was on probation/parole for a serious sexual assault charge. The gofundme for him states he was picked up by ICE at a meeting with his parole officer. A search of his name matches with a person who pled guilty to felony sexual assault involving a minor. So there’s that.


A search of my husband’s name brings up a lot of dudes that aren’t him.

That would be because Spanish names tend to be very common with just a first name and last name. You need all the other names to verify that someone is the same person, and our systems aren’t good at that.

Just saying - I wouldn’t verify anything from a name search.

Sincerely, someone whose DH is named the Spanish equivalent of John Smith.


Yikes, I did not know.

Agreed. Yet this person’s wife says on his gofundme page that he was arrested by ICE when he arrived for his appt with his parole officer. Which means he has a criminal conviction for something serious enough to warrant parole supervision.


Oh I’m not arguing that he hadn’t done anything wrong - just a statement about names, especially Spanish ones - because we should all be careful!

My husband used to work for a company that did jail software. The prison systems did not have enough characters available for Spanish names, even just the traditional Americanized two, much less the four that are more traditional.

Loads of crimes that are “less serious” like minor drug charges and DUIs often get probation officers assigned. And while those are definitely bad, they probably don’t warrant you vanishing by ICE.


This is also happening in Seattle WA area.

What do you mean “enough characters”?

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So - many computer systems still have character limits - eg, the number of characters (letters) that you can use on a line. Spanish names are very long. The traditional jail software was only set up for shorter American names. Not enough characters. My husband still works for the justice system and routinely has to remind people that they need to leave more space.

I have a 5 letter first name which is short for a woman of any cultural descent and a traditional Spanish last name. You know those little boxes on forms where you fill out your email address? Mine doesn’t fit :laughing: and it’s just a Gmail addy. I have to write in the spaces.

Now, to get a more accurate search by name, you need space for 4 long names as they use the mother’s and father’s mother’s last name as additional identifiers, as is traditional in Spanish culture.


Apparently a farrier in NJ
Wife is reporting he’s been moved from detention center to detention center, and lawyer saying it will cost as much as $20k to help him not be deported

Edit, must be the same guy you heard about.
It’s distressing.

Re him being picked up at a meeting with his parole officer… Well, at least he was showing up to those meetings.
Will those who were, still show up after this?

If your doing it have done your time, is that a reason to deport?
Look at the people Trump pardoned…


That’s Jorge Sanchez. I know him. Always thought he was a good guy, good farrier, and good CDE competitor. Apparently, the criminal charge relates to “criminal violence against a family member.” I don’t know if that is domestic violence, because if it were I think that would be the charge. Although I have no idea about the circumstances, alcohol was probably involved because it usually is!


Ok I understand . I was thinking of characters as letters, and not as a computer thing. Or was wondering if you meant the tilde. Thanks for explaining I appreciate it .

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The tilde is an issue too - but not for those systems. Heck, I didn’t even know we had one until I had been married for 10 years :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Edit: Correction, we have an accent not a tilde. Posting while superbowl watching is ill advised.


I am against the “mass deportation” efforts of this administration and I 100% believe that the vast majority of immigrants are valuable contributors to our society. My only caution is that using this farrier as an example of the unfairness of the system is probably unwise. If you have to spend time explaining WHY he was meeting with his parole officer when he was detained by ICE, then you’ve already lost the argument.

I feel for his family in this situation.


I may have missed something, and it’s possible no one here will know the answers to this.

Shouldn’t this farrier have already been deported when this criminal case for which he’s on probation was going through the system? I thought that was normally how it’s done? I seem to recall once they’re convicted they’re usually deported. Of course they just keep coming back anyway but that’s another issue and another discussion .
Is it probation or parole? IME parole is After prison time probation usually before to try to keep you out. I don’t recall or didn’t see what the offense is.
I suppose they could have withheld adjudication and given him probation though, in which case that’s not a conviction yet.
But they usually send them back then.
Unless he’s a citizen already in which case he’s legal and shouldn’t be getting deported.

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