Am I the only one that finds mats slippery as well? I have the same TSC 3/4 inch mats everyone uses, and my old pony slipped and fell behind yesterday for the farrier. Scared the crap out of me! She is 33 and took a second to get up, and I was panicking inside…she didn’t do anything wrong, just lost her balance.
They slip more on the mats than the concrete block section of my barn. It has texture from the blocks and the concrete itself. Especially if it is just a little wet.
A slick concrete can be very, very slippery but it is totally inappropriate in a barn.
Some barns may be concrete that is slicker so it can be easily disinfected…I wonder if that was at play here in this university barn. You wouldn’t want mats in a veterinary situation because under them would be an ideal place for germs to grow I would think.