ICE The elephant in the room

They are definitely being priced out in MA


Same. And all of them want to pay $15-20 an hour and have the person work weekends. It’s a really tough sell.


This makes me ill. A bounty on a human that is just trying to make a living, doing a job most others will not, causing no harm. :face_vomiting:


Yes. Exact same issues in my area.

The barns that pay more and treat employees well? They seem to retain staff. The barns that have unreasonable staffing ratios and demand extra long hours, weekends, or are run by well known curmudgeons? Those barns are constantly on social media advertising that they are hiring… again. Because someone quit on them… again.

It is what it is.


I guess if anyone sees Dr Phil at their barn they know what’s coming.


There is a show on the East Coast with a long history of ICE activity and checkpoints on the roads.

Many people leave their regular help at home for that show and hire freelancers or what have you.

There are also trainers who lunge at that show, or lead the horses up to the ring if they are short handed. Maybe they do that at other shows. Maybe not.


If anyone can walk in off the street no they don’t need a warrant to just walk in and do their thing


In FL the dept of Agriculture can enter any property at any time to inspect the livestock and their conditions, etc. I wouldn’t be surprised if ICE doesn’t follow them
In or have them detain any possible illegals for them, which they can do since they are law enforcement. Don’t know what it’s like in other states.


I think there was just an EO or something to that effect granting powers to other federal agencies to assist with immigration enforcement actions.

I’m probably getting verbiage wrong. But something to that effect.

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They can also pay in other ways, livable housing, benefits, etc.

When I worked in barns recently there was zero interest in incentivizing my work with things I valued like lessons, leases, a break on board. Ooh-kay then. Byeeee

I now work indoors, in a warm, dry environment where a horse isn’t likely to run me down/kick/bite me and customers don’t interrupt my much needed lunch break with requests for help and loose horses.
For the same $$.

Their loss.


Higher paid, but fewer jobs isn’t a win in my book.


And of the local barns always advertising a need, I can tell you that there’s a reason for that and it ain’t the workers.

I think there are lots of good workers looking, cause they know what barns to avoid, which reduces the potential options by about 2/3 or more in my area.



It’s just the way Supply and Demand curves involving labor play out. The market will determine equilibrium price and quantity.


Exactly. There’s only so much an owner is willing to pay for board, and if paying your(g) employees appropriately means board goes up by $300/month, then there will be fewer people that can afford to board their horses at your facility.

Now whether the owner decides to move their horses home or find another barn (that maybe has nails sticking out of the fence and is a general hazard to their horse, or has workers that will miss early signs of colic because of inexperience or a rush to do too much work), or get out of horses altogether, resulting in fewer jobs in the industry, is another discussion.


Well I for one am looking forward to higher grocery prices with a lack of meats, veggies, and fruits; and slow construction projects.


I just arranged to have a quarter steer butchered in March. Its just my DH and I with our dogs (which will eat some of of the beef too). 500ish pounds (hanging weight) lasts us about 2 yrs. It broke down to about $2.00 per pound and I am rounding up. 50 lbs of ground beef lasts us year on top of all of the other cuts.

If you can look into getting a steer or spliting one with someone I would highly suggest it. Get a freezer and it will pay for itself in savings. I purchased a 13 cubic ft one, and should have gone one size up. (its a stand up freezer)


This has been happening for years too.
Ever since Covid, construction has been long delays for products and all that fun.


Bounty hunters? Really? Ugh.



All of this.

In my area there are many farm owners and eventing related programs who seem to make things work with staff and farm labor by offering housing, or board for one or two horses, or lessons as part of the compensation package they offer. It depends on the place.

I’m not close to many hunter jumper people these days, but it seems like the subculture in that community is a bit different, and they utilize grooms more regularly, especially when showing, and rely more on undocumented labor. And that seems to be where much of the angst is coming from.

Oh well. Maybe this situation will lead to some short term gig employment opportunities for well qualified people who can freelance and work as show grooms. And that could be a positive thing for them.


Wild, isn’t it?