10 minutes from my barn. My commute to work ranges from 1 to 2 hours.
I typically ride 3-5 days a week, but may stop by on other days to groom or just let him graze in a new location (the grass is always greener…).
10 minutes from my barn. My commute to work ranges from 1 to 2 hours.
I typically ride 3-5 days a week, but may stop by on other days to groom or just let him graze in a new location (the grass is always greener…).
I’m 15 miles away from the ranch and it takes A little over 20 minutes to get there. I ride 5 days a week, and am there every single day:)
I live about 35 minutes from my barn (and work 5 minutes from my house, so about the same distance). I ride about 4 days a week (but usually go out 5-6 days), but I have a 3 year old, so I don’t worry if I miss a day (we have plenty of time and I’m not it any hurry!)
I have just swapped a 45 minute home to barn commute (20 minutes from the office on weekdays, then 45 minutes home) for a 10 minute from home, on the way home from work, commute. It is bliss. I have my life back.
I ride 5 days a week, normally.
It was just wonderful this weekend when I got back to the barn from a show and realized that I wasn’t going to have that 45 minute drive home after unloading and unpacking.
It’s costing me a freaking fortune, comparatively. Until I start factoring in gas and the value of my time and sanity, and the fact I don’t need a housecleaner any longer as I am home enough to do it myself, and we get sensible food at sensible times.
This only works because the level of care my horse is receiving now is at least as good as it was before. The reason I was doing the beastly drive was because I couldn’t find anything appropriate local to home, so I was prepared to suck it up for a happy horse. And would do it again if the circumstances warranted.
I have just swapped a 45 minute home to barn commute (20 minutes from the office on weekdays, then 45 minutes home) for a 10 minute from home, on the way home from work, commute. It is bliss. I have my life back. [/QUOTE]
That was how I felt too. The drive was really starting to stress me out, especially with an older dog at home that I really wanted to be spending more time with. Now that I am only 5 minutes away I don’t feel any guilt about the time I spend at the barn as I am not having to spend a chunk of the day also driving.
45-55 minutes from work, 20 minutes from home. Right now I’ve been out there every single day since December 1 (except a total of 7 days spread out for travel) due to stall rest and injury rehab. Normally I’m there 5 days a week.
[QUOTE=Halt Near X;8715161]
10 minutes from my barn. My commute to work ranges from 1 to 2 hours.[/QUOTE]
I have a similar ratio, as I live way out in the countryside and have a 50 minute/50 mile work commute. But I am 5 minutes/2.5 miles from my boarding barn! I ride 5-6 times per week and often stop by the barn the other days, too.
35 miles door to door and it takes 1 hour 15 min on weekday mornings in commuter traffic, 40 min midday or on weekends.
In my case it’s not the distance that gets me but the last two miles down a rutted dirt road. I go six days a week when I’m home. It’s hell on my alignment and my year-old SUV is always filthy, with road dust up in the wheels and brakes and basically everywhere.
I’m hoping to move my horse in the Fall. She’s in CA for the summer and I am exploring other options for when she comes back in Sept.
It’s a beautiful setting where we board now but I just can’t take how hard it is on my daily driver vehicle anymore. Those drive times are a little far for the Phoenix area but not that unusual. It’s a very spread-out metro area and I’ve been there since the 80s so I’m used to long daily drives by now.
My barn is about 15-20 minutes away from my house. The drive isn’t too bad, a little highway then some back roads.
From work, it’s about an hour/hour and 15 minutes.
I ride at least 3 days a week, sometimes 4 or 5 - with 2 lessons usually then the occasional event. I have someone leasing my horse 3 days and it really helps me out and I know he’s in good hands. My mare gets ridden by my trainer and he shows her occasionally. At this point, I haven’t had much time to ride her but hope to start again soon. I’m at the point in my life that I will do what it takes to ride but also am starting to realize that I need to tend to other life resonsibilities as well
I live ten minutes from the barn! I try to ride 5 days a week - one of those rides (usually Sat) is a lesson. The 6th day (usually Thurs) my trainer long-lines my gelding (we are kind of re-starting him - long story . . .). He gets Friday or the day after long lining off. Like most, I do work full time - so my rides are in the evening.
I work in the city which is an hour long commute (sometimes more) one way. The barn is 40 minutes from my house.
I typically ride two horses four days per week, two weekdays after work and Saturday and Sunday. It’s a hectic schedule, indeed.
25-30 minutes from work/home, I go out there 6 days per week
My work and barn are basically an equilateral triangle of commute time. Each is 45minutes-1 hours away, so I go to work, then to the barn, then home. My days have been starting around 6-6:30am, and I get home around 9:30pm. I typically ride 5 days a week, two horses whenever possible.
This thread is fun to read and makes me thankful we have a barn as close as we do! Our barn is about 25 min. from our house. It’s all rural, a drive through the middle of nothing, so it’s 25 min. pretty much no matter what (except bad weather). I am really lucky to have a high-quality barn as close as we do.
I go 4-6 times a week.
My mare is currently 45-60 mins away depending on traffic getting out of the city. Between the time and gas, it’s starting to kill my riding availability, so in 3 weeks she will be moving to a spot 15 mins away.
I currently aim for between 3 and 4 days a week. At our new spot I will be ramping it up to 5-6.
8 miles in rural new york. It takes me less than 10 minutes which was really really good after her surgery and I had to go 3 times a day.
I ride 5-6 days a week.
When we lived in DC, my barn was 1.5 hours away still went 5-6 days a week and once when there was even worse traffic it took over 2 hours.
Like a few of the lucky others posting, I live in between work and the ranch and drive about 16 miles per day total. My office is in Woodland Hills, the ranch where I board the two horses is in Chatsworth and I live smack dab in the middle. Mr. Ed and I purposely bought a house that was close to his work at CSUN and in between the stables and my office. In the past I have endured the commute from the East San Fernando Valley all the way to Moorpark 30+ miles one way, but traffic is so bad now I just don’t have the patience for it.
I ride Vinnie the younger TB 5-6 days per week, and Louie around the bridle trails on the weekends. Louie my 27 year old OTTB is ridden by a horseless young lady on Tuesdays and Thursdays. She commutes from Santa Clarita to ride him.
25-30 minutes from home, which isn’t bad. 3 days per week I can do that.
BUT riding after work is another story. I take the commuter rail and then the subway into Boston – for the sake of my mental health – which makes for a very long day even without the barn at the end of it. I used to try for 2 days a week; now I do one – if I am up to it. This makes me sad.
There is slight consolation in the fact that my mare gets used for lessons one or two days per week, and everyone loves her! She’s way more trained than I am, and it’s nice to have someone on her who knows what they are doing without me having to pay them.
I do my best to get her worked 5 or 6 days a week due to her arthritis.
If I keep the filly, g-d only knows what I’ll do.
My 6 yo is a 3.5-4 hour commute (240 miles) from home and in a different state. He is there because its the best place for him for his training and I am in a location where there just aren’t a lot of ‘good’ trainers who can help both he and I. It sucks because I obviously don’t get to ride him as frequently as I would like. - More details on that in a minute.
I am however fortunate to have a second horse who is stabled 5 minutes from home and 45 minutes from work who I ride or work 6 days a week. I usually haul guy number 2 down to where the young horse is once every 4-6 weeks and spend an extended weekend (3-4 days) working intensively with that trainer on both horses, and whatever horse of hers that she wants me to ride. - All dependent on my work schedule.
I work for company that had a corporate office 80 miles from where horse number 1 is boarded that I typically have to spend a week or two at once every quarter. In those instances I haul horse 2 down then weekend prior to working there and haul him home the weekend after. I typically commute the 80 miles 2 days during the work week and all weekend if its a 2 week trip. That 80 miles takes anywhere from 1h15min to 2 hours depending on traffic.
I am also very fortunate to work for a manager who has given me the discretion to work at our corporate office on occasion provided it doesn’t impact my regular office. I usually take advantage of that opportunity if we are introducing new software/hardware or there are training events that I need to attend and try to line them up with potential horseshows and clinics that my trainer is involved in.
From work, 52 miles which results in a commute of anywhere from 1 hr 20 min to 2 hours in weekday afternoon traffic. I try to get up there 2 days a week in that traffic. Typically Monday afternoons are lighter than any other day, so I try for that day to be one of them.
Thursdays I work from home, and the distance is cut from 52 to 21 miles, much of which is lighter freeway driving, so takes 30 min to get there, pretty reliably. I do that on Thursdays and 1 weekend day, but sometimes 2.
Then, 1 time a month I also get to work from home on a Friday in addition to the Thursday, so on those special weeks, I get a 4-day stretch of easier/shorter commutes from home.
All told, I try to clock 3-4 days a week. Sometimes it is 2, others it is 4-5, I just try my best to go with the flow of each week. In the past I’ve tried to hold myself to a set schedule and that expectation makes me feel horrible when I cannot do it. I am very luck in that my trainer is quite flexible and will put a training ride on my horse if I can’t get up there on a particularly crappy week.