If you or a friend has a retired horse at Byrd’s Retirement in VA…

Where did you learn this?

They only had 2 days set in general district court, and ultimately when they got the trial together they weren’t going to have enough time. They couldn’t get 3 consecutive full days so they had to nolle pros in that court and will do a direct indictment into circuit court. The Goochland county grand jury meets 8/8 I believe so we will know more then.



I just freaked out when I saw all the charges in general district court marked as nolle prosequi.


Grand Jury agreed sufficient evidence to go to trial. Trial date will be set on 8/31


Oh, Railbird, oh, thank goodness!


Our Poofy, representing! :heart:

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He could use some COTH jingling this evening from his fan club, actually. His feet have been a struggle as of late and I got the call he is in pain tonight again. We have been doing bute and soft ride boots whenever he goes outside and I got the message tonight that he’s in bad shape again and doesn’t want to walk. Vet coming in the AM, but I’m not totally sure what we have in the way of options or really what we are even dealing with. Last hypothesis was a nasty sole bruise but I have a hard time believing that’s what we have again when he’s not going out without boots on. I’m hopeful it’s something easy.


Jingles for Poofy!!

I hope you get some answers tomorrow and it’s not bad.


Two fisted jingles for Poofy!!!


Oh, no no no!!! Massive jingles for Poofy!!! :link::link::link::link::link:


I’m so sorry his feet are bothering him. He’s a lucky, lucky pony to have landed with you and be so well loved!!!


Bah, no hoof no horse. I hope it is something easy as well.

Sole bruise and abscesses are usually one hoof. Bad luck if more than one hoof. If it is a recurring abscess you are looking at quittor.

If weight has been put on too quickly it could be corns. That happened to me with a tb. He had shoes on as well.

If not then you are sadly looking at founder (Laminitis). If it is founder from feed. Grab the neck in the middle and try and rock it from side to side. If it won’t rock, cut all feed immediately. Grass hay only.

They can founder from other things other than hay and they do not have to look fat to founder.

Jingkes it is a sole bruise.

Come on, Poofy. Jingles for good news. :crossed_fingers:

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Poof has a lot of stuff going on and we have been fortunate to have multiple sets of xrays, podiatry consult, and a farrier who works regularly with a vet hospital, so I am confident that his team wouldn’t miss if it was laminitis. I had never heard about quittor and will have to investigate.

Vet today thinks the bruise has turned into an abscess since now there is a pulse and it’s still just in the one hoof. The concern I have with him is that if he is off on his better foot, and favoring the one with the keratoma and a lot of coffin bone loss, the more extra weight on that one, the more likely we are to cause a whole other problem. Fortunately the bute seems to be helping a lot and we are going to give it a week. I did ask them to re-measure between the sets of xrays to see if we are moving in the right direction on the sole depth.



Many jingles for Poof!

Please be an abscess that blows out and heals PDQ! :pray: :crossed_fingers:


Coffin bone fracture- vet felt putting him down was premature without giving him the weekend to see if switching the hoof packing and some stall rest would help and make sure there isn’t an abscess involved in why he is so painful. I am personally not confident that it will change things, but I also don’t have DVM after my name, so I agreed to give it the weekend.


:link::link::link::link:, I hope the weekend brings improvement!

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Oh, no!!! Oh, Poofy, sending you so much love, buddy. I know Railbird will do whatever is best for you. We all love you! :link: :link: :link: :heavy_heart_exclamation:

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