If you or a friend has a retired horse at Byrd’s Retirement in VA…

Big jingles for you and Poof. Whatever happens, you have done a magnificent thing for a magnificent horse. Hoping for the best outcome.


Oh Railbird, you and Poofy have come so far. Darn it.

Jingles for both of you!!!


I realize my response seemed terse, I just hate seeing him like this. (You can hear my husbands analysis in the background) - it seems like stall rest helps and as soon as he starts moving around again we end up like this. Breaks my heart. I would have made the call today but the vet disagreed because she says she has seen similar fractures resolve quickly.


Breaks my heart for you…although he did seem a little better after the first few awful steps. I sure hope your vet is a great one. Love and prayers to all involved. :pray::heartpulse:

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Argh, not one I listed as so remote. 6 weeks for a bone to knit. Is that the same for a coffin bone?

Healing jingles for Poofy :heart:


Lots of jingles :chains: :chains: :chains: for our favorite rescue horse.

Hang in there Poofy! And Railbird!


So very sorry for you and sweet Poof. Hoping he’s comfortable after the weekend.

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Depending on the particular geography of the fracture, it may respond well to rest and a bar shoe.
Also, these seem to frequently heal with a fibrous union, so the fracture line remains visible, even though the horse is sound.


Big jingles for Poofy!

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Thanks- he has pedal osteitis and the fracture line is of a piece between areas of coffin bone loss, so I am not totally sure how that impacts things. I know this is a new fracture since we got films about a month ago when he was tender on his feet initially, and when we added the soft ride boots he was feeling good and ran around and I think was favoring this foot, since the other has the keratoma, and snapped that piece off and he was rather suddenly pretty significantly lame on it. It got better after the first round of stall rest/bute but then has come back twice now. I’m definitely out of my depth on the topic though. I’ve not had the good fortune to have a senior citizen before where normal isn’t perfect, so to speak.


My daughter’s pet had a coffin bone fracture after a pastern fracture, and is amazingly sound now. Hopefully Poofy has the same success.


Jingles for you and Poof.


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Oh, @Railbird, please don’t think I was upset with you! I didn’t take your response negatively at all, just matter of fact. I know what you’re going through with Poofy and how stressful and painful it must be. Blessings and prayers to Poofy and your whole family who have been his great defenders. :heart::heart::heart:

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Poor Poofy! I found my horse in the pasture literally 3 legged - hind foot non weight bearing. Getting him to the barn took a long time. He had an articular wing fracture. You might check w/ a farrier who has treated coffin bone fractures. Had to cast my guy’s hoof, followed w/ stall rest/micro paddock t/o for 6 months. Depending on the fracture location, a shoe w/ quarter and heel clips can also stabilize the coffin bone. Best wishes to you and Poofy.


My horse had a successful recovery from a coffin bone fracture, with the help of a genius farrier, and I hope Poofy can make a full recovery, too.


Lots of jingles for Mr Poofy!



Sending Jingles for Poofy and the family


We let poof go today and he is not hurting anymore. He was in pain that we couldn’t manage and realistically his coffin bones were too far gone to have hope of recovery that didn’t include similar injury again. Many thanks to all of his aunties over the months- for a horse who was forgotten for nearly a decade to spend the last months of his life with so many people who cared for him from near and far was really special.


Thank you for giving Poofy the gift of a dignified end & freedom from pain.