What is the best stable you have been to? What made it so special?
(I have mono and so I’m home for a while…therefore all the senseless topics )
What is the best stable you have been to? What made it so special?
(I have mono and so I’m home for a while…therefore all the senseless topics )
Wow One Away that gave me chills!!
Oh yes I recall that article in Sports Illustrated on Winter Place farm.
I think it was in 75 to 77? If that helps any.
Pretty snazzy.
Any of the farms owned by one of the Dubai Sheiks is awesome. One of them had 4 stalls per barn (It might be Buckram Oaks). Each stall is in a corner and is 18 x 18. It is lined with Mahogany, with the rubberized brick underneath 3’ of golden straw. The railings around each stall are REAL BRASS and are shined daily.
I have been to a lot of NICE barns and places in Lexington. But the ones owned by the Sheiks are in a class by themselves. They even have little men running behind you wiping up the drool you emit since you jaw is hanging down around your knees.
But the farm/stable that Melanie Smith and Lee Taylor have in Germantown isn’t too shabby, if you want to get some geographical diversity.
Any others to add to the list?
Takes a few minutes for the animation to load, but worth it!
“I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning to sail my ship.”
-Louisa May Alcott
[This message was edited by hitchinmygetalong on Apr. 13, 2002 at 02:36 PM.]
The Roberts Quarter Horses in Wilmington, OH is just as beautiful. They’re no longer very active, but that farm is to die for. When we were there it didn’t seem like anybody in the area rode, but I could be quite wrong, seeing as though I don’t live there.
-What I’ve felt, What I’ve known, Never shined through in what I’ve shown, Never free, Never me, So I dub thee unforgiven-Metallica-
thanks for the link-I had always heard that devonwood was gorgeous, but the link brought it home. Wow.
Ever feel like you were born into the wrong family? I think that actually I should have been some of these folks’ kid…anyone will do. Hell, some of those stalls are better looking than my living room …yes, where DO they get their money. It’s just not fair!
The gene pool could use a little chlorine.
No DudleyDog!!! Don’t tell me that!!!
I am quite disapointed because I am missing alot of shows this year…one this weekend, one next weekend (probably), and 2 during June due to England Oh well. I am taking this time to get my horse some confidence with my trainer
Next step: getting ME some confidence!
I went to that web page: WOW! Did you see that like 3 or 4 story stable? Holy smokes…
I love the look of cedar inside…it makes everything so light.
All of Paul Mellon’s barns were unique and each had a distinct flavour/feeling to them. I would have loved to own any one of the lovely barns he had before he started selling them off.
The place I am at now wins- but I have been at some other good places to. There are several reasons why it is the best, at least for me though. Here’s some of them: saft turnout pastures, which the horses are in all the time wheather premitin, nice stalls for when they can’t be outside, good footing in arena and on trails, nice people, small (only 3 other boarders) so we all are friends, clean - but largly becuase we keep it that way, and becuase my coach is there (she lives there), and we all have so much fun together. Plus the horses love it there and we get so much riding done and really good work.
“It’s a mad mission, but I got the ambition, mad mad mission, sign me up.”
Spaz, hope you get better soon. I am just getting over mono. I had it in November, luckily I didn’t get it very bad. I was out for about 2 weeks, unfortunately you can’t take days (let alone weeks) off from university classes, so I suffered!!
But cheer up, with mono I have lost a total of 20+lbs. When I went to the doctor I found out I had lost 12lbs in 4 weeks. Not saying that losing that much weight is good, but I haven’t gained an ounce back!!
As for barns, I’ve only been to a few, my favorite was my old barn. I was there when it just opened. New barns are the best!
The Kentucky Bluegrass region has me astonished. There aren’t just a few gorgeous farms, the fabulous places are one after the other. The overall effect is pretty amazing.
Here’s a lovely place:
BTW, today is opening day at Keeneland, and I was awakened just before dawn by little airplanes and private jets flying one after the other into Lexington. It’s the owners coming to town! Wish me luck at playing the ponies this afternoon!
Other than thoroughbred farms, years ago I remember Practical Horseman did a farm tour of Lasma Arabians–it was really beyond belief!
ETBW - my brother (Jair) has the exact book you are looking for! Its beautiful isn’t it? I think it is called “Great Studfarms of the World”, but I don’t know the author. I am housesitting for him this weekend while both he and Adrian are away, so I’ll go check out the exact title for you and Merry, and post it on Monday. Jair has the most amazing horse book collection - chances are if you’re looking for it, he has it!
The book shows all the famous racehorse studs of England and France, as well as the state studs for the Hannoverians, Westfaliens, Trakeners and some of the Lippizan/Andulusian studs of Austria and Spain etc.
Its fascinating to read!
Jubilee Farms in Nebraska
It was fabulous. A little town unto itself.
The barn was basically a U shape, with the bottom of the U being the indoor. The entire building was heated. Gotta love those cold Nebraska winters! Stalls were great. Matted, with automatic waters, etc.
Almost all of the stalls had dutch doors to the outside or windows. A few were inside stalls (the pony stalls and the foaling stalls)
Cement isles with rubber mats. A lounge overlooking the indoor and a kitchen in the barn.
Rolling hills and garages for all the trucks and trailers, including the semi. All the vehicles were maintained and detailed weekly when at home.
A house on the grounds for the owners, another for the manager and apartments of various sizes for all the help.
The entire facility was in Omaha, on the outskirts of the city.
It was sold a few years ago and I heard rumors that the indoor was being turned into a rolling rink.
OH MY GOD. The value of the land of her barn ALONE is unthinkable. My mom says that the land is at LEAST a milliond dollars an acre in Rancho Santa Fe, and Mary Shirley has 50? Yes. Amazing place. TONS of grass pastures.
If anyone is showing at Show Park they might wanna drive past and check it out. All the stuff back there is pretty amazing. They basically build custom homes for their horses. I mean, those homes are so impeccably remarkable, but add an identical down scaled size stable and guest house and we’re talking $$$$$$$$$$$$ now. Yeeps!
Gift of HonorGallants Talent*
<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by msj:
Glimmerglass, I almost cried when you said they [Rolling Rock Stables] were made into condos.
MSJ, I concur that its a big loss to the equestrian community … however coverage in the book “The Architecture of Benno Janssen” [1997, Donald Miller] shows that the condo conversion has been amazing. The fine stone complex is still without peer some 80 years after the firm of Janssen & Cocken designed it.
Thnkafully in 1988 as a gift, the firm of Johnson/Schmidt and Associates gave to Carnegie Mellon University numerous pictures of the Ligonier, PA stable in it original state.
I have a feeling that few barns in CA can rival those in the East. But the ones I have seen that come close are El Campeon, Sandstone, and Ventura Farms (Arabians) all in Hidden Valley. I also have been to Blenheim and toured the house there! WOW! RJ Brandes said he was in Burgandy on vacation and loved the fireplace that was at the hotel that he bought it! The is this whole geothermal heat system that heats the floor. And the barn ain’t too shabby, either.
Come and visit the horses at: http://www.angelfire.com/ca2/CrossCreek
I love the image on the Lionshare page (my connection’s too slow to look at any of the pics) of “100 sprawling acres” “nestled in the woods”. I don’t know about Connecticut, but here about 100 miles north in Massachusetts 100 sprawling acres doesn’t nestle very well.
Way back when I lived in West Grove, PA there was a beautiful breeding farm around the corner, I believe called Winterwood. I haven’t been back there in about 20 years so I don’t know if that still exists or who has it now. The views through the small barns were spectacular.