What in the Twilight Zone did I just witness on Saturday, February 22nd?
I attended the Young Riders clinic with Anna Buffini at PEC, and I’m still struggling to process how I was treated. I’ve gone back and forth on whether I should say something, but since it’s still Black History Month, I’ve decided to speak up.
I was thrilled to see Anna Buffini, especially since I missed getting a picture with her at the FEI World Cup in Omaha. When I arrived for the first ride, I noticed two sets of bleachers for auditors and sat where there was available seating. After the first break, I realized I was sitting alone, while everyone else was crammed together on the other bleacher. I don’t want to sound childish, complaining that no one sat with me—but it was impossible not to notice, especially with the mirror right in front of me.
I’d like to believe people were just sitting with their trainers or barnmates, but the experience shook me. I used to ride at Pacific Equestrian Center, and I’ve never felt so unwelcome there before. The irony was striking—everyone was fawning over Anna, who has a Black mother, while completely ignoring the only other brown face in the crowd.
I won’t stop riding because of this, but it left a sour taste in my mouth—so much so that I left at lunch and didn’t return. I don’t know what could have been done differently, and I acknowledge that it’s not the responsibility of others to make me feel welcome. But I do want to stress that walking into these spaces as a Black woman is already difficult.
The clinic was about the young riders, and it was a joy to watch them and their beautiful horses. My intent isn’t to take away from that. I simply ask that adults be more aware of how isolating these environments can be for people like me.
I couldn’t even bring myself to tell some of my friends what happened, because I knew they’d just admonish me for being in a “white” space in the first place. But I love this sport, and I refuse to let moments like this push me away.
Thanks for reading.