Is this gullet too narrow? New question: is this saddle too small for me?

I’m casually shopping for a less all-purposey jumping saddle now that I’m going Prelim. After trying a few others I didn’t like, I have a 2012 Custom Monte Carlo on trial that fits me quite well (long femurs yay!) but the gullet seems weirdly narrow? Here it is compared to my Smith Worthington (on the left in the first photo) and on my TB:

I’ve looked online and seen a few newer ones in the same size that look wider in the gullet. I’m not sure if the design changed, if it’s just a trick of the photos, or if maybe this one’s flocking has compressed in weird ways? I poked it all over and it doesn’t seem so though. Thoughts?

In a second post so as not to be confusing, here’s a newer one I saw online that looks more normal to me:

The older one is definitely more narrow. By a lot. This is common actually- it’s become fashionable to have the wide gullet (finally!! I hate narrow channels!) so brands have updated their models.

I would not use the narrow channel on my horses, personally. That said, I’m not sure how much you can reflock it to open the channel, AFAIK it’s about the attachment of the panel and the cut/shape of the leather.


It looks it it might have been completely oerflocked and the panels bubbled. I would pass because even if you had it reflocked, at this point the leather has probably been stretched and distorted. It probably started out normal until it was completely overflocked.


Thanks guys for confirming I’m not seeing things! The panels aren’t currently overfilled but maybe they were at some point. In any case, they’re weird and I’ll pass. At least I know I like it. I wonder if a Custom Fleur de Lys fits the rider similarly.


Although not fashionable, the Passier Wellington if you can find a used one, has a nice wide gullet. I used one on my late ottb and I’m using on my current ottb. My saddle fitter liked the fit so it had her stamp of approval :grin:

I wonder if the panels are overstuffed? It is quite narrow. I would have a saddle fitter look at it.

I poked them all over and there’s definitely plenty of give so I don’t think they are currently overstuffed, but I can see why you think so from the photos!

Sadly, I think another poster might be correct when they said the panels have been stretched because they were overstuffed in the past. However, if you like the saddle, it’s worth having a fitter look at it and tell you what can be done.

I do like it but there are others out there that haven’t been overstuffed and are newer too so I think I’ll hold out. It’s not cheap so it seems silly to take it on knowing it needs work, you know?

I also have some concern that there’s something about this model that wears that way though because I did see a newer one online that, while not as narrow, has that definite hour glass shape to the panels when viewed from the bottom. Does that make sense? I have a text into the Custom rep who sold me my dressage saddle 10 years ago, to see if she has input or knows of any for sale.

Okay next Goldilocks question…I found a newer Monte Carlo that’s been beautifully cared for and has lovely panels BUT the flaps are a bit shorter. I think they’re forward enough for me but do I need 1/2” larger seat and/or longer flaps? These measure about 2” shorter than the one with the weird panels/gullet.

In jumping position I think it looks fine but when I’m actually sitting in the saddle my knee is awfully close to the front.

I’d say the flap doesn’t fit your leg - but the seat doesn’t look obviously too small IMO. The same seat size or a half up with a different flap (longer, not necessarily more forward) would probably be perfect.

That said I’m not a fitter so this is just my opinion!


Thank you, I completely agree with you but was hoping I was wrong. Argh!

I would say the flap is not forward enough for your leg. BUT, I have very long femurs and I have had several saddles where my knee was at the edge of the flap and because I liked everything else about the saddle I lived with it.

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Circling back on this because comparing the two Monte Carlos side by side, I see that I was wrong and the panels are indeed way more full than I thought. There are even what look like stretch marks in the leather?

I’m bummed because other than this it’s exactly what I want. I should not make a lower offer and plan to remove a bunch of flocking, huh?

To me that looks like cracked leather due to it not being properly cared for, but I agree that the panels look to be completely overstuffed!


I like a short flap, and ride in short flapped saddles, so I don’t think there’s anything per se wrong about the flap length.


Consider this - it may not be a matter of just reflocking the overstuffed (and maybe stretched? Though I agree those are dryness cracks due to lack of care) panels. You may have to entirely replace the panels themselves, or have them reworked to ensure they sit properly - is this something you could easily have done and does the price make sense for that kind of work?

I would be casually curious if you measured from the “buttons” on the back/cantle of the panels of both saddles whether they are the same distance apart.

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Is this the measurement you mean? If so they’re both about 3.5”, though the older one’s “buttons” are easier to find.

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That’s it exactly! I simply take it to mean that the panels weren’t attached “closer” at manufacturing. Many older ones were.

If the price is right to do a panel replacement entirely (you may not have to), it might be worth getting the older one you originally liked. YMMV