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It's Here! Maryland 5*

I can’t believe I’m not going to be there!!

I hope everyone there has an absolute blast and stops in and gives us all the updates!

Entries and draw order!! https://maryland5star.us/entries/


so excited! I’m volunteering and our barn will have a tailgate to cheer on our favorite Fylicia Barr!


Oh you have the best of both worlds! Keep us posted with all the deets! Interested in how the trade fair will be!

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Will do!

…and if you won’t be there, it’s airing on Maryland Public Television Thurs, Fri and Sun from 1-4:30. Saturday it’s 5:30-9:30pm, followed by a special about Chincoteague ponies (and an intriguing show about the America’s oddest museums).

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Competition is also being shown on USEF network, but I’m wondering if the jogs will be livestreamed anywhere (jog junkie here).

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A USEA article about the event notes that USEF Network will include the jogs today!

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can I just say GO BUG!!!


I love Sharon White’s baby blue pant suit!

Thank you - got the notification just in time to enjoy the jogs!

the coverage is amazing!

Is there a break between the 3* and 5* jogs?

there must be. Coverage has suddenly stopped.

I agree with you that so far, the coverage has been great!

Cooley On Show unfortunately spun. I couldn’t see anything obvious, but clearly the ground jury saw something.

was he spun or held? have the others held represented?

He was represented and spun. Voltaire de Tre was held, but passed re-inspection.


Poor Sharon. He looked a little off in front (slight head bob).

I am always amazed at the women who do not wear sensible shoes or boots. Ema Klugman had open toed pumps! Ballet flats look nice with some of the outfits, but no way would I expose the tops of my feet to shod hooves.