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Jingles for Duncan

Glad Himself is better & feeling good enough to Read you with that critique of your driving! :pouting_cat::snake:

A shelter once told me commercial douche will take away the smell from a male spraying.
Any ā€œflavorā€ except vinegar & water.
Iā€™ve used it on carpeting & hardwood, seems to work great.

My little Bounce let me know a change in litter was Wrong the same as Duncan.
Jumped in bed near my head - as was his habit - & let go! :sweat_drops:


Love the commentary and critique they feel they are entitled to give. lol

He snugged up under the covers again last night and stayed there completely zonked and tired all night. I was happy to have him there - he is THE best kitty to sleep with.

Today is his first day ā€œoutā€ so I hope he behaves so everyone send Donā€™t You Dare Vibes to him! :grinning:


I canā€™t wait to get a new mattress, I will probably get some funny looks when they haul this one away. But thatā€™s not for awhileā€¦no more $$$

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Waterproof mattress covers are wonderful and inexpensive :smiley:

Glad to see Duncan is better :slight_smile:


Between cats, rabbits, and people, my own experience and secondhand stories, I keep waterproof covers on all of my beds. It hasnā€™t been necessary in years, but who knows when some sort of accident will happen? If you put a plush mattress pad over, nobody knows even a cheap vinyl one is there, though I generally use nicer ones.

And yay for Duncanā€™s recovery!


This *


When one of my senior cats started peeing on the couch, I bought waterproof covers/blankets from Amazon. I had to wash them lot but I didnā€™t have to worry about it soaking through.

That cat passed away but I still use the covers in case of barf. :smirk_cat:


I got some bed protectors from the last hospital I worked and got an armload of them And have them all over the house. The waterproof mattress pad is next. My house - less for me, more for the cats. I just live there and serve them. lol


I came here to send him some jingles, Iā€™ll now send jingles that heā€™ll let loose in the litter box from now on!

Cats, dawgsā€¦furry terroristsā€¦the reason we canā€™t have nice things! And how quiet and boring life would be without them!

So glad heā€™s on the mend!!!

My advice for urinary issues is to get ph strips and test the urine regularly to make sure the ph stays in the correct range. Many cat foods do not acidify the urine enough to get the ph correct. You can buy methionine tablets and start at a low dose and slowly increase the dosage (while checking the ph) to ensure they have the right ph, while feeding a better/cheaper food.

another good resource:

Duncan has recovered well. Both vets are happy with him and his main dr says to keep on doing what I am currently doing. He is on an S/O Calming diet and is doing well. He has returned to his naughty old self. Though he does want to spend more time snuggling with me (all for that! )and the other night was trying to challenge me to my dinner. Um. No. I donā€™t care how sick you were nor how cute you are now and donā€™t even try scowling at me, either buster.

Thanks for all the jingles - I do believe they worked.

@4horses - thank you for that article. I think I will ask vet about the pH strips and whether they might prove useful in his case. Or his brotherā€™s since they have basically the same issues.


Some prescription diets are less acidifying then others, so I would at least take one or two samples to check.

I believe science diet prescription urinary food was not as good as Royal Canin at lowering the ph for my cat, but itā€™s been a couple years and they have probably reformulated the food by now. My cat had food allergies so he could not be on the prescription diets.

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