Jingles for Evil Burrito: 10+ years later, gimpy but good!

I just don’t think I can handle all the Odie cuteness mixed with a dash of pathetic sadness look on his face, just enough to make my heart melt a little bit! He’s just totally adorable!!

Prayers for you, Odie, and your husband!!

Thanks all.

DH appears fine, was finally scheduled for his stress test (I hate Tricare, I refused to get put on it when we tied the knot), so we’ll know something this week.

And to keep it horse-related :), today Odie is three weeks, the projected halfway point, through wearing a cast. Next week he gets a new one that puts his foot in a normal/normalish position, and that has me a bit spooked.

Odie is quite possibly the cutest thing I have ever seen :slight_smile:

Sending gobs of jingles for you and Mr. J, Odie, and the other critters. Long term stress can really knock you for a loop physically, so please take time to care for yourself and eat right. Adding Mr. J to my prayers.

Meant to upload this the other day, but I snapped a quick video of Odie, in all his largesse and toughness, keeping one of DH’s mares in her stall and away from me, the Walking Treat Dispenser.

He had followed me to the other end of the barn and then I came back to check on the mare, because she had destroyed a blanket that day, and Odie came tralking* back up the barn aisle to make sure that she got none of his treats or attentions, and was very adamant about the whole thing :lol:.


  • Tralking = the weird little gait Odie is doing, faster than a walk but not a trot or the little single-foot gait he normally does, so it’s a tripod + trot + walk :lol:

Prayers for Odie!

Odie should have his own 24/7 channel :yes: The World would be a better place if they could watch 5 minutes of Odie a day. :smiley:

I can see Odieslang popping up on FB-
“Gotta git Odied”
“You’re such an ODIE!”

WWOD rubber bracelets, Odie T shirts, Odie posters at football games, a Breyer Odie the Evil Burrito commemorative model complete with red Jolly Ball in mouth, Odie as Grand Marshal of the Rose Bowl Parade…

What Would Odie Do? ‘Tis my new saying :smiley: SOO stinkin’ cute!

Jersey jingles continue for the lil’ cuss.

I chuckle every time I see “evil burrito” referred to on here. Thanks for sharing him with us!

ooh ooh I know, an ODIE WEBCAM! How great would that be?

Odie emoticons? (emODIEcons??)

Sweetface Odie
Sour-pickle-face Odie
Eyes-on-stalks Odie
Sunglasses-clad-Blues-Bros Odie

someone make them please. I’d pay to use them :yes:

Emodiecons, LOL!!!

That’s actually an adorable idea, I took some vacation next weekend (no dealing with smashed pumpkins, eggings, etc, for me!) and may have to use some of it to play around with some graphics! What a giggle!

The Evil Burrito tag actually came from DH’s BO’s DH. He’s the “stable boy,” and Odie kept sneaking up on him and biting him on the butt. DH’S BO said that her DH pretended to be happy when I moved my horses to a trainer’s barn, but why would someone come up with a cute nickname for a critter they don’t like? :wink:

Anyways, the name totally stuck, mostly because of the cuteness and the Marvel Comics awesomeness of the name. Believe it or not, Odie, aka Evil Burrito, aka badonkadonk and a legion of other funny, cute, annoyed nicknames, has a truely blue blooded registered name: JF Cyrano de Bergerac.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Registered?? Who knew?? C d’ B is a very fine name, but truly EB is the BEST. I notice that he’s quite expressive, and quick with the back feet. Its clear between the mare and him, who’s in charge. I want one of him. Now.

I vote for the Odie webcam!

Believe me, if any mini donk can change Mr. CC’s mind about Mrs. CC getting one of her very own, it would be Odie! I even, in the midst of my grief over losing my Calvin last week, thought “hey, I need a companion, like RIGHT NOW, wonder if anyone has a donk they’d part with?!” Mr. CC was not amused… silly man.

More Odie pictures, please! I do believe he’s the cutest donkey I’ve ever seen. I totally believe he’s registered–he’s very noble.

OK one and all…prepare to truly die. I went to the breeder’s Web site to check out his wee brothers and sisters.

I found…


Oh yes I totally did, omg I almost squeed with a mouthful of cheese broc-n-rotini.

How adorable is THIS?

Or this??? Ohmagerd that FACE!

I totally recognized him even though the name was different, but the DOB matched so I grabbed my papers and verified with the little baby pic taped to it (a la APHA papers) and the parents. I guess the name was taken, so they went with something else?? He’s under the sold page.

Hey CC, let these little darlings win over your DH. :yes:


The male half of the operation is really nice, the donks are all super sweet and friendly and really well taken care of. They all watch you, and then slowly walk over with their big dewy eyes all blinky-blinky, awwww! If you’re interested in a COTH meetup and donkey petting, we should see if we can go!

I am also saying YES!!! we need an Odie-cam. I love ponies for the pony-tude. Donk-tude is even better. I never get enough of looking at Odie pics.


I’m glad that Odie and your husband are doing better (jingles continue!), but I thoroughly hate you for posting that breeder’s page. Now I’m wondering if I can get away with keeping a mini-donk in my backyard. It’s completely fenced in, after all… :smiley: :smiley:

Jen–seriously?! Mr. CC got all mushy over the little spotted baby donkeys and then said “no, no way!” He’s such a party pooper. The Big Warmblood would love to have another wee donkey friend. He lived with a mini mule for a few years and they got along pretty well, though he is a big goober when he plays.

Is Odie a talkative guy? My barn is literally 50 feet from the master bedroom…

Nope, only when I take Rory out, he might bray once. Otherwise it’s the pouty squeaky noises.

Must have missed this…about the time I was getting a new knee. Jingles for Odie
and what a cutie pie!

A new one? Oy. How’s it coming? Everyone I know who has gotten a new joint (hip/knee) has always said they wished they hadn’t waited as long.

I enjoyed looking at Odie’s breeder’s website – almost too much cute to handle. My inner immature teenager was also delighted by the fact that there is such an organization named the American Council of Spotted Asses. :smiley: