Jingles for Jan

My dear friend Jan has undergone a hand transplant. Please send jingles and LOTS of positive thoughts her way. Hope to have her back on the horse in a couple months (of no medical complications) and then moving forward in her plans of active trail riding and some para dressage !

Oh my. I hope everything goes as it should. My thoughts are with her. Good luck, and reminde her what we all try to remide each other on here: It will get better.

Wow, lots of jingles from Florida.

God bless and Jingles:)

Jingles from snowy no va…

Jingles for Jan ~ Jingle Jingle Jingle & AO ~ AO ~ AO ~ Always Optimistic !

Jingles from here as well!

JINGLES !! Positive thoughts and prayers… and WOW !


Is a hand transplant what it sounds like? Do they actually give her a cadaveric hand? I am facinated. I am a kidney transplant patient, so this is intriguing and wonderful! Give her my best!!

Jingles from NH!!!

Jingles continue for Jan ~ wishes for rest & recovery.

Jingles for Jan!

Any word on how she is doing?

Yes, Silk, it’s a transplant of an actual hand…long surgery lots of things to connect. Really amazing they can even do this… lots of physical therapy ahead… she is doing great, super positive attitude… but the road to recovery is long… imagine learning to move fingers and thumb again… Courageous and upbeat Lady…(plus she is really missing her horse !!)

Plese tell Jan that Jingles continue for her during this transition time ~ sending Jingles for her complete recovery. And of course ~ AO Always Optimistic !

Go Jan, Go!

This is awesome surgery. Is it her dominate hand? What kind of riding does she like to do? Is she interested in reading yet? We can send her cards and notes, if you think she would like it. Or, we can just keep posting on this thread if that is easier.

Any information, that you feel comfortable with, will make it easier to write to her personally. Whatever will encourage her and give her a smile is my goal.:slight_smile:

That is great that it sounds like it is going well. Jingles for her, tons of them.


I had no idea they could do this:winkgrin::cool:, where did she have it done?

The surgery was done in Texas, first one ever there and also first on a woman. Jan got a new left hand from an organ donor (thank you-thank you to whoever that was and their family). Not sure which was her dominate hand…I suspect after losing the left she adapted to using the right which is pretty much 2 and a half fingers… She mostly has been a trail rider and gets a lesson once a week (thanks to the Wounded Warrior Program) She has primarily been riding in a western saddle and has been looking around for an english one since she has been thinking of doing the para dressage. Like a TRUE horse person, she was at the barn caring for her horse a couple hours before the surgery…
I’ll ask her about recieving notes and such, pretty sure she would love that.

Jingles continue for Jan ~ yes ! please ask about notes ~ I would love to send her some speedy recovery cards !