While I don’t discount the accomplishments of either Justify or Arrogate, they were, in a sense, a flash in the pan… here one day for sparkling performances and gone the next.
Lava Man was here, day after day, racing his heart out - how many years did he race?
In the long run, the caring for a horse like Lava Man doesn’t translate to $ in the shed (yes, I know Lava Man is a gelding so moot point). If you have a horse like AP or Justify or Arrogate, it is a business and often the $ in the hand is the $ one should take as holding on may mean less $ in the future.
I do love Lava Man. So happy to hear he was interested in eating which is a positive sign. When my mare coliced and had surgery, I held my breath every single day until she stepped on the trailer to go home. I’ll be doing the same with Lava Man. Every positive sign is just that, positive. I’ll be waiting with bated breath until he’s back home safely.