Jingles if you would for the fat man

Horses came in yesterday evening just fine, but at night check I noticed the fat man kicking his leg awkwardly. Panicked at first because I thought maybe neurological, but when I picked up the hoof, found a rather large roofing nail buried right at the tip of the frog. So a midnight vet call, and consult with the local veterinary program at the teaching University near me, and now we have a stall resting very sore horse.

It missed his coffin bone by like a mm. The vet said she couldn’t be sure that it didn’t penetrate the DDFT, which obviously would be less than ideal.

Thankfully he is eating his meds so far (knock on wood) and that the nail had a rubber donut right below the head that kept it from penetrating further. Also, it went in at a pretty good angle, considering.

The weird shadows on the X-ray are the styrofoam and duct tape we made to help keep him from pushing it in any further.

Prognosis is good, but of course guarded given the proximity to all the structures. I’m exhausted. Trying to hold him still for 3 hours in the middle of the night waiting for the vet, waiting for her equipment to work, and waiting for the consult so that the nail didn’t go any further was miserable.

I’m glad I caught it. But we could use some good thoughts for non-damage, no infection and a return to soundness.


Oh, what a nightmare! Jingles galore from here! Fingers crossed it missed everything vital.


Oh no!! I imagine you are beat, thank goodness you found it as soon as you did.

Jingles for a quick and uncomplicated recovery :purple_heart:


So sorry this happened. And with these sorts of things, your work is just beginning. Jingles from AZ!! :chains: :chains: :chains:


What are the odds? Big jingles for fatty, and you too.


Been there, done that… sucks! Fingers crossed for a quick recovery. Also, be careful that the hole doesn’t try to fill in too fast. I had that happen and vet had to debride it and reopen it.


Years ago, we had one come back from a trail ride with a stick the size of my little finger deeply embedded (1 3/4 inches) into the coronary band. She was very lame and her horrific owner rode her all the way home that way. She recovered beautifully on antibiotics and lots of dressing changes.

I bet you are exhausted, but thankfully you caught it and had great emergent vet care right away.:pray:


So glad you caught it right away and were able to get vet care so quickly! Fingers crossed for a quick and uneventful recovery!


All the jingles for a positive and speedy recovery.


Omg!! Where do they find these things?! I had one come in with a six inch carpenter nail in his neck once! Im so glad you caught it so fast. Big fat jingles for you. Cosmic sized, even.


Oh my goodness! How do horses manage to do these things?! Jingles coming your way from TX!


Oh man!! So sorry for you and Mr. Fatty. Jingling hard for a speedy, uncomplicated recovery!

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Another great example of horses being suicidal. Many, many jingles for a complete and uncomplicated recovery! :chains: :chains:


Sending those jingles!


yikes, sending good thoughts

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Gasp!! Those X-rays! Hopefully you both were “lucky”. Sending healing vibes!

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:chains::chains::chains::chains::chains::chains::chains::chains::chains::chains::chains::chains::chains::chains::chains::chains::chains::chains::chains::chains::chains::chains::chains::chains::chains::chains::chains::chains::chains::chains::chains::chains::chains::chains::chains: MegaJingles for Fatman & {HUGS} for you!

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Jingles for the poor fat man!

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:chains: :chains: :chains: :chains: :chains: :chains:

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Jingles for mr fatty! :heart:

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