Many decades ago I developed osteoarthritis in my hands–from doing a LOT of 10-Key work fast.
I was eating at least 6 aspirins a day.
When I finally got diagnosed with MS Evening Primrose Oil was recommended (there were no MS drugs yet.) After around a week on the Evening Primrose Oil my hand pain went away and I stopped eating aspirin every day.
It has Gamma Linoleic (sp?) acid in it, which is the only Omega-6 fatty acid that acts as an anti-inflammatory. It worked so well that when I was disabled from work I was able to stop the Evening Primrose Oil since I was no longer irritating my finger joints everyday for hours on end.
We get it now from Walmart where it is often in the Women’s health section instead of in the supplement aisle (now my husband takes it for some minor help with his gout.)