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Jumper Conspiracy?

Nah, different girls. Must be something in the water up there. :lol: The other one has been quiet lately - I almost miss her rants and raves about the evils of the Chicago horse industry.

If you scroll back a while on this woman’s professional fb, she also has a post accusing Eric Hasbrouck of abusing and neglecting a horse she sent to him/a client of his. Methinks the problem is neither George nor Eric. :rolleyes:


Well, now I’m stuck in an internet wormhole and its all the OP’s fault. I’m also feeling like my life isn’t quite exciting enough in comparison. It sounds like if I show mild defiance to one of GM’s associates that thing will really pick up on that front.


Sorree… totes my fault! I just wish I had met half the horse celebs this lady has, even to have a chance to be conspired against!


I tried to get through the whole thing, but jeez, my eyes were glazing over.

I think I lost interest when her “wealthy students parents” coincidentally starting being mean to her after a GM clinic.

But if someone did steal the contents of her trailer, that kind of sucks.


I didn’t quite manage to read every last word. But is she claiming that George Morris judged the Maclay finals last year, which is why Hunter Holloway won? I seem to recall George doing the commentary on the live feed of the class last year. He’s very talented and all that, but I don’t think even George could manage to do both things at once.


Not having read the mountain of words (thank you for the warning) I can only ask, why is the woman who believes there is a conspiracy against her for not wearing spurs in a G.M. clinic, wearing spurs in the video?

That was actually a frightening example of showjumping. Why the whooping “Go Amy” by friends? The horse seemed out there on his own, the rider with her mind elsewhere? He didn’t seem rank or even strong…What am I missing?

It’s all fun until you land on someone or something, and they die, or break. I didn’t see a horse going wild, only horse unguided ending up in a tent. He seems to be quite patient so perhaps he can be counted on to jump either into unoccupied tents or into tents occupied by adults with good reflexes.

It is funny but it’s not. This person is a professional?


I don’t know if this has anything to do with it:

So I began caring for and riding Cradilo, as if he were perfectly healthy young horse and had a bright future ahead of him. It became obvious fairly quickly that he desired to be healthy, and the coughing had a strong emotional component. If he was overly worried or pushed, if I picked up the reins and confined him, he would go in to coughing spasms. And so I spent hours and hours walking the hills of our 135 acre farm on Cradilo on as much of a loose rein as I could manage.

Gradually we began trot work, and then canter work, and slowly but surely he would manage a couple of minutes without coughing, and then 10 – 15 minutes with only a single cough or two. Eventually we galloped up hills, and I learned to coax and sooth him with my hands and body language so that he stayed relaxed and unworried. I quickly figured out if I pushed too much too fast, particularly with collection, he would panic and go into coughing spasms. So I focused on an even rhythm that he could depend on, stretching to develop and raise his topline rather than collection, and building muscle and cardiovascular strength through hill work.

It was still at this point hard to imagine jumping a fence was a possibility and the thought of any kind of course seemed totally implausible, but things were definitely improving, so I just kept plugging along. I don’t remember exactly how many months of this we did, but I know he came to the farm mid summer; and I know the rest of that summer and well into the fall was spent picking away at rebuilding him physically.

Then one day it seemed it would be fun to try a jump. Then a few days later it was a couple of jumps, and before I knew it we were cantering around 4’ courses. The horse absolutely loved to jump and was a complete natural. I had never jumped 4’ on a relatively green student (a couple of weeks of training with me and a couple of months of training with Kevin) and felt such confidence and ease. And the absolutely shocking miracle of it all was the fact that when he got on course he seemed to forget about all his physical ailments and would rarely cough a single time throughout. Commonly as soon as we finished and I pulled him up he would quickly remember his disability and go in to a bit of a coughing spasm, but as long as he was focused on those jumps all was well in the world and Cradilo was strong and healthy.

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It took me a few attempts, but I was able to make it through the whole thing. My response: what the actual hell? This woman is insane.

The level of narcissism to believe that everything bad that happens to you is because of George Morris’ vengeance for you not wanting to wear spurs while training with Chris Kappler in the 1990s… wow.

While the horse industry can be nuts, sane, law abiding trainers who do the right thing rarely have such a laundry list of indiscretions. They don’t get sued, they don’t receive warnings from the stewards, they don’t have streams of clients who “mysteriously” refuse to speak to them anymore…

To humor her perspective, even if she is being “black balled” by the industry, I wonder if it has anything to do with her inability to PAY HER BILLS, which she mentions herself…


The 2016 judges were Rachel Kennedy and Diane Carney.


Based on a) my complete lack of professional qualifications and b) my never having interacted with this woman personally, I’m going to diagnose her over the internet with a personality disorder.

But seriously. I’ve unfortunately had to deal (IRL) with someone with borderline personality disorder. She felt very strong emotions, mostly paranoia. In response, as a coping mechanism, she would mentally rearrange facts in ways that didn’t make logical sense, but did justify the emotions she was feeling.

I see a very similar pattern here.


Off topic, but seeing the Budweiser jump and signage really took me back in time…


That was my first thought too when I heard that this one too is a journalist.

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Me too… and the SHAMU jump!


That video :eek: I felt sorry for the horse, his rider looked like an amateur that thinks she’s a pro.


Yeah, and one of the hallmarks of BPD is the feeling that everyone is either your best friend or your sworn enemy out to get you at any cost. Perceived slights, no matter how small, are often enough in the mind of a BPD sufferer to shift someone from “friend” to the latter category.

Not saying the person here is or isn’t BPD, just that her blog reads that way.


it was a red flag for me that she mentioned several times having to get out of a debt with a client in her diatribe.

To think that a well-know pro cares enough about you because you won’t wear spurs to ruin your life is a bit of a stretch in the real world .


Has Heat.her Hill changed disciplines?


I do not really have a view one way or the other about the events recounted here. But it does make me wonder, on the larger scale ( leaving these specific events aside) how much politics and money play a role in placing in equitation and in being chosen for national teams.

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if you thought an investigative reporting, militarized, horse shoeing, Grand prix producing breeder, trainer and rider was the right way to go with your over time obvious political corruption and professional slander, you have seriously misjudged and underestimated me

Um, militarized? I have concerns. What the heck does that mean? Is she sitting on an arsenal?


It looks like the OP got over her anti-spur mentality.