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Jumper Conspiracy?

That only applies to hot thoroughbreds (all of them, per the author), not the “plow horse.”


She thinks because her dad was military that she somehow inherited discipline and organization. History seems to show that not to be the case.


LOL, Am I wrong in thinking that any half decent rider should be able to ride wearing spurs, and not use them?


:wink: Well, according to her you “where spurs” (the rest of us WEAR them), so if the journalism talent is anything like the riding talent it’s pretty self-explanatory.


finished reading and poked around. In another part of the web page she says she’s a veteran as well. The term is still an interesting…and somehow threatening…choice.

@supershorty628 I recognize the ring this person is showing in as one you’ve show in (Mason City, I think?) did you ever run across her?

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Yup, I knew that. I just couldn’t believe that the same level of crazy could come out of one relatively small area haha! Seriously, what IS in the water?

Last I saw, the “other one” sold that horse she HAD to have because everyone was mean to her about him and no trainer would take her. She left a fairly nasty review on the FB page of a local stable. I don’t think anyone ever donated money to her Go Fund Me campaign, thankfully.


I’m impressed by anyone who can read that trainwreck.

For the video, pet the horse and slap the rider. I love how calm he was when he found himself in the tent.


The out-of-the-ring escapade in the video is at Trader’s Point, I think. Great show in the old school tradition of one-off “country” shows. A real midwestern highlight on the calendar, IMO.

For Chicagoans/midwesterners, there was a charlatan about 10-15 years ago who purchased (or leased?) a facility in Peotone, Wilmington (IL) or similar with promises of top-level everything and a similarly fantastical “resume.” From what I remember, there were issues with care aplenty, similar sketchiness with money, and she high-tailed it out of town. Does anyone know who I’m talking about? Is this the same person? she came to look at my horse at the time, and I remember almost immediately thinking, “This lady is not what she purports to be.”

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every time I’m close to selling a horse for real money to a serious horseman, it’s as if someone with incredible clout in the industry gets a hold of them, all of the sudden these buyers are no longer interested (without even trying the horse) and disappear.

I didn’t realize that I was “close to selling” a horse when someone expressed interest but hadn’t tried the horse. I’ve got to start re-thinking the selling process. I would feel a whole lot better with all those inquiries if I knew that meant they were close to buying.


Was the blonde poster the one who insisted she was going to buy a 4’0 jumper schooled to grand prix dressage for $25,000 and it couldn’t pull because she was disabled. And after she was told she’d have to up her budget or compromise on training or both-- came back to show us how wrong we were because she she spent $40K on a 3’6 jumper schooled to 2nd level dressage?


I saw Amy sometimes at Mason City, and maybe once or twice at Maffitt or the Harvest show. She’s always been perfectly pleasant to me and had very nice things to say about Nikki.

Yeah, that one. No verdict on whether that one pulls, though.

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From that video, I feel like the stallion might actually be a good sire of tolerant, junior/ammy friendly jumpers. He obviously is/was.


Yes. I know.

Same here. And Shamu! Very iconic jumps.


Yes, it makes me wonder if he’s had practice at finding himself in wacky situations. Either way, his reaction was impressive. Carrots for him!!


Well, money certainly plays a role, in that people who can afford the best horses, training, and mileage are more likely to succeed. That’s true is just about any sport.

That doesn’t mean it’s impossible to succeed without huge amounts of money. But it’s obviously more of a challenge. Again, just like any other sport.


It may shock you that others are reading this who might not.


She sold him since he “didn’t work out.” I hope he got a good home.


Or even that the Medal and Maclay are two different things :uhoh: