There is only one person on it, but I am so tired of that person’s rantings. I do listen to other opinions but some persons are just so tiring.
It is the day after the shootings in Tuscon and I just don’t want to hear her shrillness today.
It is easy to do:
You have to be signed in. Go the the top left on the horizontal menu, where it says “User CP”. Then on that page (CP = control panel), scroll down on the vertical menu on the left. Toward the bottom, click on “buddy/ignore lists”. Then just enter the name on the ignore list, which is the bottom one.
Oh yeah, thanks threebars, yes it is very much like a horse having an ignore button. Also, I have found that sometimes ignoring bad behavior, ie, pawing in crossties, can work better than yelling at them. I think it is just attention they want sometimes.