Keeneland September Yearlings 2021

Beautiful Gun Runner in now.

400K hammer.

Lovely More than ready colt in now.

190K hammer. I wouldn’t take it. They did. :slightly_smiling_face:

@LaurieB does it seem to you that some nice horses are being overlooked or sold relatively cheap?
Do you think bids will fall off a cliff (again) when the lower books come up?

Darn 1380 is out. Nice looking Justify.

Very few horses get overlooked, though small horses or ones with unfashionable sires are never popular. Usually the cheaper horses have a hole somewhere–conformation, bad vetting in any number of ways, or a bad throat.

Yes, I think the prices will nosedive as we get deeper into the sale. It costs a lot to put a horse in training and keep it there–and that’s assuming nothing goes wrong. So it can be hard to justify that kind of expense for an “inexpensive” horse.

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Do horses with bad throats make it into book three or does the scoping come after the book is decided?

City of Light colt 760K hammer.
Another for 310K hammer
I liked the less expensive one better. Shows how much I know. :upside_down_face:

Very nice City of Light Filly coming up.

They didn’t like her as much. 165K hammer. Owners liked her though.RNA

I probably shouldn’t have used the term “bad throat” because it’s too broad. There are many degrees of acceptable and unacceptable throat conformation. So it comes down to what a buyer is willing to deal with. Just because a throat isn’t perfect doesn’t mean it won’t change with age (many, if not most, improve as a horse matures) or that a horse won’t be able to race if he has a B scope rather than an A+.

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Unusually pretty Arrogate filly
175K hammer


Nice Runhappy colt half to Tiz Miss Sue 125K hammer

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Nice Cairo Prince filly coming up. Lovely walk.

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#1727 90K hammer.

I am well aware.

but prices for Book 1 and Book 2 are averaging high and consistent; unlike previous years where there was a lot of upside but also a lot of downside.

Even looking to book 9 results; certainly drastically reduced prices when compared to the initial books; but prices are still strong for the good ones in those books. Certainly the ones with bad physical issues and poor pedigrees are going to be on the lowest rung at this point in the sale; but a lot of positivity

Overall; looking beyond the first two books; I think it has been a solid sale and the market is good.

What a babydoll face! (I know that doesn’t maker her faster, but



You are still confusing sessions with books. There are 5 books and 10 sessions in the Keeneland September sale.

I’m trying to understand what you mean by “prices averaging high and consistent” but it makes no sense to me. Book 1 horses sold from 70K to 1.6M and everywhere in between. The other books show similar price differences as per usual.

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Nauseous over the fawning article about Sunday Morning Farms sale topper and the rejoicing Roslyn Polan. She dumped her broodmare Procession with a bogus story about a vet tech needing her. Utter nonsense. She was found in a kill pen in PA brought there by the infamous Tommy Browning! She claims she didn’t know anything about the slaughter pipeline and Browning. She did nothing to get Procession back all the while getting ready for the Keenland sale of her colt. She has never offered to take her back or spent 1 penny toward her rescue and care. Begs the question: What has she done with her other older broodmares?

This would sound less like mean spirited gossip and innuendo if you explained why you believe she gave (sold?) the mare to a vet tech for a “bogus” reason and what the “bogus reason” was.

Polan’s farm is in Kentucky. The vet tech that bought (or was given) the mare, or someone else who obtained the mare from the vet tech, would be the people responsible for the mare ending up in PA.

Or, are you insinuating that Ms. Polan ran the mare through the PA auction herself?
It’s difficult to tell from your post. You also say that she “claims” that she didn’t know “the infamous Tommy Browning”. Did she say that to you? Do you work for her?

If what you are implying is true it is very unfortunate, but your lack of sources for any of these accusations and innuendo make your post seem like mean spirited gossip.